Side Conversations in Zendesk Explore
已于 2021年6月22日 发布
Zendesk Explore SHOULD contain data related to Side conversations. Specifically, we would like to know the number of side conversations (created and/or replied to) on an agent level. Agents take the time out of their day to email via side conversations in order to resolve their ticket. It is unfair to not include this work in calculating the total productivity of an agent throughout the day.
I have tried the "workaround" using triggers and tags and this is weak solution. (Mentioned here) These are the issues that I have found that prevent this solution from reporting correctly:
1. I can only set triggers for when the side conversation gets created and for the first reply from the agent assignee. Any additional agent replies (to the side conversation) outside the first one is unable to be tracked with a tag due to the limitations of triggers.
2. By using ticket tags we can only see the total # of tickets (tagged w/ "side conversation created") vs the agent assignee. This query does not show WHEN the tag was added and is therefore not similar to the "Agent Updates" data set.
40 条评论
Toby Sterrett
Apologies for the delay, all. The work to prepare the side conversations data set for Explore made a lot of progress, but there are steps in the process that are not possible to complete by the side convos feature team. Unfortunately those steps were halted in favor of other data sets that received a higher prioritization. We're doing everything we can to get the side conversations data set prioritized as soon as we can. I will refrain from giving a time estimate again, but it is definitely something we are not going to stop pushing.
Anastasia Kachanova
in our case we need to report on Average First Response time on Side Conversations.
Agree with you.
we need to check how many side conversations created during the specific period.
Agree, more reporting options are needed here. At the moment all I can report on via Channels is when a Ticket is created. I can't report on when an Email is created or a Slack conversation is created.
I am missing on seeing all the work the team is doing to solve a ticket.
Toby Sterrett
We are actively working on a side conversations dataset for Explore. No exact date just yet, but we'd love to hear any details you'd be interested in getting in the reporting. From this thread I see things like:
Let me know what else would be helpful!
Will Yolen
Hi Toby,
This is great to hear, I am super excited. Not sure if this is already included, but could we also get:
1. the overall number of email responses sent for an agent via side conversations, in a given period of time? For example an agent may have created 1 side conversation but sent 3 emails overall in that side conversation, I would like to know both these metrics.
2. The overall resolution time of the Side conversation (aka the time it takes from first sending a side conversation email to the time it takes to be marked as DONE). If the side convo was marked as DONE multiple times, the most recent time.
Toby Sterrett
Will Yolen does this refer to total number of messages an agent has sent in any given channel? In other words, both side conversations created and replied to?
Will Yolen
I believe so, the only word confusing me is channel (since side conversations are only through email channel). But yes, the total number of messages an agent sends in side conversations, both when creating and replying.
Toby Sterrett
Ok, thanks. And to clarify, "channels" is referring to the other possible side conversation channels of Slack and child tickets.
Anastasia Kachanova
Just to add on my side:
Feedback that I've got from our team members (not related to reporting):
- we are missing an option to have side conversations in more clear way in search area (our idea is to see side conversations in search in the same way as all other tickets, because at the moment if we had any kind of escalation via side conversation and then if we need to track something for particular user - we need to do a lot of manual work (to open every ticket and to see where we had side conversation and where not)
Imen Mouhoubi
Hi @...,
Wanted to re-bump this thread, has there been any traction with the side conversations dataset for Explore? If this is still in the works, one other thing we would love to be able to report on is the number of Tickets that have a side conversation vs those that don't, would that be something that can be added as well?
Jonathan Dahl
+1 on adding Explore metrics for Side Conversations. We use them for tracking the overall lifecycle of a support case from an agent productivity standpoint.
Nikki Arcilla
This might be helpful. https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4412384153754-Can-I-report-on-side-conversations-#:~:text=There%20isn't%20a%20dataset,up%20triggers%20for%20side%20conversations.
Will Yolen
@... Any update on this? Thank you for your help!
Dorosthy Teng
@... would be great to receive some update on this as I agreed with others that this is important feature to capture on report of the side conversation!
faidhi fudzail
Hi, @...,
We would like to know if there is any update on this. We would like to start using Side Conversations but it's very important that we know how long it takes for each side conversation to be replied to.
Please let us know when this feature will be released.
Toby Sterrett
Hi all, quick update to let you know we have made a lot of progress on getting side conversations set up as a data set in Explore. We're still working through some production data pipeline tasks and finishing up the reporting models, but it's getting close. Thanks for your patience!
Russell Milton
Side Conversation comments would be useful just to see what was sent, who it was sent to etc.
Will Yolen
Hey @... just checking in--Any idea when we can expect this feature to be released yet? Thank you!
Mac Hill
It would be awesome if we could report on the slack channel we are communicating in. For example, If have multiple product dev groups I engage with, it would be good to know the difference/gain a breakdown. Whether that is just a tag or something, I am not picky. :)
Louis A.
Is there an update on this topic?
Having datasets in explore would be useful, but my team would also need to be able to use side conversations responses in triggers, and to trigger an SLA breach in case a side conversation is not answered in X minutes.
We use side conversation emails in some cases to follow up on user error reporting. In short, our internal system creates a ticket via email, the agent uses a side conversation to contact the user, resolve the issue, and report back to the internal system on the original ticket.
We are able to gauge the assignee and group based on the ticket, but for the side conversation, we need visibility into the recipient of the side conversation email, number of replies, and time to close/done.
With regard to the original ticket, we would like to be able to report a count of side conversations, their done/undone statuses, possibly timestamps on side conversation created/closed.
Warren | Bapcor eCommerce Support
@... -- just curious .. any new updates since your last updated in March ? :)
I heard this is being worked on and is planned to be released Q4 or Q1 2023. We realy need this!
Hi @Zendesk Toby Sterrett - any plan on implementing solution for this one? Last update from you guys was December 2021.
my team depends on side conversation to escalate cases to departments that doesn't use Zendesk and its crucial for me to understand the Average First response. @... your update in this thread would be highly appreciated
Gerald J
@... can you give us a timeline for the Side convo explore implementation?
Timo Boezeman
This would be very useful! Is there any sight on when we will have this data available in Explore?
We want to know many responses were received on EVT/side conversation and ticket status has not changed or the reply has not sent back to the requester.
Over a year now since this was reported as "it's getting close" by Zendesk product manager.
Any updates? It must be much much closer now?