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authenticated visitors for messaging not dispaly name and email?


Publicado 07 de jun. de 2022

I used the authentication function of chat successfully, but the tickets cannot display the mailbox and name. How can I say that the corresponding attributes are assigned to the corresponding fields?





5 comentários

Unfortunately this seems to be a known limitation for authenticating end users.

Which is rather odd, as it heavily limits the feature making it almost pointless.

Once the the fix has been implemented in order to display the Email and name, you would need to first create an end user (via API call) including the external id. Once you have done that, the Ticket created through messaging should be linked to the end user.

See Zendesk response to this:

Hi all, 

Wanted to drop an update and provide more information on the upcoming fix (early May). Currently, the external id is surfaced on hover over the authentication badge. With the fix, the external id will be surfaced against the external id field in the user profile. If there is an existing user with the same external id as provided via API, the messaging ticket will reference the existing user. 

We will be adding details on conflict resolution to this article once it is rolled out. 

- Prakruti

Hi everyone, 

Apologies for the late response. I was hoping my next update would be a positive one. Unfortunately, it is taking longer than expected to roll out external id in user profile. I will update this thread in a few days with target rollout timeline. 

Currently, external id is displayed on hover over the authenticated badge - (For new followers / readers of this post)

- Prakruti




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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thank you for sharing Prakruti's response, Shayan. She is the product manager for this area, so it's good to know she's aware of the issue and it sounds like they're working on it. 


Definitely interested in this fix as we have to keep asking users for their email address




We're attempting to implement, but struggling with this particular problem. Was a fix ever rolled out for this? It looks like it was scheduled for Aug '22, but this is now Feb '23 and we're seeing the same problem. Can someone provide an update asap?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Brandon,

Based on our PM's comment, this has already been rolled out last August 2023. if you are still experiencing the issue please contact our support directly so that we can further assist.


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