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Jake Bantz

Entrou em 14 de abr. de 2021


Última atividade em 03 de jan. de 2025

Zendesk Product Manager





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Jake Bantz criou um artigo,

Data do anúncio Início da implementação Fim da implementação
26 de setembro de 2024 26 de setembro de 2024 3 de outubro de 2024

O conjunto de dados de triagem inteligente do Explore e o painel predefinido já estão disponíveis para assinantes de IA avançada que ativaram a triagem inteligente.

Este anúncio inclui os seguintes tópicos:

O que está mudando?

Um painel e um conjunto de dados com foco na triagem inteligente foram adicionados para permitir que os adotantes da triagem inteligente identifiquem oportunidades de melhoria do fluxo de trabalho com base nos enriquecimentos de triagem inteligente viabilizados por IA do Zendesk. Essas melhorias podem incluir encaminhamento ou alterações de regras de negócios, automação e respostas automáticas, além de tópicos de ticket de destaque com um alto número de respostas de agentes ou tempos de resolução longos.

Por que a Zendesk está fazendo essa alteração?

Ao implementar um conjunto de dados de triagem inteligente, oferecemos uma experiência otimizada do Explore para interagir com as métricas e atributos específicos da triagem inteligente, ao mesmo tempo em que fornecemos uma variedade de métricas amplamente adotadas para ajudar você a identificar espaço para melhorias e mensurar as alterações feitas em resposta a esses insights de triagem inteligente.

O que devo fazer?

Os assinantes de IA avançada precisarão ativar a triagem inteligente para pelo menos um dos tipos de previsão, intenção, idioma ou sentimento. Uma vez ativados, os tickets recém-criados que corresponderem aos critérios em suas configurações terão previsões adicionadas. Na sua próxima sincronização do Explore, esses dados começarão a aparecer nos relatórios personalizados e no painel predefinido.

Os clientes que já ativaram a triagem inteligente verão os dados de previsão da triagem inteligente datados de 3 de agosto de 2024. Para tickets criados antes dessa data, você pode usar os conjuntos de dados de tickets e mensagens para criar relatórios personalizados.

Para obter mais informações sobre o painel de triagem inteligente e o conjunto de dados, consulte:

Se você tiver comentários ou perguntas sobre esse anúncio, visite nosso fórum da comunidade, onde coletamos e gerenciamos o feedback dos clientes sobre o produto. Para obter assistência geral com seus produtos Zendesk, entre em contato com o Suporte ao cliente Zendesk.


Editado 30 de set. de 2024 · Jake Bantz







Jake Bantz comentou,

ComentárioTicket automation and collaboration

Hi Robert vanH 

It is not possible to enable/disable by brand today. If you don't want the historic intelligent triage data and tags on those tickets, you could perhaps use a trigger to remove the values. Something like:

  • (Meets All) Brand is not Brand A
  • (Meets Any) Intent, Language, and Sentiment are present - this would be 3 separate conditions.


  • Set intent, language, sentiment, and their related confidence levels back to a blank value.

If you order this trigger high in your trigger list (at least before any intelligent triage based actions), it should wipe out the fields before those fields would impact your alternate brands' tickets.


As this is a workaround, I will capture your feedback for our team to look at for future enhancements, but hopefully this will help you limit the reach of intelligent triage while you try it out.

Exibir comentário · Publicado 12 de ago. de 2024 · Jake Bantz







Jake Bantz comentou,

Comentário na comunidade Feedback - Admin Center


I did want to offer a potential option for your use case if you have Advanced AI on your account. Here are the basics:

  1. Create an automation with the conditions you want to meet.
  2. Set the actions in that automation to add a tag of your choice.
  3. Create a trigger which looks for the addition of that tag.
  4. Set the actions of that trigger to add an internal note to the ticket (similar to this example, but without the AI specific conditions).

This should result in a similar result to what you're requesting, but just needs a trigger to finish the job.

I hope this is helpful! Please let us know if you have any questions about this configuration.

