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new Team members page


Publicado 02 de set. de 2021

looks great, but functionality is greatly limited. Would be great to make changes on the page as apposed to going into each account. Thanks and keep up the enhancements/improvements. Please help us be able to configure the dashboard too.



18 comentários


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Kristin Palmer

Zendesk Product Manager

I’m very pleased to let you know that we have started rolling out a new feature that allows admins to export a list of their team member data. This feature will be available in your account by March 16th (PT).

You can read our product announcement here and please let us know if you have any feedback.



Would be more useful if you could add a filter by the group that the agent belonged to


Absolutely agree!

Can you show what Group(s) they below to?

For Chat - can we see what department(s) the agent below to.

What date were the users created? 

Overall, If we can have a list of column headings to be displayed to pick from would be great e.g. Groups, Organizations, Date Created, last Sign In, Chat Departments, 

And of course, the ultimate ability to Export. 


Would love to see level of access (roles) on the /admin/people/team/members page. Otherwise, stellar! Thanks!


Great to include admin/agent/ light agent/ contributor


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Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Everyone, thanks for the great feedback!

Being a "preview" release, functionality is limited but we wanted to release a sneak peek so we could get this type of early feedback.

Everything raised makes sense. One question to @... is how the Date Created would be used. Could you provide an example of when you'd use this information please?


Tom Dupuche

Senior Product Manager - Team & license management



Great page! Mass edit for roles would be nice.

Also filters are lost when going to an agents page and back.


Hi Tom, 

Date Created is very useful to us as it relates to license management. With that functionality, we are able to gauge how many additional licenses were consumed in a particular period. We also use this as a parameter to determine an inactive users. Date created against Last Sign In e.g. a user created in May, not signed in for the last 90 days versus a user created in April.   



Make all the columns sortable please.  Basically selecting the header column allows to sort ascending/descending toggle.  This functionality is very common in other software systems and needed everywhere in Zendesk (i.e. search page).


Given there are only two values to filter by, could we get those exposed directly on the page itself, rather than having to click into a sidebar?

And if the plan is to add more filter values, give us the option to set our most common ones so they appear directly on the page, rather than opening another UI to see them.


This would be fantastic if there was a way to export this 


It'd be fantastic if we could show custom user fields along with each agent and then export that info.  If we could group the results by select fields that be even better.

We have a number of Teams using Zendesk and one challenge we constantly have is keeping track of which cost center each agent account is associated with.  Currently, we have a user field for "Agent Cost Center" and use the Customer Lists add-on to group agents by cost center.



Please at least add the default group so that if we need to audit licenses, we can easily sort by / filter by the default group.

In addition, please add the external id as in our case, we populate this field in an integration with the employee number.  In our instance, seeing a blank external id would help us flag manually set-up agents.


Not sure if this is a bug or part of the release but if you are not on the page that the user is on when you do the search you do not get results, just that there are 4 results and then the little Icon "No results in sight,. Adjust your filters and try again.", I have 7 Jennifer's 6 of which show on page 1 and the last shows on page 2, I have to be on page 1 to find the first 5 and page 2 to find the second, why would i even bother using the search if that is the functionality. 


Also it would be great if we could see the role or search by it from this view, i have to combine three different excels to see this in one place.



Will pile on here and +1 what other folks are saying. The new team member page would be much better if you could see the role the agent belongs to in a column too! Hope that gets added before release. I really appreciate all the agents being listed on one page now, so much cleaner and organized.



"Users (XXX of XXX seats used)"

This is probably mentioned above but we need to be able to see the seat usage at a quick glance so we can approve new agent hires.  Right now it looks like that is going away.

We manually maintain a seat quota per group/team and would really like to keep this feature or have some type of Quota feature with notification to Supervisors. 

We also have a ton of custom roles and a ton of dummy groups to manage knowledge base permissions.  A solution where these had to be selected to get to these numbers would not help.



Hi Tom Dupuche

Personally, I use the creation date to identify who took a licence last because we are very precise about the number of licences, and when I think I still have a licence available, and it is no longer the case, I check who took the last ones available. Either I have not been notified of a new arrival or an employee has been assigned an Agent licence instead of an Agent Light licence by the IT team preparing the employees' hardware. 


Please consider including Date Created.  For an Admin, its useful at a glance to check against last signed in. 


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