

Ability to reply to correct tweet rather than the original tweet

已于 2021年3月02日 发布

TL;DR We would like for our replies from Zendesk to be a reply on the tweet we're actually responding to as opposed to the original tweet.

This Zendesk article mentions:

If the ticket was created from a tweet mentioning your Twitter account name (for example @Zendesk), then your reply from within Zendesk will be a reply tweet, threaded to the senders original mention.

We would really like for our replies from Zendesk to be a reply on the tweet we're actually responding to, rather than the senders original mention. We often have conversations on Twitter that go back and forth multiple times, and our responses then end up appearing completely out of order on Twitter. It makes it virtually impossible for somebody to follow along in Twitter itself.

This Community post is along similar lines, but there wasn't a conclusion. For clarity, we are referring to public tweets rather than DMs.

I believe this is a Zendesk limitation rather than a Twitter API limitation, as we haven't had this issue with other platforms we've used to respond to tweets.



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Any updates here please


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Nizar, there are no updates for us to share at this time; this is not something that is currently being worked on. 