Exibir comentário · Publicado 31 de mai. de 2024 · Jake Bantz







Jake Bantz comentou,

Comentário na comunidade Q&A - Reporting and analytics

Hi Govinda,

Thanks for posting! I'm not on the Explore team, but I'm a big fan and user of it. There is the ability to hide columns when showing a table visualization. You can navigate to the Chart Configuration tool (the icon that looks like a paintbrush) > Columns:

If you click on the 👁️ icon (in the bottom right of my screenshot), you can hide or show the specific column. Is this what you had in mind? If not, can you please share more about the configuration of your report? The chart configuration tools offer quite a bit of customization in reports, so I hope you can find what you need.

Exibir comentário · Publicado 29 de mai. de 2024 · Jake Bantz







Jake Bantz comentou,

Comentário na comunidade Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore)

Hello everyone! Jake here from the Zendesk product team, I appreciate you continuing to express interest in this feature and sharing your individual use cases.

We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with an updated response to your feature request. We wanted to let you know that at this time we are not able to commit to building this feature. We understand this may be frustrating but wanted to ensure we closed this loop to remain transparent.

We are going to close this post as “not planned”. We will leave the post open for comment and encourage you to continue to add your use cases and support but want to remind folks, as is stated in our Community Guidelines, that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community.

If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out and follow our Community events, What’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates. Again, we apologize for our delay and appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.

Exibir comentário · Editado 17 de mai. de 2024 · Jake Bantz







Jake Bantz comentou,

Comentário na comunidade Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

Hi Carrie,

Thanks a bunch for sharing your feedback on this. This behavior is common for Explore (not just Guide reporting) when reporting on events (like votes, comments, views), but the object to which the events are tied is deleted, archived, etc. The events no longer have a parent item under which we can aggregate these events. A workaround I've seen some customers use is to create a section where they can move articles that they want to archive, and instead restrict the viewing permissions to only admins or their KB team.


That being said, I will pull this into our product feedback so that we can assess this behavior for the Guide dataset as we make future dataset and dashboard updates.

Exibir comentário · Publicado 25 de abr. de 2024 · Jake Bantz







Jake Bantz comentou,

ComentárioTicket automation and collaboration

Hi Alexia, if you are a subscriber to Advanced AI, you should be able to activate any features which don't require intents. The instructions should be in the respective documentation for each feature listed here. The requirements for intent predictions is documented in this article which can hopefully help you identify why intent isn't available on your account.


If you are still unsure what's going on from that point, please engage our support team.

Exibir comentário · Publicado 16 de abr. de 2024 · Jake Bantz







Jake Bantz comentou,

Comentário na comunidadeZendesk AI EAP - Generative AI

Yes! Ctrl + z (or cmd + z on Mac) certainly work to undo. But as you called out - you may only want to change/revert part of the reply. Very valuable feedback that I'll pull in along with what you shared previously.


Exibir comentário · Publicado 22 de mar. de 2024 · Jake Bantz







Jake Bantz comentou,

Comentário na comunidade Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

Hi all! These decisions are often made as data needs to be aggregated for user activities on an item like an article and digested specifically for Explore while also not impacting the front-end performance of Guide. Constantly updating something like an article record for each view (where there can be many per second) could have unwanted impacts, so we direct the data to our reporting platform which can handle such events.

I did want to highlight that a recurring export option is coming from our Explore team later this year which would hopefully solve for making the data more portable. You can read more about that announcement in Exporting datasets from Explore (Beta). The hope is that this can give the unified experience you're looking for to access your data while not having to resort to feature specific endpoints.

Exibir comentário · Publicado 20 de mar. de 2024 · Jake Bantz







Jake Bantz comentou,

Comentário na comunidadeZendesk AI EAP - Generative AI

Hi Shannon,

Thanks for reaching out. I've pulled this insight into our product feedback tool to make sure it can be considered for future enhancements.

I was curious - where would you want (or what your agents) to see this comparison? Would it be in the comment composer? Some sort of undo/redo behavior? Or perhaps you visualize it in some other way?

Exibir comentário · Publicado 18 de mar. de 2024 · Jake Bantz





