Zendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availability


Publicado 28 de nov. de 2018

At this time, only real time reporting is available for Agent availability in the Talk Dashboard.  It would be store this data so that the agent Total Online Time and Time Available can be tracked. With the current functionality, it requires someone to log in at the end of day (not ideal when you have coast to coast support) to retrieve the day's metrics manually.

Unsure if this topic was posted, but wanted to follow up on this thread initiate 2 years ago - https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115006250347-Can-I-report-on-agent-availability-in-Zendesk-Talk-



215 comentários

Can we have an update on this update please?


I too would like an update on this feature Karen Hynes.  My team could greatly benefit from having this data.  What is the status on the bugs identified?


I understand that this is not ideal for your business, as you have coast-to-coast support. I would recommend that you reach out to Zendesk support to let them know that you are interested in this feature and that you would like to be notified as soon as it is released.


Acabo de unirme a zendesk y justo estoy solicitando tener un reporte de los tiempos de conexión de los agentes, tiempos de ausencia, tiempos en disponible, tiempos en transferencia, etc ya que estos datos son muy importantes para medir la productividad en un centro de atención a clientes, pido que se desarrolle este reporteo lo más pronto posible por favor


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hi everyone, thank you so much for flagging this post for a response. I wanted to let you know that I have reached out to our PM, Karen Hynes for a reply and look forward to her response here as soon as she is able. 


What we are requesting here is actually a ridiculously basic feature.
Like really basic of the basics :D
It is extremely weird that some of the most basic reports or features are not available on Zendesk.
Besides that, your KPIs are weird as well for example Median and Average.
Hope to see the reports soon.


Hi Karen, are there any updates on this since March? Thanks!


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Karen Hynes

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi everyone, thank you for your feedback and for raising this again as it has been a few months since we have been able to provide an update.

Rest assured this feature update remains top of mind but due to some unforeseen scheduling delays out of our control we have not been able to work on this as fast as we may have hoped. We launched a closed EAP and we are collaborating with our peers in Explore to work towards plans to GA towards the end of the quarter/early q4. Shawna and our team will continue to monitor any new feedback on this feature and we look forward to having more to share in the coming months


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Tom Erik Skjønsberg

Zendesk Luminary

Karen Hynes

I hope you will excuse nobody holding their breath, considering this was first promised to skip EAP for a GA in Q2 2022.

I do hope Zendesk will take a very close and hard look at how it messed this up, and have been witholding one of the most basic metrics that exist in any CS environment.


Hi - Per all the other requests, and based on the March update, this incredibly basic feature has now been in testing for 6 months. When will we have this available? Online time / time signed in is one of the metrics my team is managed on and we have moved over to ZD talk (after a lot of promises from our account manager!), only to find so many basic features are not available (this being one).

I am not in a position to be able to report on so much and spent far too much of my day yesterday creating a report that should have been readily available. Not really what was promised to us sadly. 


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Casey Eisenberg

Zendesk Luminary

Karen Hynes We are now almost one month into Q4, my team is extremely frustrated that we are approaching the one year mark from when we were promised a release. I would imagine that an actual release date would be set before the start of the quarter it was set to release in but now I am losing faith in a release this year. 

This is very unprofessional even before looking at this thread and seeing this was promised in 2018. If I had a business partner promise a date to me that had to be rescheduled 3,4,5 times we would have severed ties. I understand you are just communicating the progress from the business but some level of priority needs to get placed here after missing this many deadlines. 


Hoping that this feature is made available ASAP


HI  Karen Hynes hope you're doing well. Just wondering if you had heard anything about this? We really need to measure agents availability in an automated way as it's painful to have one analyst assigned to do this extraction mannualy every day. I know that a lot of things are going on with new features and capabilities but as mentioned by other users, Statsus utilization and Availability are quite basic reports, crucial to meaure adherence to the plan in a Contact centre, since this original request is from 2019 is it possible to have any prio?


Just came here. And I am flabbergasted. Is totalt login time not available in zendesk reporting? You cant be serious..


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Tom Erik Skjønsberg

Zendesk Luminary

Karen Hynes

Now that we are halfway through Q4, and the GA was supposed to happen early Q4, are we behind schedule on the next delay announcement?


Karen Hynes Hello! Are there any updates on this? Feels like Zendesk is not really putting an effort to provide such simple report... 


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Tom Erik Skjønsberg

Zendesk Luminary

Susana Zendesk bought Tymeshift, a paid product that has this functionality. So they would apparently rather that you pay for that, generate reports from Tymeshift and then use Excel to merge reports instead of providing basic reporting functionality in their own reporting tool.


