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Agent "Total Online Time" reporting.
Publicado 23 de jan. de 2019
Now that you are switching to Explore, there has to be a simple way to run reports on agent "time online" and "time available" in talk.
How are we supposed to know how effective agents are if we don't have any historical report to show if they were even logged in as available!
This is a basic request that is long overdue. PLEASE make sure it is added asap.
Thank you
127 comentários
John Costello
Hi all,
We have some exciting news to share. Our new Live Agent Status Drill-in feature will be released on Wednesday June 8th.
Check out my recent comment on the following announcement page for all the details !Regards
John Costello
Explore Product
CJ Johnson
@... Are there any updates about the other half of this request, the release of the Historic Agent Status dataset?
Karen Hynes
Hi CJ Johnson,
The historical version of the agent status dataset is aimed for release in q3. We have removed the requirement for EAP and as a result, we will be going straight to general launch.
Any further questions,
Please let me know,
Tom Erik Skjønsberg
Karen Hynes
An explanation for how this could possibly take 3 1/2 years to implement would be nice. We had this data, but then Zendesk took the deliberate decision to remove access to the most basic CS metric in the world. Then, when it was requested, it took a year to have the request acknowledged, and another 2 1/2 years before it finally starts to get implemented.
Looking at competing products, I have not struggled to find any product that allows easy access to this metric. What I have struggled to find is another example of a CRM company where this metric is not easily accessible. In fact, when speaking with reps from other companies the very question about this being easily available is met with a surprised "why on earth wouldn't it be?"
So why did Zendesk choose to restrict access to this data in Explore? The data is available, and has always been, as evident by the fact that it can be downloaded in CSV format through chat analytics.
CJ Johnson
Karen Hynes We're pretty well into Q3, any word on this feature?
Tom Erik Skjønsberg
Karen Hynes @...
We are now getting in to the last month of Q3, and it seems that the promised "on tack to be released in Q2" which then became "we will be moving straight to GA at the start of q3" now have become complete and utter silence from Zendesk again.
What is the problem in providing the completely most basic metric that exist for a customer service team? Why is this so difficult to provide?
The actual promises to deliver started 1.5 years ago now.
Tom Erik Skjønsberg
Never mind I guess. I see the answer now in another thread.
Thank you for the "update", confirming what I'm sure most of us already knew. Zendesk doesn't seem to have any sort of plan to actually release this, but rather keep pushing the promises to next quarter indefinitely.
John DiGregorio
this is basic functionality - I guess the only option is to look at comments for the day to see when they started
CJ Johnson
Karen Hynes It's now Q4. Is there any update on the release of this dataset?
Tom Erik Skjønsberg
CJ Johnson In other threads Karen has indicated that they broke the promise to skip EAP, but just like every other time the release date has been moved, they are totally on track for a Q4 release now.
Zendesk Team Illation
The ability to drill into the agent activity from the Messaging dashboard or Live Data dashboard is all very well but how does this work in a real contact centre where they use wallboards? They want to see the various widgets as well as the agent status, number of message conversations being handled, etc. Not all contact centre staff can sit watching a dashboard on a screen - they also manage their team by walking around and this requires visibility of both the queues and the agent activity. Using Explore Messaging dataset is not real time so only useful for historical reporting.
Also where is the data for the agent status for the new omnichannel routing/agent status feature? The article says the data is available for reporting, but not in any dataset that I have been able to find.
Tom Erik Skjønsberg
@... Karen Hynes
We are closing up on year 3 since the initial request, and with that also getting close to the end of Q4 which was the latest promised release for this functionality. I am not seeing it mentioned anywhere in the announcements and upcoming features.
Are we to assume that the dead silence since May means that this once again is on the ignore list, and that we might as well just start planning the project to switch to a supplier that actually bothers about their customers?
David Garceau
I saw that you had found an article about how to retrieve this information from the API. Are you able to provide a link to this article / some basic instructions? I'm sifting posts and the reference and don't see anything explicitly mentioning the daily stats, although I'm willing to sludge through making some API calls at the moment.
To answer my own comment, ZD support linked me to how to do it. I'll edit this comment once I figure out how to filter by date (unless somebody else knows) because that's the only thing I need now.
For anyone else who needs the info but doesn't frequently make API calls:
Ex: https://{organization}
The results will be the agent activity. Still unfamiliar with how to request for a specific day, so please reach out if you know!
Erkin Yaşar
Any Update on this issue?
CJ Johnson
Karen Hynes Can you please update us on the status of this? It's now Q1 23, and there has been no communication since we were told "Q4" of last year.
