

Product limitation: Limits of the List Job Statuses API endpoint

已于 2021年10月14日 发布

Would it be possible to extend the limits of the List Job Statuses API endpoint GET /api/v2/job_statuses ?


The actual limits are that ‘A job may no longer exist to query. Zendesk only logs the last 100 jobs. Jobs also expire within an hour.


Within the bulk upload operation, done by the Create Or Update Many Users API endpoint POST /api/v2/users/create_or_update_many, eventual errors are stored in List Job Statuses API endpoint response, after that the ‘status’ has been valorised to ‘completed’.

Since the limit of Create Or Update Many Users endpoint are that it ‘Accepts an array of up to 100 user objects’, it is not possible logging the errors other than using a time delay; this would slow incredibly the process, without any certainty of the seconds to wait.


Also storing the job_status_ids doesn’t seem to be a viable solution, since the limit of the List Job Statuses API endpoint.


Would it be possible to extend these limitations to a higher value?

Have you got any other ideas to log eventual errors in a more efficient way?

Best wishes,




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