What do you think about the new and improved Admin Center?


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Parag Pradhan

Zendesk Product Manager

已于 2021年9月20日 发布

Zendesk admins, we heard you loud and clear!  You wanted one place to update settings, a more structured, organized layout, and a quick way to access configuration pages.  So we moved all Support settings to Admin Center.

We’re curious about your experience with Support settings in Admin Center:

  • What was your first impression?
  • What did you try to find using Search?
  • What did you think of the Recents feature?
  • How well did the settings work?
  • Where did you need help?

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. Your feedback will help us continue to improve the admin experience. 





182 条评论


2. There should only be one Role per person, e.g. Administrator, Light agent. That's what we need to see  in order to be able to manage access.

Also, it would be quite helpful if it showed their Groups, although I understand this could be a large list, so maybe a hover-over would be good.

3. Yes, feel free to contact me directly. The idea is essentially: This is the page where we manage access for all agents. For example, in order to be able to understand if we have enough licenses to convert  someone from a light agent to a full agent, we need to be able to see quickly how many seats are remaining. How it is at the moment with (X of X seats used) is perfect at a glance.


Hi @...

Would it be possible to have a per-product filtering, i.e. you include a drop down where one can select the product of interest?


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Parag Pradhan

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello @...,

Thank you for your comments on the routing to Support tab.  Regarding your questions, please see my inline responses:

A) On the Admin Center Home main page (not sidebar) click on "Objects and rules" -- this opens "Ticket Forms" (why this???)  page in ZD support tab.

Answer: The routing to ZD support tab should be fixed.  When you click on "Objects and rules" from the main page, you are directed to "Ticket Forms" because the first line item under Objects and rules is the Ticket Forms page.

B) On the Admin Center side bar under "Objects and rules", click on "Triggers" -- this opens the Trigger page in ZD support tab. This is true whether I click on "Triggers" under Object and rules section or in the Recently Viewed section

Answer: The routing to ZD support tab should be fixed and you will be routed to "Triggers" page in Admin Center.


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Jonathan March

Community Moderator

Thanks, @...

Confirming fixed.

And now I too am finding that 5 items in "Recently Viewed" is far too few. 


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Phil Grove

Zendesk Product Manager

hey @..., thanks so much for your detailed feedback about the Recently Viewed feature. We are considering building a "favourites" feature which would address your issue about the number of items that are stored (also, thanks @... for your feedback on this). The favourites feature would allow you to select which pages you would like to bookmark rather than us just showing you the previous 5 pages you clicked on.

It would be great to get a sense from this group if a favourites feature would be useful. Please upvote this reply if you would like to see something like this implemented.

Cheers, Phil.


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Phil Grove

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello again @... 👋 With regard to the auto-collapsing of the Recently Viewed feature, our main reason for doing this was to ensure that the main navigation bar was not pushed too far down the page. In saying that, @... also mentioned that he would like to see the Recently Viewed menu remain open. This is something we will consider but it would be helpful to get as many upvotes on this reply as possible to help me prioritise it.

Thanks to everyone on this post for all their amazing feedback so far. Keep it coming 👍

Cheers, Phil.


"Favourites" feature would be great as we typically use the same 3-5 areas regularly.
Also, if the "Recently Viewed" feature could remember your last preference (e.g. expanded or collapsed) that would be helpful too.


Yesterday, I configured a new external mail address for one of our brands.
When trying to register it, Zendesk told me that the address has already been taken, by an end user.

So, I tried to search for the end user in the new admin center - to no avail.

I finally went to the green bar Customers icon to find him in the "new admin world".

May I suggest that you keep all admin functions in the admin center?
I can't seem to find organizations and end users - with the exception of the Bulk Action Delete end users. To me, this is neither logical nor helpful.

Please make a separate entry for end users including organizations in the admin center, not (only) in the green bar.

In the bulk actions, you offer Delete end users; below, there is a view Deleted users (not end users, but all kinds of users).