Tom Erik Skjønsberg
CJ Johnson
Considering how both Karen and John have gone completely quiet after giving misleading information about this topic several times, I think it's safe to assume that Zendesk never had any intention of actually providing this functionality.
Karen Hynes
Hi all,
I have provided an update on the Zendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availability thread. I would like to highlight that we are constantly working on this release and that this work will remain a top priority for our team. We have faced some obstacles during development which has delayed our release but we want to reassure you that we have not dropped the development. This is a high priority roadmap item that is currently under bug fixing and we will announce an EAP launch date once that is complete.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Tom Erik Skjønsberg
Karen Hynes
I am sorry, but what?
The data is available through bothersome workarounds. It used to be available until we were all forced over to Explore. So what challenges do you guys have that makes it take 5 years to implement reporting of basic customer service metrics?
Also, what happened with the promise to skip EAP for this? Zendesk has been promising to be "on track" for release for every quarter last year, and every time the quarter has passed without further communication until we get these messages about how it is a "priority"?
What exactly is going on at Zendesk these days with the failure to implement basic CS reporting features and removing features that are already there against almost unanimous feedback that these features are in daily use?
Anastasia Kachanova
Karen Hynes i'm sorry but your "explanations" on the situation are unprofessional and ridiculous.
You were promising us last year that this future will be implemented in Q1,Q2,Q3, Q4
Can you imagine that whenever you give us this false information - we inform our stakeholders accordingly and at the end after 250 comments from your customers in both threads and 5 years of "gathering feedback", planning and giving empty promises you are unable to launch this basic and vital reporting.
Why this will be launched as EAP? Do you plan to launch this as another paid add-on??
Tom Erik Skjønsberg
Anastasia Kachanova
We are now looking at some of the alternatives. Several offer easy data migration and can be just as easily integrated with the rest of our systems. I have been looking in to making the business case for our management to switch to Enterprise, but thanks to the constant broken promises from the product managers in this and other threads on the same subject there is no case to make.
After more than a year of broken release date promises, and now reneging on the promise of skipping EAP if this feature is ever made available, there comes a point where one simply has to say stop and move on to somewhere that actually cares about customers.
In agreement with the other commenters here. We can definitely understand things being more complicated on the programming backend than it may appear on the front side of things, but you guys have dragged your feet years beyond a reasonable timeframe for a CRITICAL metric. You offer every imaginable phone call tracking metric and even track this very metric on a day-to-day basis, but somehow just finding a way to easily log this daily data historically is somehow a grueling project requiring years and years of work and quarterly promises that continue to get delayed into oblivion?
It took years of you guys directing us to this blog post to "comment on our concerns" before it was even finally picked up for consideration. Gaslighting us into trying to buy the fact that this has been top priority and you're truly working on it at high-speed, is not appreciated. We're tired of ETA updates. Get it done.
John Costello
Hey everyone,On Tuesday, February 7th at 11 AM CST, the product team will be hosting a PM Roundtable on Explore: Live Data and other features of Explore. We really want to hear from you and discuss what you would like to see improved. This is an opportunity to chat directly with product managers, so if you have feedback you want to share, please register today!
Tom Erik Skjønsberg
Would the product managers be more inclined to actually answer questions and concerns at this roundtable than you all have been in these threads regarding what we would like to see improved?
Hey @... and Karen Hynes - tried to check this recent comment on the following announcement page for all the details but it looks like the article have been removed or something?

Anne Ronalter
the article has been unpublished since we have postponed the rollout.
Thank you for your understanding!
Any updates on this? I'm looking for historical agent status for chat specifically. I can see it in the Chat analytics but only on a daily level. There is no way to parse it out by time or summarize in aggregate (that I can see).
Tom Erik Skjønsberg
You can get this data from the Chat Analytics by exporting to CSV. It will allow you to select some historical data as well.
Karen Hynes @...
So, we are now a full 12 months removed from the last promised release date you guys posted in this specific thread. Q4 2022 was of course then moved to an unknown time with the promise that this was still a "top priority".
So with this being a top priority, and the data actually being available through very cumbersome workarounds, are we anywhere closer to seeing this feature actually appear anytime soon? At least somewhere around Q4 2025?
Thanks for trying Tom Erik Skjønsberg, but exporting doesn't get me information on agent status (i.e. online, away, serving, etc.).
Tom Erik Skjønsberg
What are you looking for exactly? This export will get you how much time they have spent in each available status per day.