Change text colour in Ticket editor


Publicado 16 de jun. de 2017

There is currently no method of allowing text colour changes in the agent-facing ticket editor. Is there a way we can include this in the rich text editor?



90 comentários

Hey @Nicole S. - Community Manager (who can't be tagged),


I appreciate that you have asked the product manager for this area to offer an official update. Do you have any idea when we might expect to earn more? I think it's clear that there are many customers who are passionate about having this basic feature included in Zendesk.


I get that the goal of the product feedback forums is to give users the ability to advocate for themselves directly to the product teams, but that's a real challenge when it appears that this request falls on deaf ears, even when the community is asking for more.

I understand that you're telling us that the Community Managers' role here is only to moderate the conversation and help provide updates that we get from Product Managers when they are made available to you, but at the end of the day, you're in a position to do more if you wanted. 


So far this thread has suffered nothing but dismissiveness and silence from Zendesk. Clearly advocating for ourselves is not doing much good if no one cares to listen. 


Also +1.

Why subscribe to a product like zendesk, if the responses we can provide to our customers are of LOWER QUALITY than those sent by a normal messaging tool ? And the same for side conversations, even more DEGRADED, where full text formatting is not available either (neither the fact of being able to differentiate the recipient of the cc, nor the possibility of having our signature in a table...)

My company has just launched on Zendesk and we are already disappointed to see some basic features missing like this. Deception of ALL our users!


I try to use emojis if I want to point something out (e.g. 🔴🟡🟢🟠🔵), however, I can understand that in certain business emails this does not look good. Let's hope Zendesk will fix this.



The workaround for agents to reply to the Zendesk update using email (since even the most basic email editor allows coloured text) should not be necessary. 


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Drew Martinez

Zendesk Luminary

Still no update on this by ZenDesk. This new Agent Workspace doesn't do any good when half of the previous features are gone, and all the other available features are the most basic of features.

I will be offering other suggestions to our Hypergrowth company as well since it seems that ZenDesk does not seem to integrate even the most basic of needs.


When is this coming????

We need it, badly!


@... - judging by the fact that it was first brought up in June 2017, and we're now rapidly approaching June 2021, my guess is that it's never going to be added.  If it takes 4 years to add color selection to a simple text area input, then their development team should be let go.  The only reason it's still being asked for is because Zendesk doesn't care what their userbase says would be helpful.


It's not! I gave up expecting ZenDesk to make this change. With something this simple to change and needed so desperately, requested over about 4 years ago and not implemented yet, one can only assume ZD does not care about its customers nor  their success. 

This is just one of numerous improvements desperately needed  that ZD has cose to ignore. 


Please we need this change.  We need the colors.

How much it cost to get the colors ?

Or if it is really expensive for you to put the colors in, you can just afford red and yellow, as the majority of people highlight red or yellow.



We recently signed up to Zendesk, this isn't the first ability that I find missing from Zendesk and we actually kind of assumed that a powerful tool like Zendesk would be at least on a pair with common email clients...

Please add common rich text editor abilities, and this feature shouldn't need to be backed up by community reasoning.

Best regards


Colors are critical since:

1) Multiple quotes don't look so good and when one side answers in a different color it becomes perfectly clear.

2) Sometimes you need to compose a long message with multiple sections and provide the client with a way to read the most important parts - colors are the best way to do it.

3) Some clients use them and they just sometimes want us to reply in a certain color.

4) Some people are just used to it, because it's possible in almost every software.

I don't get it why such a standard option could be a problem in one of the most expensive helpdesk systems on the market.


Does anyone know if there's any work-around on this now?


@... - the solution is to switch to another product since it's clear that Zendesk doesn't care about what their customers want.  This has been going on for 4+ years now.  About 6 months ago, the board "volunteer" said that it was being included in the next release, but I see that comment has been deleted now.


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Thank you all for your feedback, and we apologize that there hasn’t been more PM engagement in this conversation in the past. But, we are very happy to say that we heard what you asked for, and we are working on rolling out better the ability to change color on text in Agent Workspaces this quarter. We’ll provide more details and updates here as we get closer to launch. Thank you for your patience!


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Thank you all for your feedback, and we apologize that there hasn’t been more PM engagement in this conversation in the past. But, we are very happy to say that we heard what you asked for, and we are working on rolling out better the ability to change color on text in Agent Workspaces this quarter. We’ll provide more details and updates here as we get closer to launch. Thank you for your patience!


This is such basic functionality which we would expect as standard, we are a B2B business and often we receive emails with different coloured text, bulleted lists etc. Zendesk completely messes this up when trying to respond.