Looking back into the five years I manage our Zendesk instance now, I have very seldom deleted an end user, let alone a large set of them, but I deleted a lot of users. So, this seems kind of out of balance to me - but I'm pretty certain that there's other ways to manage users. Why not support both with an equal set of capabilities?

That's it for now - in short: Watch out for balanced and complete support of admin functions in the new admin center.

Yours truly



@... regarding the Keep recents open vs favorites. To me, either works (i.e. either have favorites thats open, or recents thats open).

I think I'd prefer favorites since that would be a bit more reusable. However, The favorite list must stay open/be available to see at a glance and quickly navigate with, or it would be limited use for me (won't save me the time I want). Since I mark the items to be favorited, I would have control over how much that "pushes down" the othe admin menu items, so I guess that takes care of that problem as well. 

That said, Adjusting Recently viewed to stay open and to fit a few more items would work as well, although favorites seems more useful for me. If favorites that stays open are added, I wouldn't mind the current behavior of Recently viewed. If would be nice if I could then favorite a view from the recently viewed list directly, but that is nice-to-have. 


We leverage saml to provision users and when an employee leaves it automatically suspends them (though we as admins don't always know this). It would be nice to have a filter on the team view to filter team members who are suspended so we can downgrade them.


We would also like to chip in:

  1. Within the Roles selection in the Admin Centre - we noticed that you cannot add or remove Agents from the Role in this section. Instead, you have to navigate to "Team Members" to individually look up each Agent to make the change, or you need to bulk edit with a CSV. A CSV may make sense for when you need to change 10 Agents but when you need to add 2, a CSV is way too labour intensive to make that change. So you end up wasting 30 seconds searching, loading, and changing each Agent to the role. Rather than a quick update and save to add to the Role.
  2. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that it takes additional time to load each selection? I navigate to triggers multiple times a day and if it takes 16 seconds every time I click on it, that adds up. The support UI took 6 seconds to load. Is there a way to increase the refresh speed?
  3. We also noticed that you cannot right-click on any of the options to open in a new tab. It would be nice to be able to have mutliple tabs in the Admin Centre AND the ability to at least right click and open the links in browser tabs. Right now you have to duplicate the entire tab then navigate to the section to have multiple tabs open.
  4. We would also like the ability to add a favorite to the options that you visit so you can have quick links
  5. When you examine the Events on a ticket and open the trigger from there, it would be nice if it opened in the Admin Centre


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Jonathan March

Community Moderator

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that it takes up to 10 seconds to load each selection? 

More like 3 seconds for me on Edge.

It would be nice to have the ability to have multiple tabs in the Admin Centre. So that you can quickly flip between Fields and Forms within the single Admin Centre window without the need for it to reload every time or the need to have multiple windows open.

Don't multiple adjacent browser tabs do the trick? The problem with multiple browser tabs for support tickets is that these are constantly changing, making them trickier to corral, hence the beauty of Quick Tabs extension. But I don't see the difficulty with having (e.g.) Fields and Forms in adjacent browser tabs?


@... is isn't a problem once you have them open. You are not able to right click on the options and open in new tabs. That should be a minimum. The multiple tabs in a single window is a nice to have (similar to tickets in the support UI)


It took me a while to figure out how to edit an end user.  Now, you have to use the general search for the end user and then select the users "tab".  I think it would be more obvious to add "End users" as a choice under "Team" (e.g., along with "Team Members" and "Groups".)


To me, currently, it looks like things are still a bit in disarray and disorder: Some parts are in the admin center, some out of it, some functions branch from the admin center back to the current admin client. What I haven't found so far is the reverse direction.

I would appreciate a more or less feature complete admin center to be able to give valuable feedback. Currently, there's just too much open ends and WIP.

I'd like to offer JM2C regarding the new arrangement of the channels in the admin center:

Not everything new is better. Sometimes, a good old alphabetic sort helps.

