Views limitation


Publicado 14 de jan. de 2020

It would be amazing if we could override the 12 views limit in the sidebar, we can fit more there and it's a shame that we can't use that space when we need it.



137 comentários

They are like Atlassian (Jira/Confluence) - using their business model - don't add in any basic expected functionality - make the user pay for add-ons


Wouldn't it be simple enough to just turn the views menu into a scrollable menu? You can have as many as you need and just scroll up and down to see them. No need to overthink it. I mean, I would love to be able to group them on the settings menu and on the views menu in Support, but I can live without if you just added a scrollbar on the views list instead of hiding the 13th and consequent views. If you want to make it even better, allow to pin some to the top so you only scroll up and down the others, but i can also live without that.


Salvador Vazquez
It's been almost 1½ years now since your last reply and this is still not fixed. How much longer do you need to "test" what the best iteration is?


This is a very basic feature which should be implemented and worked on, since there are so many customers, including us that agrees this is an issue.


Salvador Vazquez Is there any update to the work your team is considering for Views?


I feel compelled to add my support for this topic as well. Both grouping and extending the number of views. We are not multi branded, but we have a couple parts of our business using Zendesk and find the views very limiting...When I added new views recently I was already at the 12 limit, and could not for the life of me figure out why they weren't showing up until coming across this thread, and now that I'm here, I fully agree with the sentiment of users in this thread and others. Please deliver this functionality soon! Thanks!

Also our work around to this has been to give all agents access to all tickets, but use their groups to help segment them off depending on their area, this helps me create views that only appear for certain agents in certain ways depending on their group assignments. It's hacky, but it does help. This ensures that you can still assign a ticket over to another group, but doesn't actually include you in it. We have reasons for wanting them to be assignable in other groups, but this felt like the lesser of the two evils.


I take it they're ignoring the topic and the comments like they've always done. This has been an issue for as long as the views menu has been there, with is now around a decade. You have plenty of add on developers in your marketplace who've built different solutions to resolve this (fantastic views springs to mind but isn't the only one). At least be open and tell people you've been making stuff up so those solutions can still be making money out of an issue that isn't such, it's just a money making scam since the solution has already been there, you have all the feedback provided on the reviews for those add ons and, if you really wanted to solve the problem, implementing a scroll bar while you build a better solution was incredibly simple. This post is what, 3 years old? And it's not by far the oldest post I've seen about this problem. Half of that time with no response from the company should put any other business to shame.


Is there an update on this suggestion?

For me, I need to have different views for different teams, different ticket statuses and releases so having it set to just 12 views and 8 personal is not enough.

The amount really needs to be increased so I hope this can be looked into soon.


Rachael, if it is for different teams anyway then you could restrict the visibility of the views to the team members that need to see them.


I understand that but it I oversee 3 separate teams and need to be able to see tickets for each team for different statuses but am limited by due to the number I can create.


I don't think you can trust on zendesk to deliver. Promised too often and requested too long already. Maybe give Lovelyviews a try. You can restrict it to yourself only and use it for $2 a month. It likely will be step into the right direction for your usecase.


How long will this take to implement? Is there a development roadmap?

A proof of concept back in 2021, and no further update until now? This isn't the only  ̶B̶U̶G̶ Feature Request that Zendesk has approached this way. It's obviously a popular request with over 100 upvotes (an unusually high number) and leveraging a third-party addon is patently ridiculous for such a feature expressly limited by Zendesk's codebase.

Freshdesk is looking better and better.


Hi Salvador Vazquez, I can see this is a highly contentious and emotive subject, ignoring the comments does not help.

It would be greatly appreciated if someone from ZD could provide a progress update on development from your original post dated 21Oct2021? Thank you.


Absolutely! So many of these posts have comments from Zendesk product managers that promise big updates coming soon, and we're working on this. But then they are all 2+ years old and we get no more updates. Would be amazing to receive an update and get a more definite timeline for this issue. 


Is there any update on this limitation ? 


Nothing is happening. Tat's your update. 


Zendesk we need an update.


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Salvador Vazquez

Zendesk Product Manager

We have been making some great progress that I would like to share with all of you. We are currently in a small and closed EAP where we are increasing the number of shared views to 30 and the number of personal views to 10. So far the feedback is great and we have some improvements still to make before we can GA it. This first step is a small increase but we are also going to work to get you all access to more views than that and more importantly have a way to organize your views that will make it easy to navigate through a large number of Views. We will be GAing the first phase in H2 this year. I look forward to working with many of you on that next phase to figure out the best way to create a better native experience in the views side panel.


image avatar

Salvador Vazquez

Zendesk Product Manager

We have been making some great progress that I would like to share with all of you. We are currently in a small and closed EAP where we are increasing the number of shared views to 30 and the number of personal views to 10. So far the feedback is great and we have some improvements still to make before we can GA it. This first step is a small increase but we are also going to work to get you all access to more views than that and more importantly have a way to organize your views that will make it easy to navigate through a large number of Views. We will be GAing the first phase in H2 this year. I look forward to working with many of you on that next phase to figure out the best way to create a better native experience in the views side panel.


