Attach multiple Zendesk domains to one Jira
Não planejado
Publicado 30 de jan. de 2015
We currently have two Zendesk accounts and one Jira account. We would like to be able to set up the Jira integration on both Zendesk accounts however currently the integration will only allow for 1 Zendesk subdomain to be connected at a time.
64 comentários
David Gillespie
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the feedback and appreciate your frustration.
I've added it to the feature request and will update this group if and when we decided to build this into the integration.
Inessa Chernoguz
I want to add vote here. We also need such possibility.
Dan Cooper
With this being added as a feature request, is the Not Planned flag on this post still accurate (I may be splitting hairs on not planned and not on the our current roadmap here, but I'm reading Not Planned as this being a non-starter.
David Gillespie
Hi @...,
The "Not Planned" flag is still accurate as we don't currently have this on our roadmap.
We've captured this feature candidate and tagged all of these requests to the feature as well.
Lauren Jones
Echoing the need for this feature here!
Judy Huynh
I require this use case as well. We require the ability to connect two zendesk instances to one jira! Please add this feature asap! @...
Andrew Turpin
Adding my voice to the mix as this would be very useful for us as well. In our case we have one ZD for external support and one for internal support and keeping them separate is essential.
Martin Majer
I would like to also add to the group of people needing this feature very badly :pray:
Sean Bourke
Hi all,
Thanks for keeping this thread alive and for your continued feedback on this feature. I've captured all of your additional feedback towards this feature, which all helps in providing visibility of its priority and importance.
I just wanted to take this opportunity and introduce myself, my name is Sean and I’m a product manager working on Zendesk's Strategic Integrations.
While I appreciate that this is not currently planned, as we progress into 2022 we may have an opportunty to explore this feature in more details. It would be great to work with you to understand your specific use case.
Please let me know if you'd be interested in 1-1 customer interview to discuss how you're using the integration today, as well as your current ways of working.
@... Bourke thanks for your comment.
Just thought i'd put in my two cents here. Our business has multiple Zendesk instances, due to operational reasoning but 1 JIRA instance where all projects and issues are stored. Currently we can only link 1 zendesk to our JIRA, having the ability to add our other Zendesk instances so we can link issues to the JIRA platform is key and would benefit us massively in terms of workflow.
Cameron Greenfield
Sean - I'd love to participate in a 1:1 with you. Like others, we have a need for this.
Wade, Ryan T
Hi Sean, I have the same issue that others have stated as above. Would love to participate in a 1:1.
Sean Bourke
Hi Cameron Greenfield and Wade, Ryan T,
Thank you for your interest in discussing this. I'm working with your respective account executives to arrange a time to meet with you both.
Muhammad Majid
We support multiple clients that use ZenDesk. Each of the clients we support has its own ZenDesk domain. ZenDesk has dropped the functionality that allowed you to integrate multiple ZenDesk domains to a single JIRA instance.
Does anyone have any recommendations or known plugins that will allow us to implement and support multiple ZenDesk integrations to a single JIRA v7 instance?
How do you integrate multiple ZenDesk domains to a single JIRA instance?
Anne Poortema
Another upvote here!
I'll summarize our use case here, but feel free to contact me for more info.
Our company is dived in multiple divisions. We have 1 jira instance for the entire company. This works fine, with all security measures to be configured (roles, etc) all teams have their own project(s) and nobody can access something they shouldn't.
We use separate Zendesk-instances per division. This is because in Zendesk we can't properly configure access to certain tickets. (f.e.: deny division 1 to the tickets of division 2). We receive personal data quite often in tickets, and because of regulations/GDPR we have to protect this data and need to technically deny access to those who don't need it (or allow those who do).
Therefore we can't use one Zendesk instance but have several. Please note the European regulations (GDPR) are quite new and require lots of protection of data. Also, European countries have extra rules about it.
Our second division just started with Zendesk over the summer in 2021, so we are still figuring out how to optimally use it. We now can't integrate with Jira because the other division already did. So it sucks. Workflow is now: 'type in Jira what you already got in Zendesk'.
faidhi fudzail
Hi bumping this as this is quite important for us as well.
Jason Kim
@... Any updates? Would love to chat. We 2 separate Zendesk instances and would like to connect to a single JIRA Cloud organization/project.
Alan Jacobs
Using an earlier release of Zendesk the connector to Jira was working ok, since having shifted to Enterprise the Zendesk App disappeared from view yet still worked.
We made the mistake of reinstalling it & are now finding it has also disappeared from our Jira projects that we had installed to previously & another team is using the Jira app which for some reason does not allow multiple 'Zendesk Support URL'
We have a similar situation to Anne Poortema, where our company has one centralized Jira tenant but has multiple Zendesk tenants, depending on use. For example, we have one customer-facing tenant and several internal tenants, all of which have sensitive data. That, and due to legacy implementations, led to distinct Zendesk instances being created.
Each of these need the ability to talk to Jira, and our methods now to maneuver around those limitations are hacky at best. At worst, it leaves teams forced to continue using Jira as their primary service desk instead of Zendesk, which leads to a disjointed experience for team members.
Ashley M
Has there been any movement on this?
Becky Compton
This would be a great feature as we have multiple instances and need to connect them all to one Jira cloud instance
Adding a +1 for this feature. I wonder if another 2 years from the last official reply have changed things here.
Sunil Malhotra
+1 for this feature. Can someone from Zendesk pick this as a priority? This is a showstopper for us.
Sean Bourke
Hey JEFF LIN and Sunil Malhotra,
Thanks for also expressing your interest in this functionality. While we don't have any immediate plans to implement this, it would be great to understand a little more about your use case. My previous offer to connect is open, alternatively I'll reach out via email to understand more about your use case.
Melvin Laguren
In case anyone is interested, we have built our own mvp solution that allows 3 different zendesk domains to create a JIRA ticket (our single instance). We have a basic workflow that works for us:
Still have a few more things to do, but wouldn't mind some feedback before we open source our solution.
Alan Jacobs
Hoping this can be road-mapped.
As a feature that used to exist we could not understand why functionality was removed.
We are caught in the situation whereby we have disparate dev teams working across bus units & we have lost our links ZD-Jira ever since the feature for multiple ZD domains was removed.
Another unit has taken precedence to use their ZD domain & we find ourselves at a loss to map support<->dev items.
Please reconsider re-adding this functionality in a near-term release.
Thank you
Samantha Chavez
Melvin Laguren,
Happy to test this for myself and give you feedback hehe :)
Lizzy Hay
I am also requesting this feature as we have 1 jira environment and 2 Zendesk accounts - is this work planned in at all?
Serhii Barasii
any solution in this case?
Socios Adam B
This would be very useful for me too, please consider adding in multiple connections!