Feature Request: Brandable Welcome, Verification and Change Password Mails


已于 2021年7月20日 发布

Hi all


This feature request is as of now (11.01.2023) for both multi-brand and single brand accounts of Zendesk.

Current Situation

Today, there is one Welcome mail, one Verification mail and one Change Password template per account, not per brand.
All of these mails do not use the mail template defined in Admin Center, Channels, eMail, eMail Templates (don't know why this is plural, but that's what it says).

The Problem

Since these templates do not allow to sense the brand requested and adapt the contents accordingly, with branding and wording, these mails are a bit of an alien communication. 

If your brands are very different (like using formal vs. informal language, B2B vs. B2C), or it's not really intended that your customers know that all of the brands using this Zendesk Support Account belong together, then this shortcoming weighs in pretty serious: Our customers repeatedly asked us if we're fake... not good at all.

The Proposed Solution

My intention is that a brand is in control of all its communications, and thus, I suggest that the following changes to the current welcome, verification and change password mail templates are implemented:

  • allow customization of both subject and body of these mails
  • integrate Liquid Markup in addition to html and Markdown, i.e. have them use the standard mail template of the Zendesk account.

With these changes, it will be possible to have mails which include brand names, logos, and brand specific language.

Now, if there are any other account- but not brand-specific mails that Zendesk sends out, please include those, too - we want a single. complete solution for both bodies and subjects.

In addition, a guide detailing how to implement branded mail templates for both single- and multi-brand accounts, maybe even covering a few related topics like language specific text and various logos including mottos, captions etc. would be most appreciated.

If you find this feature request interesting, consider also supporting the like-minded request at

BTW: It is almost a year since I created this request now, and yes, it became better with the input of others.

What is sorely lacking now is ACTION by Zendesk. Thanks for listening and implementing, Zendesk.

Amended on 2023-01-11, nine days short of the 18 month celebration of this feature request.




29 条评论


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Max McCal

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks to everyone who's commented here. Sorry for the slow reply this thread evaded my notice until now. We are very interested in improving the experience for welcome emails, verification emails, and other system notifications like password reset emails. At the moment, we aren't working on that explicitly, but we appreciate the context from folks like you. We'll be sure to update this page when we embark on a project in this area.


+1 for this.

In my organisation, we have two brands - one that is B2C and one that is B2B. The type of language used is extremely different between the brands.


+1 for this solution.

Zendesk really needs to allow to edit the subject in the welcome email.


Limehmome GmbH- Are you the product manager? 
This situation is untenable and we are getting no help from support. 
We need the subject line of the "Create Password" email for new users to not be set to the default brand. It either limits us to four brands OR gives the wrong branding to our clients. 

This can't be that difficult a fix to put in place so that it associates with the account name rather than a brand.  


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Max McCal

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi, Tracy – 

I've talked to a few people internally and we're hoping to make some improvements to these emails in the near future. I wish I could say more than that right now, but unfortunately it's not quite as easy as it sounds. We're definitely aware of this, and even before seeing your update, these messages have been in our conversations. I hope to have more good news soon, and we'll be sure to reach out to you if we're looking for more information, or when we're ready to do testing.



Thank you Limehmome GmbH - how soon is soon? 

This continues to be a daily issue for us. 

We are now limited to four brands with our subscription since our parent company has to be the fifth just for the emails. 

We have to rewrite several of our automations because our default brand has had to change as the parent company must be the default brand for the emails. 

We have to check to ensure that the brand that is our parent company is not used anywhere with a daily review of a list view.

This is something that because it has such a high level of effort for the work around is very important to us.   


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Max McCal

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi, Tracy – I don't have a timeline to share at the moment, but we'll be sure to update this thread when we do.


+1 !!!!

We really need to be able to change the welcome subject line. 


FYI - there is another feature request chain about this same request with additional +1's.



Thanks, Sunburst Support!

I am a bit puzzled by Zendesk's "reaction": Soon, in the near future, ... - and my request, piggy-backing and extending yours, is still largely unanswered with the exception that the product manager involved managed to notice it after only 4 (four) months, 10 months back from now. And still neither further questions nor a timeline or any form of commitment.

On the contrary, the original request, from March 2021, 18 months ago, seems to be still unanswered.