We bought Tymeshift a year ago, and just canned it. Unless your agents are logging in and out each day, and only using zendesk and not accessing other apps - it won't really give you a straightforward picture of agent availability. I will say, that our onboarding experience into Tymeshift was good, so I feel confident it wasn't a configuration problem. We were waiting for them to release "multi-tasking" but after a year of waiting for it we took a different tactic and re-allocated the spend to something else.


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Wojciech Smajda

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all, thank you for for your patience as we worked to get a response here. My name is Wojciech, I am a PM on the team working on this feature. Due to unforeseen bug errors in our rollout, we needed to extend our testing to December to make sure our features are working properly before we pass them off to you. While we understand the urgency of this feature being released, we also want to ensure we are not launching a feature without doing the quality testing necessary. Our new ETA is mid/end January 2024. This feature is still high priority for us and we will continue to work on it until it is released. Thank you for your understanding, we apologize for the delay, and look forward to getting this delivered to you ASAP.


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Tom Erik Skjønsberg

Zendesk Luminary

So new ETA is now early Q1 2024.

That puts us on route for 2 years since the first time we were promised "next quarter".


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Tom, I appreciate and understand your frustration. We acknowledge that this feature is both heavily requested and has been significantly delayed, there is no doubt about that. While internally we are confident in our ability to ship a fantastic product we are aware that the delays have caused, and continue to cause, lots of frustration.

Our intention here is to keep our customers updated to remain transparent and as honest as possible, not shy away from the truth about our timelines to deliver on our promises. I hope you can hear this as confirmation of our continued commitment to make sure we are staying on top of communication with our customers.

Again, I 100% understand your and others frustration here. We will continue to keep this thread updated until this product is launched to you. Thank you for being a valued member of our Community. 



I appreciate you chiming in here. As big of a problem it is that this functionality is not in the product nor has been delivered in the timeframes laid out, the bigger problem for many of us is the complete lack of response to our requests for updates.

If you read through the comments you'll see that time and again this community is ignored when asking a very valid question: could someone tell us what's going on?

I don't know if it is because nobody on the Zendesk Product team wants to take ownership, or if it's just a difficult question to answer, knowing that the community is upset but regardless of the reasoning the ending result is that you are perceived to be uncaring and apathetic to your customer base.

I'm sure that this has already cost Zendesk $$$ when it comes to renewals and it will cost them more as long as your company continues to ignore your customers.


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Casey Eisenberg

Zendesk Luminary


My issue here is not the honesty of the team but the lack of having accurate timelines. If you stated in 2018 that this would take 5 years to develop and delivered on that plan, I don't think the community would have much frustration. The issue at hand is that your team is somehow promising releases before all of the testing is completed. This puts us in a bad situation with our stakeholders when we are relaying promises that are never kept. 

I don't know how you can now expect anyone to trust timelines of new feature releases. Going forward I will have to wait until the actual release date to start planning for new features rather than have time to prepare my team for them. Please ask the developers to only relay a new go-live expectation once testing is fully completed. Delivering is much more important than trying to appease the community with an earlier release date.


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Tom Erik Skjønsberg

Zendesk Luminary

Shawna James,

Zendesk's "continued commitment to make sure we are staying on top of communication with our customers" has been slipping further and further lately. This specific thread is just one very blatant example where you can see the frustrations of several of your customers.

To stick to the topic for this thread:

  1. What we are waiting for is a functionality which is at the very basic core of any CRM reporting tool.
  2. There is, quite simply, no excuse for this functionality missing. The data used to be available until Zendesk made the concsious decision to remove it.
  3. When re-introducing a very basic functionality has taken so far over 5 years since the first request, it is very difficult to trust any promises about it being even close to a priority. When Zendesk in addition then goes and makes the data available to customers by buying a 3rd party developer that hacked their way around it and make it available as a paid service, the sentiment and care for customers do not look very good.
  4. After 2 years of "this quarter, no wait, it'll be next quarter, we promise maybe the next one" with zero updates every time the promised time passes, how does anyone at Zendesk respond with the line "Our intention here is to keep our customers updated to remain transparent and as honest as possible, not shy away from the truth about our timelines to deliver on our promises" and keep a straight face?

I fully understand that this is not in the control of anyone who has to deal with customers. But you as a company also have to understand that there is a limit to how many times customers can be flat out lied to without frustrations reaching a high level.


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hello everyone and thank you for your follow up on this post. Waiting on feature releases that get pushed out is understandably a frustrating experience. 

I have raised all of this feedback to product teams working on this feature, as well as our internal teams who I work with on customer communication around product feedback. Please know your experience in our community forums for product feedback is my #1 focus of my role here at Zendesk, and I appreciate you continuing to help keep us accountable for how we can better work together.

