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Ability to Modify Follow Up Ticket Creation Behavior
Publicado 05 de abr. de 2023
When a follow up ticket is created by an end-user, Zendesk automatically appends the line "This is a follow-up to your previous request #{{ticketID}} "{{subject}}" to the top of the first public comment. This is achieved outside Admin control; it is not something that occurs as a Trigger, for example.
If the conversation continues and there is a thread, this link is therefore visible to the requester if a notification trigger includes all comments.
Our Problem:
While this may be a welcomed addition for those using Guide, we are an email-only-channel for example, and we do not utilize the "My Requests" page for our requesters. Therefore, when a follow up ticket is generated, this link is essentially a dead link to our requesters as they cannot log in to Guide to view the ticket. In setups where we try to make the interaction look as close to native email as possible, this creates a poor experience.
Request/Solution Idea:
We would like the follow up ticket creation to be customizable by the Admin. For example, we should be able to control the copy (or suppress the copy) being appended to comments. This is the one case where I can think of that this is not possible as an admin. Perhaps this is solved through a trigger that is a default trigger in an instance (like the Proactive Ticket trigger) that generates the follow up comment, so we can customize the behavior in each instance. Otherwise, some options in Admin Center would also be a welcomed solution.
There are several other community posts about various requests for follow up ticket customization that this would benefit from; though this request is specifically different because we are primarily concerned about this appended copy.
If you are finding this Community Post as an Admin with the same concern, you can either A) train your Agents to go to Events and change the first comment to an internal note or B) try to use Liquid Markup to suppress the first comment.
3 comentários
Gaurav Parbat
Hey there, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback!
This is a great feature request and I have added it to the backlog for future consideration. This means that we will think about adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community.
Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.
Francisco Serna
Gaurav Parbat I am the admin of the AvantStay (100+ agents) account and we would find a lot of value of being able to edit this copy too. The reality is though Zendesk is super helpful as a contact center software, we deal with high value customers that when seeing messages like those that point directly at us using a contact center, feel undervalued instead of a “white glove” experience.
+1 to Alek and Francisco. We operate on multiple different markets, including ones where the language is not supported by Zendesk. This and the fact that the follow-up message includes a link creates a negative user experience.