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Customization in the article verification rules
Publicado 28 de set. de 2023
Feature Request Summary:
I need to have more customization in the article verification rules. For example, be able to set a different rule for specific sections, and categories.
Description/Use Cases:
For example, in our HC we have video and webinar articles that include only the videos that don't need to be reviewed so frequently. Right now when they come as unverified I have to locate them and manually verify them since I don't have a way to set a different rule for these sections specifically.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
For this reason our unverified list is always full.
2 comentários
Lorrie McConnell
I have a similar use case and would like a way, when creating a rule using hierarchy or other filter, to exempt 1 or more articles.
My case: We use the Mink theme. Within each of our categories, there is a What's New section. At release, a What's New article is created. 30 Days post release the What's new content is moved to an archive log (in the same section). The archive is all accordions with a drop for each release. And is our historical log. Once in the archive, the article dedicated to the release is archived.
The Net:
I'd like a way to exempt a few articles from a verification rule rather than manually change the verify status.
Lorrie McConnell
Also, When including all articles in a rule, the list of articles includes archived articles. Could you either exclude archived articles from the list or provide a way for us to exclude/ignore those? I can't think of a process where I would need to verify archived articles.