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Links for each single comment
Publicado 04 de fev. de 2021
Hi Zendesk Support.
UPDATE: Chandra Robrock commented below about a feedback post from 2016 asking for the same. And as you can see, you already made this a feature here in the Help Center system with Permalinks. Please, it's just about 15 characters addition in the code, and people has been waiting for this for 5 years now? Any reason NOT to implement this feature?
When referring to a ticket, sometimes I am referring to a specific comment. It would be awesome if you could just put a <a> tag around each comment's timestamp with an ID for that specific comment. I guess it's the div.content's parameter data-comment-id.
The link should work for both Agents and Requesters ("users"?), just like normal ticket links do today, linking to the Agent url.
The below ticket is at
Comment URL could be like this:
It would be much appreciated and as I see it a quick thing to implement.
Thank you for amazing user experience - helping us give amazing customer experience :-)
Best regards
8 comentários
Jonathan March
Great suggestion!
Chandra Robrock
Hi Svend Koustrup - I definitely agree with this request! It's such a need for us when it comes to working with engineers on technical bugs. There's a request for this functionality here if you'd like to up-vote that post.
Svend Koustrup
Thanks Chandra, I've updated my post. I hope this can make someone reboot this 5 year old request :-)
Dan Ross
This would be really helpful for us as well. Great idea!
Matthew Shea
I also would love to see this feature. Many other system for ticketing, bulletin boards, and forums have the feature, and it's usually called a "permalink".
Kosuke Kamiya
I really want to have this feature.
I often send the URL of a ticket to my colleagues and ask for their help.
At that time, I frequently want to draw their attention to a particular comment in a lengthy discussion on the ticket. In such cases, permalinks are really useful.
Amisha Sharma
Thanks for providing feedback.
This is definitely on our roadmap. We will be bringing this to you as part of our Modernized Conversational Experience program. I'll be posting here once we are closer to development and then launch. Thanks for your patience.
Sydney Neubauer
+1 To this feature. We have to take screenshots of posts for our internal notes so that others can reference them. I am glad to hear it is on the roadmap. Hopefully not an extra feature to purchase