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James Johnstone

Entrou em 15 de abr. de 2021


Última atividade em 03 de jan. de 2024





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James Johnstone criou uma publicação,

Publicação Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

We would like to be able to sort tickets by the last public reply from an agent.

Agents use Internal Notes a lot and recording a note does not, or should not, mean the ticket moves to the bottom of the list, if using the sort by Agent comment.

A public reply means the Requester is getting a response and it is by this metric that communication on a support ticket is measured. Obviously we want to resolve, however when agents have a a large workload, the need to communicate with customers supersedes the need to resolve; most customers are happy with frequent communication where speedy resolution is not possible.

The other sorting option of the Requester comments is unhelpful because you then have to give the Requester instructions not to email again, which one sees on so many ticket acknowledgements; 'don't email again or your queue position will be reset', which frustrates and confuses customers. We should not have to expect the customer to follow rules like this; often when they are in some form of distress, hence their need for support. We equally do not wish to punish them (by relegating their queue position) if they want to add additional info to the ticket.

Lastly, I've seen a solution to use SLAs, but only some of our customers have SLAs, and we want all of the tickets in one view, and all non-SLA tickets in one view.

Therefore being able to sort by the public comment means that the tickets with the oldest public reply to a Requester can be placed at the top; regardless of how many internal notes have been made, how frequently the customer chases or adds comments, and regardless of their SLA.

Many thanks.

Publicado 03 de jan. de 2024 · James Johnstone







James Johnstone comentou,

Comentário na comunidade Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

I think Roger put the requirements perfectly (previous post, above ⬆️).

To add our use case. We run orders and support requests through Zendesk.

When we ask customers to email supporting materials in (i.e. photographs, or forwarding emails form other people) they will often send to my direct email address or, if they have it, the email off a colleague.

This happens mostly when the customer (requester) is:

  1. In a hurry
  2. Not computer-savvy (yes they exist still!)
  3. Lazy

(Or a combination of all three.)

Manually adding ticket content into Zendesk is time consuming without the ability to forward.

We do sometimes forward then merge, but this creates a myriad of updates to the customer about new tickets, and when that customer is already confused by their computer, this can cause further problems with that customer, leading to further inefficiencies. 

So the ability to forward or reply, and add something to tell Zendesk to add that email to a particular ticket (and whether or not it should be private or public) would really save a lot of hassle. 

Exibir comentário · Editado 04 de set. de 2023 · James Johnstone







James Johnstone comentou,

ComentárioSlack integration

It seems like when one tries to edit the app by clicking on 'Edit notification settings' the comment just collapses and the line to the left turns blue.... it refuses to provide notification settings and there is no alternative way, these steps do not work any more - it appears to be broken! Zendesk have raised a ticket to investigate so hopefully it will be sorted soon.

Exibir comentário · Publicado 21 de jul. de 2021 · James Johnstone







James Johnstone criou uma publicação,

Publicação Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

I recently discovered, after chat with Zendesk support that even when you have set Zendesk to attach files ‘properly’ (i.e. as a file attachment to the outgoing email), if you reach a size limit of 7Mb then Zendesk converts it to a link without warning or notice.

As product feedback, it would be good for the Agent to be shown some notice or warning of when attachment link will be created instead, so they can tell the recipient(s) of their public comment.
We used to have to write ‘see the link at the bottom of the email’ in our public comments, because if you didn’t then people would always miss the link, especially on an email chain of more than a few exchanges. Now if an end user is used to receiving attachments, there is now way they will think to look for a link, it is so counter-intuitive. So Agents really need to know that their attachment is going to be included that way so they tell the recipient, because they currently don’t; believing they will be ‘properly’ attached as per the settings.
Also a note by the ticket box to activate this in Settings would not go amiss, that way everyone can be trained accordingly.
Whilst the file size of 7Mb is paltry and an increase would be great, the handling for Agents is an easier win to save a lot of confusion. 

Publicado 26 de jan. de 2021 · James Johnstone





