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Wesley Jamison
가입한 날짜: 2022년 12월 13일
마지막 활동: 2023년 5월 15일
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님의 최근 활동 Wesley Jamison
Wesley Jamison님이 에 댓글을 입력함
Hello Tony,
I apologize I did not see your reply last month, but better late than never.
For Macros within side conversations, I think of it more along the lines of a new action as you mentioned first: "reply to an open side conversation". Our team primarily uses macros to quickly write public reply comments, which they use the "/" key to populate, however, they can not use them on the side conversations. They instead implement a workaround of filling in the public comment using a macro and then transferring the info using Ctrl + X to the side conversation email body.
If there were somehow a way to "nudge" the side conversation, and control what the nudge message says and contains, then that would solve most of our issues, as the main time drain is manually sending nudges on side conversations rather than responding to actual updates that the third party provides via the side conversation.
IF... there were macro capabilities to add text to a side conversation, AND there was the ability to add Macros in a Trigger/Automation and then save the case/send the side conversation as if manually submitting the macro/sending the side conversation email, then I could see there being this functionality implemented by way of automation/trigger that adds a macro that populates a nudge message on a side conversation.
I hope this helped shed more light and makes more sense.
Thank you,
Wesley Jamison
댓글 보기 · 2023년 3월 07일에 게시됨 · Wesley Jamison
Wesley Jamison님이 에 댓글을 입력함
At first glance, I would recommend setting up a trigger to automate this based on the Comment text. I haven't tested it but here is a quick mock-up that may work. If you included a message in your notifications that included an exact phrase they would need to respond with to close a case, you could put that in the Comment Text Is > [text value] field and put it under the All condition section instead of the any. Hope this helps :)
댓글 보기 · 2023년 3월 07일에 편집됨 · Wesley Jamison
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Wesley Jamison님이 에 게시물을 만듦
I am looking to add the functionality of inserting time in a ticket comment using the placeholders. The information regarding the time zone of the assignee/requester/current user is in the profile, so I was wondering if the following placeholders could be added to provide this functionality for Macros: {{ticket.requester.current_time}}, {{ticket.assignee.current_time}}, {{current_user.current_time}} etc.
Case Use: Insert macro for an internal note that logs the exact time of the macro being used for easy copy/paste externally (Side conversations/slack/etc.) rather than looking through the history to see the time stamp. -- Timestamp shows when the note was saved/submitted, rather than when it was initiated with the macro --
2023년 3월 14일에 편집됨 · Wesley Jamison
Wesley Jamison님이 에 게시물을 만듦
I have run into a situation where we are looking to try and automate the side conversation workflow so that the agent does not have to copy/paste a macro every time they need to nudge the side conversation for an update. Currently, there is no way to add an update to an existing side conversation, only to create a new side conversation, which will not work since there are many different recipients that we need to be able to push an "Is there any update on this request" email to within the side conversation.
I believe that this could be solved by adding a "placeholder" to the available placeholders used in triggers and macros that allow the macro/trigger to send the update via an open side conversation.
If it is possible to have an automation trigger a macro to be sent an update to the ticket, that would also be a nice functionality that I have not yet been able to create a workflow for. If this functionality exists, then I would ask if we can have the macros sent to the side conversation if it is open rather than a public or private comment.
Case scenario: Side conversations are used to inquire with 3rd parties to make changes for clients. We want to be able to send a nudge notification to the side conversation manually after 72 hours of not having a reply on the side conversation. The current workflow is to use an automation to put the ticket into an Open Status so the agent can send this nudge notification manually, but with our busier teams, this means hundreds of additional tickets to modify each week where they need to go through the workaround of adding a macro, copying it to a side conversation, and then re-saving the ticket manually under a pending status.
Is there a better way currently or is this something that can be added to the side conversation functionality in the future? Thoughts?
2023년 2월 03일에 편집됨 · Wesley Jamison
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Wesley Jamison님이 에 댓글을 입력함
How do you set up the fields in a form so that they are nested in a hierarchy? I do not want to use the two semicolons, I have seen it done another way, but cannot replicate it.
댓글 보기 · 2022년 12월 29일에 게시됨 · Wesley Jamison
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