Thank you for the update, Amisha!

Clarifying question for you, please:

Will incoming email messages with text in color also be retained when new tickets are created or is it only agents who can effect these changes during ticket updates?

Thanks, Elizabeth


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

@... - Thanks for your follow-up question. Appreciate your engagement. I have this use case in the list of items I'm discussing with my team next week. I'll update you soon :)


Thank you so much Amisha:)

I have one more thing, which is actually obvious, but worth mentioning, since it is even a greater pain in the ### then lack of colors in the editor - when someone replies to us in a different color and I want to paste this reply as a quote, the colors are being discarded and it makes the quotation completely unreadable. There's actually no way to deal with such a situation in a civilized manner right now:(

Or is there? Maybe someone did figure out a work-around for this problem, anyone?


Hi everyone,

I put my hand up for a colour option in the text options ribbon. Changing the text colour for back and forth responses and highlighting an important area as bold and italics is not enough in some instances.
If a Zendesk rep could reply so we can see where this is in development as this looks like it's an old request.
Thank you.


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi All, thank you for your patience while we work on this highly requested feature to add color text functionality in the composer. From the conversations we have had so far, we should be able to cover most of the use-cases listed in the last few comments on this thread. I will have a more detailed and accurate response once we get closer to the launch date. :) We are making progress on this feature and we should be able to get back to you with some exciting updates in the next month. Please stay tuned! 


@... - 24 days ago you posted that it would be released this quarter: "out better the ability to change color on text in Agent Workspaces this quarter."

Now it's maybe, or maybe not, an update in the next two months.  Honestly that's ridiculous for something as simple as adding a color selector to text - especially as per your previous post you inferred it was already going to be included this quarter. 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Steve - 

I understand your frustration and the idea that because something appears to be a simple fix it should also be a fast one. But, that's not always how development works. One of the things to keep in mind is that any and all timelines we share in the community are subject to change without notice, and for good reason. 

Delivery of a feature can get delayed because, in the process of implementing it, the team discovers unexpected roadblocks, bugs, or other things that have to be done before the feature can be implemented. Sometimes higher priority things come up and the simpler ones get put on pause so we can deal with something that has more significant impacts to businesses. There are a whole variety of factors. So, we do ask the product managers to be as transparent as possible and give users an idea of if it's going to be weeks, months, or longer before they can take action on something. We've also asked them to update things more frequently, and to share when things get delayed, so that you know what to expect. 

All that being said, delivery within the next couple of months would still be within the same quarter as Amisha's initial update. Her comment from yesterday doesn't change her initial response here, it was just an update to let you know that this work is ongoing. 


Following - this is needed.


Hi everyone, 

Are there any updates for this important feature? 

As others said before, this is needed, also from a brand perspective. The text editor in Zendesk is too simple, we do need the option to change colors (a simple one, like the Gmail example someone sent in their previous comment). 



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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey All, Thank you for your patience while we work on delivering this highly requested feature. I'm pleased to announce that this feature will be releasing within the next two months! While I know my previous message mentioned "this quarter", we had some other high-priority technical features come up that we had to focus on. Rest assured, colored text functionality is coming so I will make sure to update this thread when we are close to releasing this feature. Thank you!


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello All,

Good news!

We started rolling out the color text feature on Agent Workspace today. The rollout is in increments, everyone should have this feature by November 10th. Please see this announcements article for more details: Announcing support for color text in the Zendesk Agent Workspace 

Please provide us with your feedback when you use this feature. Thank you for being extremely patient! :) 


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Everyone,

It's been ~1 month since we launched the color text feature. We hope you're enjoying using the feature. We're looking for some feedback from you -

How is your experience with copying and pasting colored text? Would you like to improve that or change that? We would love to hear from you. Please use this post to put your comments:

Any other feedback on color text is also welcome. Thanks! 


Hello, Amisha Sharma.

We do not see the option to modify text color in our environment.

Was this implemented for all Zendesk flavors?

Thanks!  Elizabeth

The University of New Mexico Foundation


Elizabeth Cochran

No - the only implemented it for the newer Zendesk Agent Workspace.  I looked into converting our email ticketing support to that, and decided against it.  The Agent Workspace is trying to be the be-all end-all support interface - phone, text, chat, whats app, facebook, email, twitter.  We do 99% of our support via email and it seems stupid to clutter up our workspace with all that (for us) unnecessary junk.  We're currently looking at alternatives that put the focus on email support tickets.  I've found a couple that are extremely promising that are 1/10th the cost of Zendesk.


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