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가입한 날짜: 2024년 6월 27일


마지막 활동: 2025년 2월 13일





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님의 최근 활동 Sheldon

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댓글Team members and groups

I don't see mention of reporting/Explore limitations based on Brand assignments. Similar to the new improvements in Roles for scoping Explore data access based on group assignments.

Will agent Brand restrictions also restrict ticket data access in Explore to their assigned brand's tickets?

If Explore won't honor brand restrictions, this should be called out in the Limitations section until addressed. 

댓글 보기 · 2025년 2월 10일에 편집됨 · Sheldon




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커뮤니티 댓글Zendesk AI EAP - Similar tickets

Hi Pedro Cerqueira

Great to see the attention and focus on improving Similar Tickets. 

The issue with Problem/Incident tickets and Similar Tickets is that by design, Zendesk's native Problem/Incident workflow encourages placing Incidents linked to a Problem in On Hold status. Once the Problem ticket is addressed, it can be solved with a comment to then auto-solve all linked Incidents.

Based on the qualifying criteria for Similar Tickets only including Solved/Closed tickets, an unresolved Problem and linked Incidents will never appear. 

This is a prime opportunity for Zendesk to flex the value of Similar Tickets as an improvement to the Problem/Incident identification and lifecycle. I recommend reading about Working with problem and incident tickets and discussing with the team how this can be incorporated into Similar Tickets. 

댓글 보기 · 2024년 9월 24일에 게시됨 · Sheldon




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커뮤니티 댓글Zendesk AI EAP - Similar tickets

Hi Jakub Konik and team,

This feature could be a great addition to the AI suite of features included in the AI add-on and I hope to see expansion on the concept/capabilities. Our teams have been testing this EAP for a month+ in a high ticket volume instance. I've collated some of our user pain points and my recommendations as an admin below.

Pain points

  1. Too few new ticket examples with any Similar Tickets found. Our teams are seeing little value-add and therefore losing confidence in the feature, reducing adoption & utilization. 
  2. Qualifying criteria is too restrictive and should be configurable by Admins.
  3. Problem/Incident ticket workflows are excluded from this feature until the Problem is solved, as placing Incident tickets On-Hold while the Problem is addressed (the native workflow) removes the incidents as qualified tickets.


  • Make all qualifying criteria points configurable by admins (e.g. set which statuses are included, change number of keywords that must match, adjust confidence requirement from high to medium)
  • Display Similar Tickets that meet some but not all qualifying criteria, e.g. show results for lower confidence intent matches like with Macro suggestions in the Intelligence context panel
  • If the qualifying criteria must remain restrictive/locked to the prescribed config by Zendesk, incorporate the Problem/Incident workflow that revolves around placing Incidents On-hold instead of solving individually. These incident tickets can remain On-hold for extended periods of time depending on workflow and represent a missed opportunity to intelligently suggest them as Similar Tickets on new incoming tickets, which could help large-scale teams quickly identifying a new ticket as belonging to a known problem.

댓글 보기 · 2024년 7월 03일에 편집됨 · Sheldon




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