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Change in Follow-up tickets for Side Conversations
Publicado 06 de mar. de 2023
Feature Request Summary:
Follow-up tickets for Side Conversations are created on the original group value only, or, in case it no longer exists, the standard group. Currently, the follow-up ticket for Side Conversations is created on the original assignee and group value.
Description/Use Cases:
When the original assignee is no longer an agent, no follow-up ticket is created, and the message in the Side Conversation will never be seen, as it is still on the closed ticket.
If Follow-up tickets for Side Conversations are created on the original group value only, there is a much higher chance it will actually be created. And having a fallback where the current Standard group is selected, in case the original group no longer exist, will ensure a follow-up is always created.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
This is critical for our customers, as with the current function, follow-up tickets are sometimes not created and messages are missed. We have a few customers with higher employee turnover, so this is a genuine exposure. Missing a follow-up message from a customer can certainly have a high impact.
Other necessary information or resources:
1 comentário
Ian Marston
Enable follow-up tickets for side-conversation emails
Feature Request Summary:
Please enable Zendesk to automatically create follow-up tickets if a response is received for a side-conversation email, if the original parent ticket is closed.
Those follow-ups should be clearly classified, and assigned to last assignee of the original parent ticket.
Description/Use Cases:
Scenario: A side-conversation email is sent and the parent ticket closed. The email is then replied to, but a 'follow-up' ticket is not generated. We as a business cannot see any response that has been sent.
As per, and the response logged.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
This is critical for our business to know what responses we get from side-conversation emails
Other necessary information or resources: