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Side Conversation side panel blocks drag-and-drop attachments
Publicado 29 de jan. de 2024
If you have a Side Conversation open in the panel on any ticket, you are blocked from using drag-and-drop to attach files to any other ticket open, even if that Side Conversation is in the hidden and in the background.
When agents have multiple tabs open and are working on (or even just viewing) multiple tickets at once, it's very difficult to determine which has the Side Conversation panel open, and our agents often need to resort to quitting Zendesk entirely and opening a blank workspace, losing all those tickets.
This has led many of our Agents to stop using side conversations entirely, due to the difficulty they cause when trying to send files to the customer.
6 comentários
Amie Brennan
hey Matt,
The solution to this is activating side conversations to now appear in its new place, over in the context panel, and not longer at the top of the ticket. It now becomes a true side convo on a ticket.
See here for more info on how to turn it on in your account:
This should help resolve this from here. :)
Matt Davis
Hi Amie Brennan thank you for your response. This actually only occurs when the new Context Panel side conversation is enabled, I'm considering disabling the feature to try to restore lost functionality. There are video examples in Support Ticket #12263432 which I cannot post publicly.
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback and Amie for the helpful context. I took a look at the support ticket and appreciate you following up here in the Community. This has been logged for our PM teams to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
Toby Sterrett
Thanks for the report, we'll take a look and work to get this addressed.
Matt Davis
Hi, it looks like this ticket is Awaiting My Reply, but I'm not aware of any action required. How can I help with fixing this issue? It seems to still be occurring, and we still regularly receive questions from our agents about this behavior.
Harry Springer
Hi, what is the status of this? We are also experiencing this problem. When a side conversation is open on a random ticket, it is not possible to add an attachment to another ticket via drag-and-drop. Very strange and very annoying. Apparently this has not been resolved yet. Is this being looked into? Can we expect a solution in the foreseeable future?