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Take it improvements
Publicado 25 de jul. de 2024
Hi there,
Clicking “take it” on a ticket only functions as a shortcut to set yourself as assignee. For my colleagues to the know that I'm “on” the ticket I then have to submit the state (and select a state) and find the ticket again in the list or be quick and click the notification bubble.
Current state:
Every time I open a ticket from the list views I read it. Eye icon in list views is updated live and indicates this to my colleagues.
Every time I open a ticket and want to start typing a response, I have to remember to click “take it” (which does nothing valuable for any colleagues), then submit a certain state, navigate back and forth while waiting for page reloads and hoping I'm not interrupted so the notification bubble disappears, then perhaps hunt for the subject line or sender, then open the ticket and THEN FINALLY start typing my response, feeling somewhat sure that my colleagues aren't working on the ticket.
Clicking “take it” immediately submits the assignee as a PUT to the backend so my colleagues can see that I've chosen to be owner. Then I can start reading the request and responding without having to deal with "assignee" as a whole song and dance before I can start working.
It seems to me like a gigantic UX win for ZenDesk that we can communicate with our colleagues easy and quickly about tickets that we choose to own.
It could even be a setting in the admin section to have the “take it” button actually take the ticket. It would be a great time and focus saver to have. The current situation requires many clicks and loading to achieve what seems like a very tiny gain in the process towards actually solving the ticket.
Thank you.
10 comentários
Aaron Doane
This would be a great feature!
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
Naomi Greenall
I agree, this would be great. But if you are using “Play Mode” with your agents this shouldn't be an issue, right?
Scott Tynan
Just choose the option to stay on the ticket when you click submit.
Ole Jessien
Hi Scott, thanks for joining in, but having to choose “stay” adds yet another step and further complexity that is bound to fail or trip flows when things are moving fast. And you'll then have to revert that change when answering the ticket.
ZenDesk as a support tool should help us move as fast as possible without being in the way. Having to press extra buttons to avoid other buttons is unfortunately not an improvement 😊
I'm not looking for a workaround but for an improvement and I believe it would be a huge improvement to the product to simplify the required steps in taking ownership of a ticket.
You can think of it UX-wise like the amazon one-click checkout. There's a good reason why you'll want to minimize the number of clicks to achieve a goal. In ZenDesk it's not checkout but rather agent efficiency. It comes down to the same thinking though.
Ole Jessien
Naomi - I've just tried using play mode and even though I click take it on the ticket I'm seeing in play mode, this is not indicated in the ticket list ("Home" view).
Can you explain what you mean with your question about this not being relevant in play mode? Thanks 😊
Naomi Greenall
Ole Jessien Of course!
I'm not sure how your instance is setup so I can only troubleshoot so far. But this is how it is in our instance.
We have a set of agents in play mode. When agent 1 clicks into a view, they view the ticket in order as specified by me as the admin. When agent 1 is on a ticket at the top of our view list and agent 2 clicks on the same view to start play mode, agent 2 will not be directed to the ticket agent 1 is currently on. Only agents or leadership that are outside of play mode will be able to click into them while agent 1 or 2 is viewing them.
This should eliminate the issue you explained of needing to press “take it” and change the status before starting to respond to the ticket to avoid work going to waste.
If this doesn't help please let me know. I'd love to provide additional feedback or understand better.
Ole Jessien
Thank you for explaining Naomi. Greatly appreciated 😊 Thanks.
Play mode is not relevant to us (for now at least 😊) , but I fully see how the question of initial and quick ticket ownership can be negated by using play mode. Thank you for sharing the perspective and approach.
Naomi Greenall
Ole Jessien Happy to help! It is a bummer that there is not a better solution at the moment for people who don't use play mode. We definitely need one!
Sean Newton
Hi Everyone. Thank you for the detailed feedback and conversation. It sounds like there may be some need for added configurability for customers who don't use the “Play" mode. We will take this into consideration.