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Ryan Winkler

Entrou em 14 de abr. de 2021


Última atividade em 03 de fev. de 2025

Zendesk Product Manager





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Ryan Winkler comentou,

Comentário na comunidade Feedback - Admin Center

February Update:

Hey Everyone,

For anyone tuning in, since the launch of the UI, we've been busy optimising how best to provide this experience, as well as support more fields. Your feedback is KEY to prioritisation, so please don't hold back

Here are some of the key updates we have added since December

[Dec 14th release] Access Log UI: We launched the UI in Admin Center to rapidly expand the use of this feature. No longer will you need to use an API or third party connection for simply viewing. 

Since the original release, notable Updates include:

  • Sort by time (in the API as well!) -- ability to retrieve and view logs by latest first
  • Agent filter by name or email -- Simplify Actor look ups by a name or email!

    Coming soon:

  • Column manager  -- show or hide certain fields in the UI!
  • URL pathway filter -- Just like our API, filter activity down by URL pathway, instead of Actor, allowing you to check who viewed what specific ticket, attachment, etc.
  • Log Details panel -- A side panel to display further information, such as User Identity, and the groups they belong to.


  • Authorization Type and client (user_agent) fields: We’ve added authorization type and client details in the access logs. This enables you and your admins to see very explicitly if activity is coming from an API call, browser or otherwise. So far, we've seen this used to identify API activity and errors which may occur, as well as easier identification of usage of Tokens or non browser use. We're still looking to mature this offering so please let us know if you have any feedback related to this

    GraphQL fields  -- we will add columns to handle GraphQL fields in the UI!


    We Need your Help!

    We want to continue to build out an actionable and comprehensive feature, so we're looking for the following direct validation on the following:

    • How important is Description for you? 
      • We're planning to add Description and product area fields to each log event and are looking for any feedback or comments on how important this is to you
      • We have some mock ups that we would love to talk with you about (so please reach out to your Account manager to get in touch!)


    • WEBHOOKS/ Pushing data
      • We've heard your need for a better way to get filtered data. We're considering adding webhooks to accommodate this. We're looking for any and all feedback relating to how this could help you with Audit Logs OR Access logs, so please send them in (as a comment or in a ticket!)

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Your feedback to us will help prioritise and is vital to building out the best solution, so please don't hesitate to reach out!


Exibir comentário · Editado 03 de fev. de 2025 · Ryan Winkler







Ryan Winkler comentou,

Comentário na comunidade Feedback - Admin Center

Hey Tim Fischer  !

Thanks for reaching out and providing context here. GDPR and regulatory needs are something we are sensitive to ourselves, so the need is not lost on us!

Deletion of old Audits is something we've done some basic discovery into but have not been prioritised anytime in the near future unfortunately.

Are you just worried about the logs which could have PII within it, or would you like the need to delete settings and configuration changes (Admin center) as well? 

If we were to just target a specific category of logs, which log would we want that to be in?

Would love any additional context or feedback you can provide!

Thanks again for the details and feedback!


Exibir comentário · Publicado 18 de dez. de 2024 · Ryan Winkler







Ryan Winkler comentou,

ComentárioGlobal security and user access

Hey Jill, Rudolph and Karl.

Firstly, Apologies for a lack of response, but secondly, we really appreciate the feedback.

Access logs being part of our Advanced data Privacy and protection add-on was an intentional choice due to the very large volume of logs (and data) that are produced. They are unsampled network logs of all agent activity within your account, which equates to millions of records (on average), which brings some large storage considerations.

We've attempted to price and provide the offiering competitively in line with similar offerings in the market, while coupling it with some key functionality to help build value even further, with more and more to come in the future.

However, I understand that cost being a huge blocker is frustrating. While I don't have any changes on pricing to provide, I can say that we are actively listening and here for you with any feedback or concerns.

Keep us honest and continue to provide us this crucial feedback. I can't promise that I will be able to resolve every concern, but I can promise to actively cheerlead for anything need cheering for! 

Exibir comentário · Editado 12 de dez. de 2024 · Ryan Winkler







Ryan Winkler criou um artigo,

Data do anúncio Data da implementação
12 de dezembro de 2024 12 de dezembro de 2024

Temos o prazer de anunciar o lançamento da interface de usuário do registro de acesso na Central de administração. O registro de acesso foi projetado para aprimorar a segurança dos dados e o controle administrativo de sua conta do Zendesk. Essa API é oferecida com o complemento Privacidade e proteção avançadas de dados (ADPP).

A função de registro de acesso estava disponível até hoje apenas como uma API. Com o lançamento da interface de usuário do registro de acesso, você pode obter informações sobre o que foi acessado com base nas URLs visitadas diretamente na Central de administração.

Este anúncio inclui os seguintes tópicos:

O que mudará?

Antes desse lançamento, os dados de registro de acesso estavam disponíveis apenas ao chamar a API. No entanto, com esse lançamento, agora você pode acessar esses dados na Central de administração.

A interface de usuário do registro de acesso será aprimorada com recursos adicionais nos próximos trimestres. Esse lançamento permite que você monitore o que os agentes visualizam em sua conta do Zendesk diretamente da Central de administração sem precisar de conhecimento técnico ou tempo para recuperá-la usando a API.

Por que a Zendesk está fazendo essa alteração?

