

Zendesk and Outlook integration failure


已于 2021年1月25日 发布

We have integrated a mailbox into Zendesk at the server level within our business. The integration auto forwards all emails that are received at that address to Zendesk to create tickets.

The issue we have is that sometimes the tickets are not being created at all.

Does anyone know the exact criteria Zendesk uses to workout what emails to turn into tickets?

We managed to isolated our queries possibly down to items in the email header:
Reply to
Reply path 

Does Zendesk need all of these, or a combination? Or is there anything specific that must be in these fields?

Additionally does Zendesk have any issues if the address has 'no reply' in the address? As one of the systems we have sends out emails from a no reply address but we do need it to create tickets as there are actions attach to those emails. 


Thank you everyone 

all the best 




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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hi @... -

Sorry you're having difficulty.  The noreply shouldn't be an issue as long as it's not bulk updating.  Generally speaking, Zendesk will forward everything you send with a couple of noted exceptions:

- Emails sent from the support inbox to the support inbox will be flagged as spam.
- Emails sent in bulk from the same address may fail to protect your instance from a DOS attack.

That said, I would definitely audit your spam view, and possibly setup spam notifications.  If you can't find the ticket in question, you can always check your Microsoft logs and/or submit the email (including headers) to Zendesk support for review.  Hope this helps!

Brandon Tidd
729 Solutions



