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How do I view followers of a Gather Topic or Post?


Publicado 18 de mai. de 2021

How can I view WHO has followed a Gather Topic or Post. 

And can you view WHO has voted on a Post? 

I am a Zendesk admin with full permissions. 



13 comentários

Hi Gyaltsen –

This can be done via these two API endpoints:

List Post Subscriptions: Lists the subscriptions to a given post.
List Topic Subscriptions similarly lists the subscriptions to a given topic.

Similarly, for votes you'd use List Votes

These will give you a list of Zendesk user IDs. To turn those into names, you'll need to use the Show Users API endpoint:
Show User

If you're not experienced at writing API scripts, Postman is a tool that can make the task somewhat easier: How do I set up Postman to make API requests to my Zendesk account?

Hope this helps!


Hi guys, I'm having some trouble with this.

I've used the API calls for a number of things recently. I'm using postman and have had no issues apart from trying to execute the call to:

GET /api/v2/community/topics/{topic_id}/subscriptions

Which I get

"error": "Couldn't authenticate you"

Has anyone else got this on this particular call?



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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Danny,

You must be a verified user to make API requests. You can authenticate API requests using basic authentication with your email address and password, with your email address and an API token, or with an OAuth access token. More information can be found here: How can I authenticate API requests?



When will this data be exposed and queryable in Explore?


Hi, there is nothing at the links for "List Post Subscriptions" or "List Topic Subscriptions."  Do I not have the right level of access?


Hi Jesse, 
Currently this is only available via API – see my answer here: Gather followers



Sorry, I was not clear about what I meant.  I tried to access the endpoints.  When I click on the links I get this message:


Hi Jessie,
My apologies – I've updated those links and they should work now!


I log in with Google, how do I get my auth credentials?


Nvm, I think I figured this part out. I did a password reset.


Also, I believe that there's a typo/outdated info in the dev documentation (or maybe I don't know how to properly read it).


Show Article

  • GET /api/v2/help_center{/locale}/articles/{article_id}

but that wasn't working, and playing around with Postman I finally figured out that it is:

  • GET /api/v2/help_center{/locale}/articles/?id={article_id}


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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Nikki,

For the top bullet are you wrapping the ID in brackets?. We just do that to showcase that as a placeholder, if you remove the brackets it should work as expected.



Hi Eric - I'm pretty sure that I was doing that part right, as I do know that about brackets. However, whatever the issue is - I'm doing it properly today and it's working! Thanks. :) 


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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Weird! Either way, glad it's sorted. Let us know if you run into the issue again.


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