We are aware that there are opportunities for improvement in our communication around product releases and managing expectations. I understand how our recent updates about moving the timeline beyond the previously communicated might have caused frustration because we didn't reference our guidelines in this post. Roadmap timelines are always estimates and can change for various reasons. In this case, we identified a dependency that needed to be fixed before we could ship the feature. Going forward we will be sure to be more clear about timeline estimations and provide updates when changes to the timeline come up so as to avoid confusion in the future. 

Our product managers will chime in shortly to give more information about their current process and where they are headed to provide a bit more transparency. They will continue to update you and engage with the Community to foster helpful conversations. 

We value your feedback and business, and we look forward to our continued partnership.


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Volkan Akdugan

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Everybody,

I apologize for the delays and communication gaps regarding the release of the Historical Agent Status Dashboards and the frustration this has caused. We acknowledge our failure to meet the promised timelines due to unforeseen development challenges.

I know it's not helpful to give you a timeline that we might not meet, so I won't do that. What I will do is to share more information about exactly where we are at in the planning/development process and where we are headed next.

First of all, this work is in progress and has already been prioritized. We are actively working on the ingestion of data for all accounts to prepare for the general availability launch. This is planned as a month of engineering work, and once completed, we will conduct readiness testing before the release. At that point, based on the outcome, we will take a go/no-go decision for the GA launch, currently slated for the end of January.

However, since we have encountered several issues due to the complexity of data ingestion, there is always the risk of discovering new issues while we work hard. So please consider these plans as indicative but not as strict commitments to the timelines.

I understand that delivering this feature is what is top of mind for you, and please know it is top of mind for us as well. We hope this information provides clarity into our process. We will update on this thread again once we make a decision on the GA activities; this should be before the end of January. Again, we appreciate your continued patience and support.


Hi Volkan, 

Appreciate the time you took to provide an update, it's never an easy thing to juggle dependency work vs release timeline vs risk of introduce new bugs.

Follow up question for you: 

Is all this work you mention all part of this TALK refactor that's ongoing right now? There's a number of what a lot of us in the community that are waiting for what can only be described as a Minimum Viable Product aka basic feature for a Phone system.

This thread is a very good example, another one is the ability of properly alert supervisors or team leads about specific Talk related events. For example if a user has been waiting in the queue for 4 minutes and your SLA calls for all calls to be answered within 5 minutes. At the 4 minutes mark you send an alert for a possible SLA breach. Stuff like this is just what a lot of us would consider basic functionality.

A lot of posts in the community for all sorts of the same thing that gravitates about this topic.

It would be tremendously helpful to have your insight or even better if you could provide us with a roadmap of your 2024 plan?

I get it things in the development cycle gets pushed back due to unforeseen things, you fix something in 1 part of code only to find out it breaks 6 other things. These things you guys can control but you can at least control your level of transparency on what your plan is.

What is the plan? What's the whole Talk overhaull plan for 2024?

Thanks you immensely for taking time in your busy days to "calm the masses" ;)


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Volkan Akdugan

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Sam,

Thank you for your understanding. I'm always happy to help our customers in any way I can.

To maintain the transparency I promised, I'd like to clarify that the planned Agent Status dashboards are not part of the Voice roadmap, but rather they pertain to Omnichannel Agent Statuses across Zendesk channels. Therefore, I cannot directly answer your question, but I already informed our Community and the Voice Product Team about this so they can plan to provide more information about the Voice Roadmap.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions or feedback.


Hi Volkan Akdugan,

I want also to share my experience here. Other products like Explore, Guide, AI, Answer Bots, and Support get regular updates and feature enhancements. Talk is one of Zendesk's most bad respect products. 

Messaging is not the only real-time channel Zendesk should take care of. Voice / Talk is also a real-time channel where a lot of functionality is lacking.
- This article request
- Ringtone through speaker external (not headset)
- Outbound Number per Number (not Global)
- Waiting TIme per Number (not global)
- Clone of Hotline Configs
- Better IVR management i.e. "grab a customer ID" (we need put in Twilio in between to achieve)
- Call Transcript (Multi-language)
- Integrated Call Picker often hang / stuck when click "Accept"
- AI and Text-to-Speach for Hotline announcements
- Live Dashboards in Explore didn´t support see the waiting queue it only show KPI with " 10 Calls Waiting" but no Drill In to know where such calls are waiting
- Omni Channel not supporting Calls (Voicemail, Callback, Abandoned Calls) to route to Agents

So whenever it comes to "Talk" this product self have less enhancements in past 5+ years and also other launches Omni Channel, Reporting only include the absolute minimum.




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Volkan Akdugan

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Tobias,

I really appreciate your detailed feedback. I have shared it with the Voice Product Team. I believe this information is very valuable.



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