At the top, there's the B2C (or C2B) channels, which will not be used for anything B2B because of GDPR. Is Zendesk really primarily targeting the B2C market?

Making a subheading for talk and email seems a rather strange match - the two channels share maybe the age and their ubiquity, but few other features. To me, mail forces most ticket writers to structure. The phone is different - "how shall I know what I think before I hear what I say"... let alone the problem of capturing what has been said in writing to conserve it and make it accessible.

Finally, the classic aspect of Web Widget and mobile SDK eludes me.


@... I couldn't see how our experience would be more "seamless" since the first thing is that we have to navigate out from the existing Support settings page, while we do not need to do that now. It is said "You don't have to switch between Admin Center and Support > Admin to manage settings for your account", which will exactly be the thing we have to do and keep moving back and forth as what I foresee.

I hope Zendesk does hear from customers' feedback. We would really hope to opt-out from this change, or at least remain everything unchanged in Support settings page. How we could do so?


One annoyance I came across today.

Often when trying to trace a problem I open for e.g. macros and triggers etc in different tabs, so I can look at different sections at the same time to compare them.

In the new centre I can't do this because if I right-click macros for e.g. the open in new tab is missing? If I left-click, it navigates to macros

I have to go back to the main desk view's page, click admin and open it in a new tab then navigate to macros. And again for each extra tab I need.

It would be nicer to just right-click the section I want and have the option to new tab.

Or a link at the top of admin that I can Ctrl-click to open admin in a new tab


Actually I just found another annoyance. ;)

If I am viewing triggers for e.g. and the trigger I'm looking at isn't the right one that I am looking for, and I want to go back to the main trigger's menu.

Normally Old Admin I would just click triggers again to see the list.

New Admin I can't do that as it does nothing. I have to click something else to force a page change, then click triggers again for it to reload the list.. Not good


Overall I think the interface is now actually harder to use. There seem to be several links that just loop you round different screens. 

e.g. The task of changing roles for multiple agents means constantly jumping back and forth between Support and Admin centre. - There does not appear to be a way of searching for a particular agent and then editing their roles directly in admin. You need to find the agent in Support, then use the link from there back to the admin page. - Unless of course, I'm missing it. 



One thing that I have noticed that feels more like a defect as it's something that worked before these changes. However, an agent role that is allowed to create an article in Guide, no longer has permission to amend Article Settings, even though the Article Settings is set for the Article to be managed by the Group the Role belongs to UNLESS the group/ role has the 'Manage Guide' under Help Centre Settings set to True.

However, setting this setting to True also means the Agent then has permission to publish articles, which we do not want to enable and maintain levels of Governance control. The role can create and set the settings on creation but cannot edit the article settings.

This is a step backwards in functionality since this new Admin Panel was created.


Sorry I cant find where to view and edit end users now?

I see Agents and Groups. and then Configuration for End Users. But no End users or organisation list.

The headings - Team, Configuration, Bulk Actions, Deleted Users should be moved to the left to indicate they are headings and not click-able items.:


Hi @...

Yep, that's something that I found, too.

You should have a new icon in the green left-hand bar,

That's where you can edit end users at this time.

There's also an Icon for organizations, which you can configure to be hidden.

Both of these items are not available in the new admin center - strange. 

As you can see from my comments, I think this is very much WIP and should be brought forward a bit before it's ready for prime time.

Yours truly, Peter


I like the look and feel, but there are still come inconsistencies in the UI that make it frustrating to work with. For example, not every save button on all the business rule pages works the same way.


  • The ability to save a trigger I'm working on without being dumped back to the trigger page, and then having to search for the trigger I was working on
  • Same for views, but even worst is that I even if I was in personal views, I get dumped back into the main page, and I have to select personal views again before I can even search for the one I was working on.
  • The automation page is still completely different (no save, but a submit button with options).
  • More could be done to link the fields and forms. it's difficult to see what form a field is on at a glance.
  • Navigating through conditions and form fields is not any better.

