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Content Blocks are not allowed inside any other element

Publicado 10 de out. de 2024

Content blocks now show up as a <zd-content-block block-id=""></zd-content-block> element in the HTML editor. However, the content-block must be a top-level element. Manually placing it inside a <p>, <div>, etc. is automatically reverted upon applying changes.


Having content blocks show up as an element in the HTML view is a big improvement over the prior functionality, but preventing it from appearing inside other elements cuts off a lot of formatting options this change seemingly opened up. We are not able to put a content block inside our toggle or tab extensions from Zenplates, which is specific to us and others who use Zenplates themes, but I can also see myself wanting to put a content block inside common elements like a <div> so I can format the block content in a specific way on one article, but not on all articles the block is linked in.



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