

Former user removal


已于 2021年5月14日 发布

I have a user within a customer organization who has one incident logged against his account.  He is no longer authorized to contact us for support and I need a way to prevent any further emails or incidents from being created and associated with him.  I have marked his account Suspended but that does not prevent tickets from being created and emails from being sent to him, nor does it indicate that to my agents from the user list.

Note: our company just recently implemented Zendesk and we are manually entering all incidents from our customers - customers do not have direct access yet.



1 条评论

Hello there,

There would be no way how we can do this automatically, but you can do a couple of things to prevent from any tickets being sent to them.

1. You could delete them, but that would make the possibility that they are created as an end-user again, which is not restricted.

2. You can leave a remark in their name that this is a banned user, not to be used.

3. You can alter the email by adding a couple of characters, making it invalid, so if any ticket is sent that way, it will be sent nowhere.

4. You can remove them from the organization, so if you have any organization rules, they will not be applied to that.

5. You can leave Notes in their user profile with instructions for future use.

For more info:

Adding and managing end users

Hope that helps!