Missing/Lost capabilities:

  • Lost the ability to right-click and open in a new tab. I need to be able to compare triggers, automations, and macros, but it's more difficult to do so now.
  • The agent role in the team members page. I need to know which of my agents is consuming a license and which isn't.
  • Count of current licenses in use on the team members page
  • Critical: Searching by agent and by email address. There's a filter option, which is great, but I can't scroll through pages and pages of agents.
    We also have different sets of agents, from multiple internal divisions to outsourced labour, and being able to just search for the domain and get all agents with that email domain was great.
  • Being able to search and edit end-users and organizations in the same interface. I have to switch back to support to look them up.
  • Adding/Removing a user to/from a/multiple groups from their profile. I know Bob Smith needs to be in group A, B, and C, and removed from D, E, and F. This was easy before with that little modal window that pooped up and I could just click the groups on and off. Now I have to click on Manage team member in Zendesk Support so that it takes me back to support to update the assigned groups. isn't this an admin feature? Shouldn't it be in the admin center?

Additional Features

  • Would love to see views, macros, and automations get the same categories feature as the triggers have.
  • I like the idea of favourites along with the recents option
  • Search Admin Center would be fantastic is I could search for names of triggers, macros, etc. and display those results directly.


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Chris Bulin

Community Moderator

Thank you for asking for feedback on this!

What was your first impression?

  • I appreciate how roomy this feels compared to Admin in Support, but I really hate having it open in a new tab. It can get a little hairy if I have Admin Center in Prod & Test open at the same time because the tabs are named exactly the same and the Test version doesn't carry the unique color scheme of our test instance. In addition, it makes it more difficult to switch between views (like if I want to update a View or Trigger and then see what it looks like in action). I'm also just averse to having a lot of tabs open. I hateses it.

What did you try to find using Search?

  • I basically only use Search. The things I go to most often are the Sandbox, Roles, and Audit Log.

What did you think of the Recents feature?

  • I didn't even realize it was there until I saw this question. Like I said, I always use Search so everything above that feels like a non-entity.

How well did the settings work?

  • I didn't notice really any difference in performance between the old and new versions. Everything worked as I expected.

Where did you need help?

  • I haven't needed help yet with the exception of the way specific features work (like Audit Log) and I've added feedback for those to their specific threads.


The workflow for turning on chats for a user is very convoluted. There's no way to get to their profile from their team member page to set up the department, and there's no way to see what groups they are in from the team page. 


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Chris Bulin

Community Moderator

Would it be possible to get some consistency for deactivated things? In the trigger space I get a tab for active and deactivated, but in Webhooks they are all in the same list.


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Parag Pradhan

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Lone Admin,

Regarding your comment on navigating between the triggers list and an individual trigger entry, we have resolved that issue.  You should be able to navigate between an individual list item and the list entry in the left hand navigation of the Admin Center.  Thank you.


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Sudeshna Basu

Zendesk Product Manager

Would it be possible to get some consistency for deactivated things? In the trigger space I get a tab for active and deactivated, but in Webhooks they are all in the same list.

Chris Bulin Thanks for your input. Yes, we are looking to address the inconsistencies in such patterns across the different admin settings. We will most likely remove the tabs & display all in the same list with a Status column. 


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Chris Bulin

Community Moderator

Fantastic :D Thank you Sudeshna Basu!


We will most likely remove the tabs & display all in the same list with a Status column.


That brings a sense of dread...

I have a lot of old attempts at triggers etc that I wouldn't want visible, they are just for reference for things I have tried in the past that didn't work or worked but have now been superseded.

I wouldn't want them mixed in with my actual working triggers. That would be messy


We will most likely remove the tabs & display all in the same list with a Status column.

LIke Lone Admin, I have a lot of deactivated Triggers that I don't want to necessarily delete - these are from old workflows.

Moving everything into one list, will be rather messy. Will it be possible to filter out inactive Triggers?



