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4 color ticketing system instead of 2... who thought this was a good idea?

Publicado 18 de jul. de 2024

The new coloring system is very unnecessary and really diminishes the effectiveness of the yellow for internal notes.  It's very distracting dealing with 4 colors green, yellow, gray, and white as a background.  Did the decision make ever work on tickets, or did we just overreact to a few folks who probably shouldn't be in their roles?


This vote is to please, change it back and not solve problems that aren't problems for the sake of change, you're just making the product worse for no real reason.



14 comentários

I fully agree. Please revert to the original color system for messages and internal notes.


I agree is well. At least make the shading optional that can be turned off for any agents who find it a distraction.


Following some feedback from our agents, we'd love to see the option to modify or turn off these colors as well.


I agree as well. I have several users that would like to be able to turn the new colors off.


We're talking about the forced background colours in ticket conversations, right? The one introducted in this update?


I agree. It is HIDEOUS


The particular problem I have, is Zendesk tickets map to email, right? (Zendesk is pretty good at this and most of our clients use this.) The light cyan background doesn't play nice with how many of our clients have built their email signatures, and the result is this ugly, ugly trapped white space. (It is different for every email signature, too. Very distracting.)


I don't want to go around and tell all of my clients to fix their email signatures to have proper transparency. I want Zendesk to revert this “feature”. 


Redacted example. Check out that trapped white space!


I get what Zendesk is going for here. “Oh, let's make our Ticket Conversations look the same as live chat, with its message bubbles.”


And it reminds me of the Windows 8 mentality. “Oh, let's make our desktop OS look the same as a tablet OS and put tiles everywhere.”

I get the drive to unify visual grammar, but sometimes there are different form factors and different use cases and the interface is different for good reason.


I agree as well. This is hurting my eyes.

Please revert ASAP and for customers who don't participate in the beta phase, please send  a heads-up on what to expect with updates to the admins so we can be prepared and share our opinion.



Personally not a fan of the update. There's too many colour combinations, its also feels too much like messenger/chat. The simplicity of the previous version was more elegant and clean.


There is a very easy workaround to get things looking the way you want: Use custom CSS in your browser, e.g., with this extension and this little snippet of code:

.fLpoWu, .hOccVT {
    background-color: unset;

Those two super cryptic classes define the style of those text bubbles for agents and customers, respectively. We are just ignoring Zendesk's forced background color choice here.

To enlarge the conversation boxes (including the yellow/orange box of internal notes) to the full width, you can add this adjustment:

.frkDGa, .fLpoWu, .hOccVT {
	width: auto;

And while you're at it, you might just as well get rid of that annoying “Jump to last message” button with this snippet:

.havpWU {
	display: none;


Thanks Matthias! 

Yeah, the latest Zendesk changes left me wondering if Greasemonkey (and its ilk) are still a thing. I didn't want to go down that path, but I will if I must.


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello everyone,


Thanks for posting your feedback on this forum. We will continue to think through all the use cases as we look into improving this experience. We are looking into customization options currently, so this feedback is extremely helpful. Thanks, I'll be back with more updates as we get closer to a solution.


I'm not color blind, but this is still really hard to use. I tried putting some screenshots through a colorblindness simulator and it comes out almost indistinguishable for certain combinations. Was visual impairment considered with this design change? 

Dark Reader seems to handle the colors a lot better. 


Boxes within boxes. We use Zendesk for email conversations with lots of text, and this seems like an unnecessary change that is changing the way we view information in our tickets. We don't wish to make our tickets look like chats, and this change doesn't “do” anything productive for us.


I think shading should be optional and configurable per agent. 


Personally, I happen to like background colors to distinguish the bot replies from the user replies BUT the aqua color is not to my liking at all. 


We still primarily use Email as our mode of communication, and having to sift through bot responses is hard enough. Every agents should have the CHOICE about how their screen looks in order to accommodate various vision issues.


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