Side Conversation - notifications on closed tickets

Publicado 15 de nov. de 2019


We are using Side Conversation very often and sometimes customers are getting back to us after several months or even a one year.

Side Conversation is still available and Customers can reply on it, even if the ticket is in 'Closed' status.

Triggers to notify agents about new messages in Side Conversation in Closed tickets are not working. Follow-up tickets are not created.

Agents cannot go through all closed tickets to see if the new Side Conversation reply comes to any ticket and Customers are getting upset as they do not know even that Agent not read their message. 

I think this should be somehow resolved: close Side Conversation or enable triggers on Side Conversation in ticket Closed status. We need to have the possibility to inform Customers that their message has been read and we get back to them, inform agent that new Side Conversation message arrived in closed ticket (but what if agent is not working anymore?) or inform Customer that he/she needs to open a new ticket as this ticket has been closed.


Thank you



25 comentários


I totally agree with this post.

I have a big issue concerning someone who answer a Side Conversation, but as the ticket did not open, nobody knew about it.

Kind regards



I totally agree with Marta and David.

Hope you guys find a quick fix 

Maybe this is a comment on a closed ticket ?? and nobody will read it because no-one will be notified ??


I'm totally agree.

To not be able to act on the ticket when it is closed. OK.

But why can't we use as a condition ? it's available on the trigger settings.

I think it is important to be capable of answering to a side conversation on a closed ticket by triggering it !


We lost a lot of messages.


we have the same problem.

in the community I received a post from a community moderator that suggest me to post my solution in the Product Feedback section

this is my solution:

Write the event also when a ticket is closed when a side conversation is updated.

The pop-up is not enough.

In this way triggers can works.



I totally agree with this post, too.

We have the same problems. 

It would be very helpful if zendesk could create a follow-up ticket in this case. 

Kind regards


Hi @...,


We are using the following trigger and it works:

Ideally, we would also love for the side conversations that are replied to have follow-up tickets created.


I hope it helps,


Hi @...,

thank you for your message.

It works when a ticket is in status less than Closed. For Tickets which are in 'Closed' status the trigger doesn't work (I just check your suggestion).


I think it would best if the follow-up ticket would be created in such situation.

Thank you


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Toby Sterrett

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback on this. We're currently working on a way to address this. The idea is to piggyback on the follow-up ticket idea so that when a side conversation in a closed ticket is received, a follow-up ticket is created and the side conversation is linked to that new ticket so it can continue there. The new follow-up ticket will be able to run triggers that should enable existing workflows to function, and the new ticket can show up in views etc. I'll come back to this thread with an EAP signup so you opt into trying it out when it's ready.


Can you integrate something on side conversation also for :

- when someone transfer a side conversation to another zendesk adress. the ability to reassign ticket.


Thank you


Hi @...,

Thank you very much for taking care of this problem. I am really glad that Side Conversation/Follow-up ticket idea will be improved.

Are you able to share with us any estimations when EAP might be enabled and if this feature might have an additional cost?


Thank you


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Toby Sterrett

Zendesk Product Manager

@... I'm not quite sure what you mean here, would you mind elaborating a bit on what you're looking for, maybe with some example workflows?

@... we're going to be testing out the functionality internally soon to make sure it works smoothly for this use case. We'll likely be enabling people in the EAP as soon as that testing is successful. There will be no additional cost for this functionality, it will just be part of how side conversations work as part of the Collaboration add-on.


@... Here is the issue we encountered everyday.

We are using Side Conversation to write or ask something to a sales rep (on Outlook) from customer care.

And often, the sales rep wants to transfer the email received to another customer care service.

But even if he sends it to another email address, the email comes back to the side conversation of the ticket, and the other customer care service does not see it and does not have any alert.

It is really business impacting.


I completely agree with this post and find it frustrating that we cannot have any sort of follow-up created when utilizing side conversations. E&O exposure for clients is heightened when they try and respond to this closed ticket through the side conversation add-on and no notice is given to us to know it was even replied to.

I would like to be kept in the loop on when this is to be fixed. I believe it should be a priority if you are adding a feature to be used, but not fully functional.



We use side conversations to address issues with vendors, and several times they've responded on closed tickets but we have no way of knowing about it. PLEASE introduce this feature!


I would suggest a way for the account to elect whether to initiate a new ticket from a response to a side conversation after a ticket is closed. Sometimes, the side conversation reply may not warrant a new ticket being created (for example, a "thanks", or "sorry for the late reply, but I agree". Can we think about making the new ticket creation optional? I think just being able to use the status of closed in a trigger to notify the agent that a reply has been received would suffice for our needs.


Have there been any updates on this? @... - you mentioned 4 months ago that this was being reviewed so wanted to check if there was anything in place yet / if there was any work-around that anyone had identified?


@... There is an EAP running for this use case - if a user replies to a side conversation contained in a ticket has is Closed, a follow-up ticket is created. 

Here is the EAP: Zendesk Support EAP - Side conversations follow-up ticket

So it's in the works. 


OK great, thank you for the info @... !


I notice that there is the option to set a side conversation for Slack as 'Done' but this does not inform the child ticket. How do we use this to notify the Slack conversation that this has been marked as 'Done'?


Hi Ian,

There is no way to send this information to the Slack thread in Slack. I think this is mainly due to the fact that even though the side-conversation is closed ("Marked as done"), sending a message from Slack will reopen the side-conversation.

You should be able to use triggers to have an action happen on the Zendesk ticket if you wish.

I hope this helps.

Jean-Charles - Zendesk Support


We have the same issue - the linked EAP is no longer available. Whats the status of this? This was more than 2 years ago.


Good afternoon, 
We are having this same issue - information is getting missed from our customers and internally because side conversations does not update the status of the ticket after its been closed. This is causing a lot of frustrations. 
This was posted a long time ago and I am surprised that this has not been resolved to date. 


Is there any update on this? Emails get lost at the moment.


Any update on this?


Is there any update on how this is handled? 


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