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Identifying a VIP Organization On The Ticket
Publicado 11 de set. de 2023
We have a need that I can't imagine is unique to us: We need our agents to be able to quickly identify that an incoming ticket is from a VIP customer. Tagging the VIP orgnizations is an easy thing to do but we need that to be in "flashing letters and sirens" (exaggeration intended) for our agents to see on the ticket. I can imagine this happening in a number of the ways I'll list below but I'm open to whatever might be available:
* A dialog box opening up when a ticket from a VIP is opened.
* A change in the organization name field at the top of the ticket (a colored icon gets added?)
* A change in the subject line that is obvious.
We just need something to be obvious so our agents are aware that they are talking to a high(er) value customer.
Is there anything out there? Is there a way to do it in the Support app that I'm missing? Is there something in the marketplace. I searched and didn't find anything seemingly useful but maybe I'm missing something. Has anybody else been faced with this challenge and found a resolution?
8 comentários
Stephan Marzi
In case some specialists are foreseen you can create a group handling VIP's only. Every single organisation can be scheduled to a special group and automatically routed. A tag VIP would be useful as well. As a result the ticket should BE visible in a special VIP view.
Stephan Marzi
A subject line can be also amended by triggers. A custom app showing details from a third party system would also be of great HELP. In case you need contact details, please let me know.
Douglas R.
Fala meu camarada, beleza? Pensando aqui o que podemos fazer para melhorar....
o Stephan Marzi já trouxe um inside, se os seus clientes são VIP´s eles já devem estar em um grupo especial, o que podemos fazer é criar uma notificação no Slack (se você utilizar). Você também já trouxe a melhor proposta, alteração no nome assunto do cliente, pode definir algo por meio de gatilho.
Speak my friend, okay? Thinking about what we can do to improve....
@Stephan Marzi has already provided an insider, if your customers are VIPs they must already be in a special group, what we can do is create a notification on Slack (if you use it). You've also brought the best proposal, changed the client's subject name, you can define something using a trigger.
Brandon Tidd
Hey MineralTree | Support -
I hear you on the flashing letters and sirens (and don't get me started on smart device automations triggered by email notifications).
One thing to note, the Ticket Title / Subject is often visible to the end-user on ticket updates (Re: {{ticket.title}}), so be careful with modifying that.
A few tricks agents I've worked with have found helpful:
Hope this helps!
Thomas Verschoren
There's a couple of ways you can approach this:
My preferred way is working with SLAs to make sure VIP tickets appear higher in the list than regular tickets, while still making sure every ticket hits their respective SLA.
I do this by creating two SLA policies:
SLA - default - all tickets
SLA - VIP - organization is tagged with VIP
The benefit of using SLA is your agents can still have a single view with active tickets while not neglecting other users.
When it comes to messaging I would work with SSO and pro-active messaging.
You can trigger a different intent based on the user logged in, so you know a VIP always gets a proactive message and a different bot experience than another user.
See a demo here: (menu Contact and Contact VIP).
Zendesk App
and finally I would write a simple Zendesk app that looks at the current user and if they contain the tag VIP we show a popup top right.
I wrote a quick version of the app, available here as a private app. You can find the latest version in the TMP folder.
(Support article on how to install it can be found here)
Note that the new Essentials Card in Zendesk can also clearly shows the VIP status of user)
Ifra Saqlain
@Jay McCormack,
You can put icons in the organization name to make it super noticeable to the agents, no add-ons needed.
Steve Lacoss
Another thing you could do to show agents that the account is VIP in addition to the subject line would be to set up your views to reflect whether the VIP field in the organization is checked or not. They can also be set up to be invisible to agents that you do not want handling the more delicate issues.
Hari V
a. When these keywords are found, automatically add an internal note to guide the agent.
a. Automatically assign these tickets to the right team.
b. Move the ticket to the VIP group.