Salvador Vazquez Please can we re-issue your update without the jargon to ensure all parties internationally are understanding you.

EAP?  Extensible Authentication Protocol? - cant see relevance

Some may not understand GA.

H2?  Please provide month or date.  Sorry this must be a US terminology.

Please lift your game Zendesk.  People have been waiting a long time for this obvious weakness.  Clear commitment and communication is what we seek.


Hi Troy Johnston! I may be able to clear some of these up in lieu of a response from Salvador.

EAP refers to Early Access Program, a quasi-pilot similar to a beta. A list of Zendesk betas and EAPs are available at Current and upcoming Zendesk betas.

GA would be General Availability, or when users at-large can expect the update to begin rolling out.

H2 refers to Half 2 of the year, so sometime between July - December of 2023.

Like you, I also await implementation of a (completely) revamped Views experience. It has been a long while but it is good to see something being worked on, even if only a first iteration.


Salvador Vazquez I'm glad to see progress, but honestly, bumping this to just 30 views or putting a limitation on view capacity, is just a band aid. If Lovely Views can accomplish 10x more views, why can Zendesk not figure this out. Our company has over 100+ views. Just one of our assignee groups has 17 work queues that they need to monitor (17 views). Opening this to 30 views is very much the wrong approach. Just remove the limitation and put in a nested view. You already do nested views in the admin navigation pane. BMC Remedy, Ivanti, ServiceNow, Salesforce....all of these allow for a nested (unlimited) views option. THIS IS MAJORLY impacting our ability to do appropriate service management monitoring of our work queues and SLAs.

AND people have been asking for this non-stop for over 3 years. I know that at the end of our 3 years term, if Zendesk does not start actually implementing some of these changes that your customers are begging for, we'll just go to another ITSM product. IMPLEMENT THE CHANGES.

The reality is, that customers like us, are paying 10s of thousands of dollars extra to third party market place apps to gain basic functionality that SHOULD be native to Zendesk.


Opening this to 30 views is very much the wrong approach. Just remove the limitation and put in a nested view. You already do nested views in the admin navigation pane. BMC Remedy, Ivanti, ServiceNow, Salesforce....all of these allow for a nested (unlimited) views option. THIS IS MAJORLY impacting our ability to do appropriate service management monitoring of our work queues and SLAs.

Agree wholeheartedly. When I heard that Zendesk was "trying out" a new "hard limit" on their software's functionality, I felt the exact same way. It seems that the slow rollout of these relatively minor feature requests demonstrates what seems to be a flaw in Zendesk's philosophy, wherein they shape the customer experience, rather than vice versa. Many organizations have the issue, but it definitely will cause them to lose a major portion of their base if this is not corrected, especially with just how many solutions there are on the market today which say "Yes" to all the things Zendesk says "No" to.

I do love Zendesk's tech though, and I really don't want to move. I'd rather it just get figured out and have feature requests not take 3 years, specifically when these have gained so much traction & support.



We have only been live for 6 months, and we already have 83 views (all needed to manage work queues). The limit needs to be majorly increased. If you even have a handful of assignee groups, you will easily go over 30 views. 


Jordan Moore

While waiting for Zendesk...

ZenViews enables you to have access to all of your views

Super simple, easy to use, and FREE


Hi Jane Doe

ZenViews sounds almost too good to be true! Unfortunately your website lacks any detail about Zen Apps factory, who the company is, where the company is based, who is in the company etc and no privacy policy on data or terms & conditions. Also not boosting my confidence that you are using the pseudo Jane Doe.
It would be helpful if you provided these details at a minimum. Thanks



shelley makes the exact point I see - ZenViews seems great, but seeing so little information on the Zen Apps Factory makes me skeptical about using Yosef Cohen's offerings.


I woulde definitely not trust that app or link to it. The name alone suggests something is wrong with it.



Yeah, it might be a really great tool (one can only hope), but lots of red flags here. Another thing to note is that one of the 5 star reviews are from themselves. Big no-no to review yourself like that.

So if it indeed is a legit tool, don't be discouraged by this negative feedback. Just understand that you're dealing with lots of sensitive data and you've set yourself up as a very unaccountable person/company.


Hi Daniel Nordh Daniel Heard Stephen shelley and all!

ZenViews is very much legit.

To answer your questions:

  • We're a group of developers (Israel) who spend much of our time using Zendesk and this functionality was crucial for us. After we built it for ourselves, we figured more people could use it. For Free!
  • We've updated ZenAppsFactory website's Terms and conditionsPrivacy policy and Cookies policy
  • As for ZenViews - we do not store data on our servers. We currently don't even use cookies. There are no calls from the app except for Zendesk View API to fetch the view list. The magic is all client-side.
  • Though it's always good to be safe, kindly remember that Zendesk carefully reviews each app, its code, and its legitimacy before approving it and uploading it to the store. Not that it's bulletproof but it feels close.

Hope that helps! Do let me know if you have any questions - happy to jump on a call to confirm that I exist :) 

ZenAppsFactory team


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