403 error when creating request via API
已于 2021年1月27日 发布
I'm creating a custom form for our end-users within Zendesk itself. When I try to call the https://subdomain.zendesk.com/api/v2/requests API to create the request, it returns with a 403 error. I'm using an api token for auth. The API call works in postman and I was able to create a request but when I try to call it in my custom form in zendesk, it gives me a 403 error.
We are on Proffesional.
"error": {
"title": "Forbidden",
"message": "Invalid authenticity token"
Not sure what I'm doing wrong since the call works on postman.
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("Authorization", "Basic btoa(email/token:API_TOKEN)");
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");
myHeaders.append("Cookie", "__cfduid=d3d63f8118c012940ee1e08701ec6140d1610414533; _zendesk_session=BAh7CEkiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFVEkiJTBiMGNlNTVlOGVhNjQ4NTcyMDkxNGJjMzZjOWQxNTdhBjsAVEkiDGFjY291bnQGOwBGaQMvZ5JJIgpyb3V0ZQY7AEZpA7nELw%3D%3D--2608b56780c88cadb0776d6913aace910de8a12b; __cfruid=da3497d68006538ec0acea547c226758ea2a06fc-1611699971");
var raw = JSON.stringify({"request":{"subject":"TESTING API!","comment":{"body":"My printer is on fire!"}}});
var requestOptions = {
method: 'POST',
headers: myHeaders,
body: raw,
redirect: 'follow'
fetch("https://subdomain.zendesk.com/api/v2/requests", requestOptions)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(error => console.log('error', error));
23 条评论
Bonaliza Garcia
Yea it's giving me the correct value. I also tried encrypting the whole thing and just pasting it but it's still giving me the error message.
Could you think of anything else? I'm just lost since it's working on Postman
Bonaliza Garcia
I also tried your code but it gave me the same error.
Bonaliza Garcia
So I did that. It matches what I used. email/token:api_token.
Are you using this code in Zendesk or an external app?
Is it possible that the authentication is somehow clashing with the current logged in user?
Bonaliza Garcia
Should the code then be different if using this within zendesk?
Bonaliza Garcia
Hey @...,
I think it's an issue with the logged in user or the session...
I tried logging out of Zendesk and tried the exact code on the browser console and it worked...
Any idea why this is the case?
Bonaliza Garcia
I am not making an external app. I'm doing this within our Zendesk Portal using the templates (e.g. new_request_page.hbs). Base on my understanding, ZAFClient is used when building an external app that incorporates Zendesk support?
My issue is when doing this in Zendesk Portal itself. Also the 404 error only appears when doing a POST request.
Camila de la Torre
Bonaliza, where you able to find a solution for this? I'm having the same issue.
Jesper Angelo
Same issue here, not sure what to do...
Tipene Hughes
This is likely caused by a clash with how the fetch API handles cookies in the context of the Help Center, when logged in as an agent or admin. You can use the
endpoint to obtain an authenticity (CSRF) token which should fix the issue. Here’s an example of how that could look:I hope this helps! Feel free to reach out with any questions.
Pan Vivian
@Tipene Hughes
I used this code, but I still does not solve my issue.
I am using end user to login in zendesk, using email/token: token to post an API, I still get the error message:"error: {title: "Forbidden", message: "Invalid authenticity token"}".
Here is my code snippet:
Can you help check whether there is something wrong?
Pan Vivian
Can anyone help me? I am not sure what to do now.
Andrey Metelsky
Tipene Hughes Pan Vivian I'm getting the same "Invalid authenticity token" error.
I sent a request to Zendesk support 2 days ago, but haven't received a reply yet.
Pan Vivian
Andrey Metelsky
Hi have you received response from Zendesk support? Can you share it to me? Thanks.
Andrey Metelsky
Pan Vivian still troubleshooting it with Zendesk support. I'll write you once the issue is resolved.
I am having this error 403 when I am trying to log in into my account as AGENT. I go until the second step verification and then it goes to the error 403. How Can I correct it and log in??
Thank you for reaching out to us. This can be corrected by logging in the correct credentials however, I would highly advise that you get it touch with your admins as they have control over this in your account.
Manuel Federl
Pan Vivian Your issue seems to be related to the organizations api end point. According to the documentation you need to be an admin to create organizations. If an end user tries this, then they shoudn't have the required permissions to do so.
Tipene Hughes Your approach looks nice. I didn't know about the x-csrf-token header. I think the authenticity_token property should be included in the JSON format of the user documentation.
I tried it but it sadly didn't work for me. I checked in the developer console > network what the request looks like. The basic authentication and x-csrf-token match with the data I'm plugging in but I still get a 403 error.
I'm sending the request through a ReactJS app and Axios in our Help Center.
This error indicates that the server has determined that you are not allowed access to the thing you've requested, either on purpose or due to a misconfiguration . It's probably because the site owner has limited access to it and you don't have permission to view it. The vast majority of the time, there's not much you can do to fix things on your (*client) end. There are four common causes for 403 Forbidden error (server side) . Here they are listed from most likely to least likely:
If authentication credentials were provided in the request, the server considers them insufficient to grant access. The client SHOULD NOT automatically repeat the request with the same credentials. The client MAY repeat the request with new or different credentials. However, a request might be forbidden for reasons unrelated to the credentials.
Greg Katechis
Hi Ahmed! A 403 is an indication that you don't have access to the resource. Do you have different permissions in the other instance?
Greg Katechis
Have you enabled agent access to create requests in this new instance? If not, here are the instructions on how to do so. Let me know if that works for you!
Greg Katechis
I'm going to raise this with our secdev team, although I do want to note that this will likely not be a quick solution. Using a CSRF token like this is not an officially supported method for auth, so they may not prioritize this as a result. I'll update you when I hear back on this, just wanted to let you know that for the time being, we're going to say that receiving a 403 when using a CSRF token in a secondary brand is "expected."
Manuel Federl
Ahmed Zaid
I had this same issue and I had a very lenghty discussion regarding this with the Support team. I solved this issue by making all API requests to the main brand instead of the sub-brand (in my opinion API documentation says otherwise so this behavior is not as expected). Then it will work as it should. I have set up a trigger that fires on ticket creation to set the respective brand for the ticket so that it will be visible for the end user inside of Guide. You can use e.g. the title of the ticket to filter for the right brand if you are setting it programmatically.
Manuel Federl
Ahmed Zaid
Yes, we are also unsure on how to do the authentication across brands right. We got it working for now on our end, but the comments are still being shown as "User was not logged in when the comment was submitted". Even though we use authentication.
To get it working, we did the following way (which at least works for now). Maybe you have another breakthrough:
When we tried the subdomain Brand B on step 5, we got a 403 error.
In addition, we got the 403 when we did step 5 and 6 with the Brand B subdomain as well (we thought this was the way you're supposed to do it).