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Roxanne Meuse

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Última atividade em 03 de dez. de 2024





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Roxanne Meuse comentou,

Comentário na comunidadeZendesk EAP - New Article Editor in Guide

Thanks Patrycja,

We found that opening the editor for a large article is pretty quick now. However, applying any changes still takes quite a long time.

Exibir comentário · Publicado 03 de dez. de 2024 · Roxanne Meuse







Roxanne Meuse criou uma publicação,

PublicaçãoZendesk EAP - New Article Editor in Guide

Our team has identified 10 issues with the EAP so far, all of which we've submitted here or have upvoted existing posts on, about a month ago. We signed up for the EAP knowing we'd take on some challenges, but these issues have significantly added to the time it takes us to create and edit articles, and added a lot of frustration to our daily work. 


Because of that, we're wondering: When will the issues that we and others have brought up start being addressed? We are in the EAP to help make the Editor the best it can be, and if Zendesk begins addressing these issues, our team will continue to provide feedback on the next iterations. However, if Zendesk is not planning to start addressing these in the next month, then we will be opting out of the EAP until that happens. Our team is constantly in the Editor, and so we're constantly frustrated and taking much more time to do simple tasks than should be the case. 


A summary of our biggest issues:

  1. Copy-pasting from Google Docs to Zendesk is incredibly laborious and ~doubles the time to create a new article. This wasn't great before, but it's much worse now. You can see details of that in my comment on this feedback post: 
  2. The improvements to tables don't nearly make up for the extra work we have to put in to them. We've found some workarounds, but it's never straightforward to update a table. And because copy/paste doesn't work well, adding a table is a cell-by-cell process. We joined the EAP in  large part because of the planned improvements to tables, but we see a huge net decrease in ease of use. 

We hope to hear from you soon, so we can determine if/when to request leaving the EAP.

Thank you,

Roxanne (team editor)

Publicado 14 de nov. de 2024 · Roxanne Meuse







Roxanne Meuse comentou,

Comentário na comunidadeZendesk EAP - New Article Editor in Guide

This issue significantly slows down our process of adding articles to the Help Center. We create all of our articles in Google Docs first so they can be reviewed and edited, then we copy-paste them into Zendesk. Copy-pasting into Zendesk was always a challenge – there was always extra work we had to do to make sure articles look as desired/expected after pasting into Zendesk – but the EAP has made this much more laborious; a full new article possibly takes twice the amount of time to create as it did previously. 


To avoid Zendesk importing the formatting from G-Docs (as well as formatting we aren't even using in the G-doc – the EAP turns all of my copy-pasted text bold), we have to use the ‘paste without formatting’ option, which means we have to add back every bit of styling – every application of bold or italics, every heading, every bullet (for bullets, we first need to add a paragraph break for each line since all lines come in with just
tags), and more.


If I paste in normally (preserving formatting), then I can use the “Clean up styles” option in the HTML editor afterwards, but then that mysterious application of bold text still remains, along with other stylings that aren't visible in the preview but makes the HTML more complex than it should be.


Here is the difference between text I added directly in Zendesk and text I copy-pasted in. (Note that the original G-doc text has no bold):

Exibir comentário · Publicado 08 de nov. de 2024 · Roxanne Meuse







Roxanne Meuse criou uma publicação,

PublicaçãoZendesk EAP - Article Multiplacement

When trying to place a new article after getting this EAP, I'm running into a dead end. (Note that I'm not trying to place in multiple locations in this instance.)


Background: The section I'm trying to add the article to is a common section name in our Help Center. Within most of our categories, we have “What's New”, “Overview”, “Setup,” and “Use” sections. The one I'm looking for is “Use” and there are probably about 50 of these.  This became an issue when searching to find it.


My steps and the issues I ran into along the way:

  1. Click Add > Article.
  2. Click Manage Sections.
  3. First, I try browsing: 
    1. I scroll down to the category and click on the category name.
    2. In the results, no sections are listed. (There are in fact 5 sections in this category.) This is the bug.
    3. A secondary issue I want to call attention to when the above is being fixed: After clicking on a category name, the view that would show the resulting sections is scrolled all the way down (from when I had scrolled to find the category) so even if results were showing, the screen would initially appear blank, and I'd need to scroll up. 
  4. Then, I try searching:
    1. I try searching the category name (EasyOps). (We have a LOT of categories, so I was hoping the search would work for category names, but it does not. Being able to search by category would be a helpful enhancement for us.)
    2. Then I try searching the section name (Use). However, we have about 50 sections with that same name. The one I need doesn't come up early, so my only option is to scroll through until I find the one I need.
    3. I also try searching the section name + the category name (EasyOps Use) to see if that narrows the search results. It does not impact the search results at all. 