Zendesk: Why are you collecting feature requests at all, if you, deducting from your reactions, do not care for them?

We invest a lot of time to give you free advice on how to improve your product - and time and again, you do not even care to acknowledge what we, your customers, offer you absolutely free of charge!

This is really not what I would call top notch customer service. Sadly, it concurs with your moves to make it harder for your customers to reach out and open a problem report. That messaging thing attracts just your bot answerable questions, serious problems require serious descriptions which often do not fit the few characters you offer in your chat customer deflector.


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Max McCal

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey, Peter – 

I can appreciate your frustration. I wish we had responded sooner, and I wish we had more detail to follow up, but we haven't made meaningful progress in this area. That said, we are always making changes to the product, and almost without exception, they are sourced from customer feedback in this community and other more direct conversations with customers. We cannot address every piece of feedback given the number of suggestions, requests, and good ideas we see, but we do catalogue them and use them as part of our planning and prioritization process. I know all that is of little use to you in your situation, advocating for this particular change, but I can assure you it's something we're aware of and are tracking.


Max McCal Any chance that you can let us know an at least rough estimated launch date?


Thanks, Sunburst Support the feature that you shared https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4408860741658-Feature-Request-Change-the-Welcome-Email-Subject-Line about the same request with additional +1's, was very useful. It really helped me a lot.





We really need to be able to change the welcome subject line...


Hi Max McCal

In addition to the public mails, there are also internal mails, like those notifying followers of their tickets.

Those, at this time, do not contain a link to the ticket, just the plain ticket number in parenthesis. 

It would be a great idea to make all communication work the same: A trigger generates the required mails - whether for CC's, Followers, Assignees or Requesters.


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Max McCal

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey, all – No updates as yet. We have had discussions about some of these topics, but we have not put this into any particular action as of yet.


Essa falta de funcionalidade também tem me causado inúmeros problemas com nossa nova marca. Infelizmente existe grande chances de eu ter que trocar a Zendesk por outro chatbot. Tem ocorrido inúmeros problemas com recursos que não são flexíveis, acredito que vocês devam ter mais celeridade nesses ajustes para não nos prejudicar como já tem acontecido. 

English translation added by Zendesk Community Team via Google Translate

This lack of functionality has also caused me numerous problems with our new brand. Unfortunately, there is a high chance that I will have to switch from Zendesk to another chatbot. There have been numerous problems with resources that are not flexible, I believe that you should be quicker in these adjustments so as not to harm us as has already happened.


We also really need to be able to change the welcome subject line and body message. 


Max McCal i understand you are not looking at this right now, which likely indicates your team doesn't think this is a big issue, so it's in your backlog for years.

If that's the case, then it either means there's no demand for it or there's a workaround available.

Can you provide a workaround for this or suggestions on how to tweak our emails so customers who join by Messaging on one brand do not receive emails from a completely different brand?

Also, can you confirm how many upvotes it would take for this be looked into?


We need this too, doesn't make sense to our customers when they receive emails with incorrect branding ... hope it gets fixed soon. 



Has there been any updates for this since February? How can we get the ball rolling for this?


+1 it is really disturbing for our customers , and not very clean for a multibrand organisation


Absolutely agree. Our workaround is cludgy and means we don't really get to use the last of the brand spots since it has to be reserved for this email. 

Max McCal - is there any improvements planned for the multibrand feature? 


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Caroline Kello

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi folks, while this work hasn't made it on to our 2024 roadmap we're still actively listening and open to hearing your feedback. Appreciate everyone who's chiming in and adding their vote. 




Caroline Kello - I understand this is not on 2024 roadmap. 

Look at this from a security perspective. The end user is resetting the password and receiving a new one from a non-branded “unknown” service. 

From my perspective, this must be a high priority on the list. I am starting to regred that we choose Zendesk. 


+1 for this request. Should be high priority.



As others who have mentioned this in this thread and the other thread on a related topic (https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4408860741658), I want to add my vote for this. 

It's really strange how poor the entire Brand system interacts with the welcome / verification mails that get sent out. The entire function feels like an archaic piece of Zendesk, that is in real need of an update. 

We are encountering this exact issue as we attempt to roll out additional brands within our Zendesk instance, which are entirely different from our primary brand. 