A Zendesk se esforça em dar a você o controle sobre seus dados e, com o lançamento da API de registro de acesso, você poderá fortalecer a privacidade do cliente com um registro detalhado do acesso aos dados por agentes em sua conta diretamente da Central de administração. Você poderá gerar responsabilidade e ver quais agentes visualizaram quais dados, quando e de quais endereços IP. Você pode identificar e evitar riscos de acesso inadequado a dados e apoiar a conformidade com regulamentos de privacidade de dados.

O que devo fazer?

Se você já tem o complemento Privacidade e proteção avançadas de dados e o registro de acesso está ativado, não precisa fazer nada, pois a interface de usuário está disponível para você. Se você não ativou o registro de acesso, pode ativá-lo para começar a capturar eventos a serem exibidos na interface do usuário.

Consulte Uso do registro de acesso para monitorar a atividade dos agentes para saber mais, incluindo cenários de exemplo de uso do registro de acesso para ajudar a proteger sua conta do Zendesk.

Se você não é assinante do complemento Privacidade e proteção avançada de dados e gostaria de obter acesso à interface de usuário do registro de acesso, consulte Sobre o complemento Privacidade e proteção avançada de dados.

Em caso de dúvidas ou comentários a respeito deste anúncio, visite nosso fórum da comunidade, onde coletamos e gerenciamos o feedback dos clientes sobre os produtos. Para obter assistência geral com seus produtos Zendesk, entre em contato com o Suporte ao cliente Zendesk.


Editado 17 de dez. de 2024 · Ryan Winkler







Ryan Winkler criou uma publicação,

Publicação Feedback - Admin Center

Access Log UI release

Calling ALL ADDP subscribers (or anyone thinking of subscribing for Access Logs)!

We've just released our UI for our Advanced Data Privacy and Protection Add-on feature, access logs (Announcement here).

What we're looking for

We are interested in hearing about your experience when using the Access Log UI. We're releasing today to get you access to your events in Admin Center, as we have heard that this has been a major frustration and blocker in regularly using Access logs.

While we plan to continue to make improvements over the next few quarters to this feature, we would love to hear from you on what is important, missing or needs improvement from a functionality or information basis.

You can also check back here to know any known limitations or planned fixes as well (this post will be monitored!)


How can you help

Upvote, comment, provide feedback as thoroughly as possible. We're looking for usecases and help find what is best to prioritise and when!

Editado 12 de dez. de 2024 · Ryan Winkler







Ryan Winkler comentou,

Comentário na comunidade Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hey Friends, 

Audit Log Product guy here – I didn't realize we didn't have these changes. Let me talk to the team taking care of the dynamic content side of things and see if we can get something going.

No ETA or commitments here, but definitely glad to cheerlead.

and thank you all for the input! It's extremely helpful in terms of uncovering “misses” and prioritizing things… Keep them coming!

Exibir comentário · Publicado 22 de jul. de 2024 · Ryan Winkler







Ryan Winkler comentou,

ComentárioSecurity and user access in Zendesk Support

Is there a way to schedule the audit log to send to email via CSV/EXL? We'd like to be able to schedule the audit log to send a log of the past x day/weeks/months. 

Scheduling with filtering so it alerts based on concering changes would be beneficial.

At the moment we do not have any sort of scheduling or alerting of any kind in product for Audit logs. We generally advise to export to your data warehouse or tooling which can alert and action from the API itself

However, that doesn't really help in terms of ease of use or general needs when you don't have that, or need a user friendly option, and I can definitely see how both of those could be useful.

Hannah Lucid  – For the export for the csv/file, what do you use to review that from there? Do you upload the file to your analytics tool or some application to read that or are you just reviewing the file directly? Is the CSV/XML export out of convienance or is that the ideal output?

I'm curious on the full journey here, for sure

@monica  — For alerting – What is your ideal outcome? Email? Webhook (3rd party integration alert) or something else? Curious to know your thoughts here — Is there anything specific or higher priority to alert on than anything else? What would you denote as a concerning change?

Thanks, both of you, for the feedback and thoughts!

Exibir comentário · Editado 11 de jul. de 2024 · Ryan Winkler







Ryan Winkler comentou,

ComentárioSecurity and user access in Zendesk Support

Is there a way to exclude specific actors from the log? I'd like to remove an API actor, as well as an admin from the audit log so that I can identify users who may mistakenly make changes and look at education them.

Thank you as always :) 


Hey Matt! No exclusions possible at the moment, but I have that logged as a proper feature request, and definitely see the need.

No ETA or priority on that at the moment, but I can say that explicit feedback like yours helps a lot with prioritization, so keep them coming! We're listenting :) 

Exibir comentário · Publicado 11 de jul. de 2024 · Ryan Winkler







Ryan Winkler comentou,

Comentário na comunidade Feedback - Admin Center

Hey Sydney and Hannah,

Thanks so much for the in depth feedback.

My team (the Audit log and Access Log team) does not presently have these events slated to add, but I will explicitly reach out to the people who own skills and skill based routing to see if we can at least get this in the back log.

It is my intention to have a fully comprehensive (and complete) audit log service, so every event is very important.

If you have any feedback or additional thoughts on this, or more context in terms of urgency, or impact that NOT having this or anything within Audit logs or Access logs is taking, I'd love to hear it!

Exibir comentário · Publicado 10 de jul. de 2024 · Ryan Winkler







Ryan Winkler comentou,

Comentário na comunidade Feedback - Admin Center

Hey Michelle, to confirm, are we talking about SSL certificates on brands & CNAME for host mapping or the SPF/DKIM/DMARC/CNAME verification for support addresses?

Just want to verify before I go into solutions or recording the right feedback.

Exibir comentário · Publicado 10 de jul. de 2024 · Ryan Winkler





