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Page Numbers Removed in Views

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Publicado 28 de mar. de 2023

I signed into work this morning to the unfortunate surprise that a Zendesk update had replaced page numbers in views with simple First, Previous, Next, and Last buttons, with no option to restore previous functionality. Not only were these buttons already present in the previous version of Zendesk, this removes the ability to quickly jump specific places in the queue without clicking "next" umpteen times. Why were these removed? I see no positive reason to make a regressive change like this.



11 comentários


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Salvador Vazquez

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Ziah, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.


We wanted to let you know that at this time we are not able to commit to returning that previous pagination style. We understand this may be frustrating but wanted to ensure we closed this loop to remain transparent.


In 2024 we are looking to make searching within a view easier that I hope will help with finding tickets across pages.

At this time we are going to close this post for comment and mark it as “not planned”. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out and follow our Community eventsWhat’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates. Again, we apologize for our delay and appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.


I agree, this is very inconvenient. We often have to search through pages looking for a particular ticket and having the individual page numbers made this much easier. 



This change is extremely poor.

Please revert this change as this adds time to searching tickets.


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Jill Bragg

Zendesk Luminary

I agree too. Teams are reaching out to me about having a hard time navigating through tickets. Can we revert this?


Agreed! Team extremely unhappy with update to replace page numbers.  Please revert.


This is SEVERELY impacting our overall productivity, this change is totally counter intuitive to any sort of success of any team - we NEED the ability to click through pages. This is something we use moment to moment - please revert back so we can do our jobs!!


This has become an issue for us as well. We currently have 4.2k open tickets and, when needing to address a certain section of a view, the page numbers were an easy way to navigate the abundance. It was hard enough when ZD removed the Sort by Subject feature, now this!? It is a constant negative impact on us having to click 'next' on dozens and dozens of pages to get where needed to start. Please bring back the page numbers!! If you want next/last/whatever, fine, just add the feature and please don't remove what was there.


This is an issue for our company due to the high volume of tickets were follow up on after initial response, and having to search through pages upon pages by clicking next, instead of being able to select a specific page number, is a detriment to our speed. Please bring back the page numbers.

Also, please, PLEASE, Bring Back Subject Sorting. When use specific email subjects as part of forms for our customers, and they result in those tickets having the same subject line. Without being able to sort by Subject, we have to skip between tickets, which can cause delays and potential mis-clicks during the process.


This is also a feature that we use a lot, we'd need to have it back to, at least given the option to have it back.


Agreed with all said above. Clicking through the pages gives me nightmare and not only me. It is really inconvenient, especially when you need to get to a middle of all the pages or to a some specific out of 40-50 or more pages. I really hope that the pages number will be returned soon. 


Agree completely. My team find this as huge disadvantage. Not to mention the whole support procedure that is terrible and points you to vote on community.
And this unsatisfaction from my side is not toward the support agent, as they do all they can.


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