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End-user contribute to (edit) Guide articles

Publicado 29 de jan. de 2021

We would like to be able to allow our end-users to contribute to Guide knowledge articles

(selected) End-users can: 

  • Edit 

Agents/ light agents depending on your setup can:

  • Create
  • Edit
  •  Approve 
  • Publish etc. (the normal permissions)

Thus, allow selected end-users to be editors on articles. Not being able to approve or publish and only see selected articles.

This would truly benefit us, as we have strong partnerships where we together with partners offer solutions. Here the best would be to allow these collaboration partners to edit articles and add content. To facilitate in the content create process. 

Instead, our workaround is to work together in google docs, when done, copy paste into an article, with the nightmare of formatting. 

Hope others also see this need, or if you have solved it in a brilliant way please share! 😊



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