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How do I provide feedback for the Forecast vs Actual EAP?

Publicado 05 de mar. de 2024

Join Our Community Forum for Forecast vs Actual EAP Feedback: Our community forum is the central platform for discussion, feedback, and shared insights. We invite you to become an active participant, sharing your experiences, suggestions, and questions. Highlighted topics related to the Forecast vs Actual EAP will be featured to capture a broad range of perspectives.

How to Provide Impactful Feedback:

  • Reflect on your experiences with the Forecast vs Actual report, identifying areas for praise or improvement.
  • Aim for clarity in your feedback, specifying what aspects you find beneficial or areas that could be enhanced.
  • We value patience and civility in our forums. Constructive dialogue helps us all move forward together.
  • Just leave a comment below.

By contributing your insights, you play a critical role in refining the Forecast vs Actual EAP, ensuring it meets the diverse needs of our user base.



5 comentários

Great feature!

I would also like to understand the difference between forecast and short term forecast.






Please can you confirm how staffing is calculated as this appears to be inflated vs actual staff working. Thank you.


Hi James!

Thanks for the feedback!

You can currently filter by workstream. On the top left corner you have “funnel” icon that when you click will give you access to the workstream filtering capability.



Forecast vs Shor term forecast:

  • Forecast - The forecast tab calculates the volume based on the entirety of the available forecasted data. This means at minimum 30 days and a maximum of 2 years (depending on how much available data the customer has)
  • Short Term Forecast - The short term forecast re-calculates the volume based on the actuals of the last 24 hours of data only to give a close up "short term" updated view of the forecast.

Staffing assessment:

  • Required - This is the required number of FTE to meet the forecasted volume. This is generated based off the staffing parameters set
  • Scheduled - This shows how many FTE are scheduled
  • Actual - This shows how many scheduled were actually in attendance
  • RvA Net - This shows the difference in the actual vs required FTE


Hope this helps, let me know if you need more info.


Similar to James's question - I see that when I filter to a specific workstream, the number for Actual is higher than it should be.  Is the filtering based on the workstream set in tymeshift or is it based on the group in zendesk? 


Hi Alex,

Yes, the actuals are indeed based on the workstream setup conditions on the WFM side. When you mention that the actuals are higher than they should be, could you please clarify what you are comparing them against?

Best regards,


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