Impact: High. We are about to need to place a lot of new articles for our monthly release notes, all of which will belong in a “What's New” section in the respective categories. We have MANY “What's New” sections - one for each of our many apps. Not being able to browse or efficiently search to find the specific What's New sections will add a lot of time to our already busy release notes week. 


Publicado 29 de out. de 2024 · Roxanne Meuse







Roxanne Meuse criou uma publicação,

PublicaçãoZendesk EAP - New Article Editor in Guide

Both opening the HTML editor and applying changes in the editor take significantly longer, scaling with the size of the article. Previously, opening the HTML editor for a small article was immediate and a large article took a few moments. Now opening the HTML editor for a small article has a noticeable load time and can take multiple minutes for a large article.

Publicado 10 de out. de 2024 · Roxanne Meuse







Roxanne Meuse criou uma publicação,

PublicaçãoZendesk EAP - New Article Editor in Guide

Content blocks now show up as a element in the HTML editor. However, the content-block must be a top-level element. Manually placing it inside a


, etc. is automatically reverted upon applying changes.


Having content blocks show up as an element in the HTML view is a big improvement over the prior functionality, but preventing it from appearing inside other elements cuts off a lot of formatting options this change seemingly opened up. We are not able to put a content block inside our toggle or tab extensions from Zenplates, which is specific to us and others who use Zenplates themes, but I can also see myself wanting to put a content block inside common elements like a

so I can format the block content in a specific way on one article, but not on all articles the block is linked in.

Publicado 10 de out. de 2024 · Roxanne Meuse







Roxanne Meuse criou uma publicação,

PublicaçãoZendesk EAP - New Article Editor in Guide

When a numbered list has steps within steps or “nested” lists, the editor uses the following hierarchy:

Numbered > Lettered > Roman numerals


Once published, however, there is no nested list hierarchy. All numbered lists, both parent and nested, are numbered lists once published. This makes it hard to differentiate between the parent list and lists nested within it. 


Ideally, the published version would match the editor's hierarchy (Numbered > Lettered > Roman numerals). We can then refer to steps without confusing readers about which we're referring to.

Publicado 10 de out. de 2024 · Roxanne Meuse







Roxanne Meuse comentou,

Comentário na comunidadeZendesk EAP - New Article Editor in Guide

We're also finding this frustrating and time-consuming. For tables within an HTML link, all the columns in the table end up the same width after unlinking. 

One specific situation: We had many tables all in one HTML link, so when I just needed to edit content in one, I ended up needing to correct column widths in all of them to reflect what actually makes sense for the amount of text in each column.

Exibir comentário · Publicado 10 de out. de 2024 · Roxanne Meuse







Roxanne Meuse criou uma publicação,

PublicaçãoZendesk EAP - New Article Editor in Guide

Say I have an article with two tables in it. I add a row to Table A, but don't touch Table B. This causes 2 issues:


Issue 1: The row I add to Table A now has a border around it, so now I have to either manually remove that styling in the HTML (to keep the table in our original styling) or rebuild the table (to have the table be entirely in the new Zendesk styling). Ideally, we wouldn't get any styling applied over our own settings (as requested in but at the very least, we need each table to have consistent rows/cells within itself. 


Issue 2: Both Table A (the edited one) and Table B (not touched) in this article have (1) lost their padding and (2) all text is centered vertically. These both make our tables very difficult to read. 

We can fix this by removing the tag, but we have to do this for each table in the article.

Publicado 10 de out. de 2024 · Roxanne Meuse







Roxanne Meuse criou uma publicação,

PublicaçãoZendesk EAP - New Article Editor in Guide

Our Zendesk theme allows us to create tabs and toggles using

    lists with a particular class. Each
  • is an individual toggle or tab.


    In the new editor, if we try adding toggles or tabs after a regular bulleted list, the toggles/tabs don't work; each toggle/tab becomes a regular list item (the class is ignored).


    We have found a workaround is to add


    (or to add text). However, we'd like to be able to not add a large space or additional text between for these to work.  

Editado 10 de out. de 2024 · Roxanne Meuse





