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Maksym Shynkarenko

Entrou em 20 de dez. de 2023


Última atividade em 27 de fev. de 2025

Senior Product Manager, Zendesk WFM





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Maksym Shynkarenko comentou,

Comentário na comunidade Feedback - Zendesk WFM

Hello Nicola Sale


Appreciate the feedback. How would you choose to spread the staffed numbers across the individual workstreams (WS) when scheduling for a combined one? 
In the example you mentioned there are 5 WS, I assume those are making up the combined WS that you actually put on the schedule. I see you prefer having the staffing panel at the schedule page display a total of 5 people scheduled, that is clear. Yet, there are various options to split everyone across the workstreams:

  1. Equally across the WS they are assigned to (e.g. if a person can do all 5 workstreams they are gonna be represented as 0.2 scheduled for each).
  2. User defined proportion. E.g. You can set that when scheduled for this combined WS, 20% of time should be accounted towards WS A, 10% towards WS B… 

Another question. Let's imaging you have a phone line open all day for legal reasons. In reality, the phone rings only couple times a day. You still have to have 1 person at least available to pick it up, but they ultimately are gonna be doing something else for an entire day, like emails. In this case how would you distribute people for a Emails+Phone Combined WS? What should the numbers be in the staffing panel at the schedule page for Emails WS and for Phone WS?

Exibir comentário · Publicado 03 de fev. de 2025 · Maksym Shynkarenko







Maksym Shynkarenko criou uma publicação,

PublicaçãoZendesk EAP - Rotating Automatic Shifts

Join Our Community Forum for WFM Rotating Automatic Shifts EAP Feedback


We’re excited about our community forum, a hub for engaging discussions and valuable feedback. We encourage you to join in, follow the latest topics, share your insights, or pose questions. When there’s buzz around a specific topic, especially related to the new WFM Rotating Automatic Shifts Early Access Program (EAP), we’ll highlight it to gather diverse perspectives. Your thoughts and questions are welcome anytime, helping us shape this EAP together.



How to Provide Impactful Feedback


Your input is crucial, covering the good, the concerns, and suggestions for improvement. To foster a forum brimming with productive dialogue, we need a sprinkle of effort from everyone involved. Just leave a comment below.


Make your feedback impactful by considering these steps:


  • If something about the WFM Automatic Shifts Rotation doesn't sit right with you or you see room for enhancement, take a note. Reflect a little before sharing.
  • Aim for clarity in your feedback. Explain what you like or dislike and how things might be fine-tuned.
  • Patience is appreciated as we respond to queries and comments.
  • Civility is our cornerstone—avoid sarcasm, disrespect, and offensive language. We're here to ensure discussions stay respectful.


Our goal is to make this forum the ideal place for all customers to share and discuss feedback specifically on the WFM Automatic Shifts Rotation EAP. We’re looking for a mix of formal insight and casual exchange to create a welcoming and productive environment.

Publicado 11 de dez. de 2024 · Maksym Shynkarenko







Maksym Shynkarenko criou uma publicação,

PublicaçãoZendesk EAP - Rotating Automatic Shifts

Getting Started: For those eager to integrate this new capability into their workflow, please note that the EAP for the WFM Rotating Automatic Shifts is currently open for registration. Joining the EAP will allow you to pioneer this feature and shape its development.


Sign up here!

Publicado 11 de dez. de 2024 · Maksym Shynkarenko







Maksym Shynkarenko criou uma publicação,

PublicaçãoZendesk EAP - Rotating Automatic Shifts

This EAP lets admins define rotation periods for automatic shifts. By defining rotation periods, agents' shift start times are automatically rotated based on the time period you defined, which frees managers from having to decide a specific order in which to rotate shifts.


Learn more about the automatic shifts rotation period EAP.

Publicado 11 de dez. de 2024 · Maksym Shynkarenko







Maksym Shynkarenko criou um artigo,

Data do anúncio Início da implementação Fim da implementação
22 de novembro de 2024 23 de novembro de 2024 25 de novembro de 2024

O gerenciamento da força de trabalho do Zendesk (WFM) está aprimorando a experiência de agendamento, permitindo que você mova turnos em massa na programação.

Este anúncio inclui os seguintes tópicos:

O que está mudando?

Agora você pode alterar os horários de início ou término de vários turnos em uma ação. Isso pode incluir o ajuste de turnos para começar uma hora depois ou em um dia diferente.

Um recurso importante dessa funcionalidade é a capacidade de ser muito específico, definindo todos os turnos para começarem ao mesmo tempo e aplicar um ajuste relativo, como empurrar todos os turnos 30 minutos depois, enquanto ainda respeita as diferenças em seus horários de início atuais .

Por que a Zendesk está fazendo essa alteração?

As alterações nas programações são inevitáveis e temos o compromisso de facilitar ao máximo esses ajustes.

O que devo fazer?

Nenhuma ação específica é necessária. A nova opção será exibida em sua janela modal de edição em massa de turnos. Saiba mais sobre a alteração em massa das horas de início e término do turno.

Você também pode aprender mais sobre como fazer a gestão da força de trabalho.

Editado 26 de nov. de 2024 · Maksym Shynkarenko







Maksym Shynkarenko comentou,

Comentário na comunidade Feedback - Zendesk WFM
Hello Renz, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback! 
I have great news for you. This feature is being in the works right now. We expect to release it by the end of this quarter. 
Per our Community Guidelines, we can provide general guidance for anticipated feature release dates. Keep in mind, it may be subject to change. To stay on top of product releases please visit our What’s New page in the Help Center. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases.
Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.

Exibir comentário · Publicado 21 de nov. de 2024 · Maksym Shynkarenko







Maksym Shynkarenko comentou,

Comentário na comunidadeZendesk EAP: WFM Public API

Hello Lauren Benkov .  Thanks for your interest! The EAP of our API does not include Scheduling endpoints right now. We've only started building public part of API, the first area to get covered was chosen to be Reporting.  Scheduling endpoints are definitely coming down the road, but no specific quarter is currently assigned. We'll try to fit it into our Q4 scope.

Exibir comentário · Editado 13 de mai. de 2024 · Maksym Shynkarenko





