Add categories (subviews, dropdown view) function to Views
已于 2021年2月09日 发布
Currently, the first 12 shared views are accessible in the Views list. Which might not be enough if you need more subviews/categories.
I will provide examples of the categorized Views and then explain the benefits of it.
Examples of the categorized Views
In our case, we have multiple brands added to Zendesk.
Each brand has different categorized Views, based on:
- Channels
- Language
- Topic (usually filtered by tags which work on particular keywords)
- Help Center submit forms
These first-level categories can be also categorised in their subcategories. For instance, Topic can be categorized in:
- Access issues
- Subscriptions
- Refunds
This is how our Views look in one of the apps from the marketplace (14 brands are connected here):
Depending on the product, the brand View might have multiple subfolders within it.
This is how our View of the categorized brand looks like:
So, here one brand View has multiple categories with 4 depth category levels.
Why is it beneficial to categorize?
- It helps to onboard agents faster when you allow them to start familiarizing with the product by topic;
- Some products have agents who work only with one topic, thus helping to improve efficiency.
- It helps to analyze tickets from the help centre easier when we can dedicate agents to work only with the tickets from the help centre.
- It helps to categorize tickets by issues, which require special attention from more experienced agents.
- Categorization by language also allows choosing the agents with skills needed for the language or the specification of the market.
- Agents can migrate to provide help to other products based on category.
Since Zendesk has a categorization option for macros with :: which allows creating multiple category depth levels, the same functionality could be implemented for subviews option.
Additional to it, the same function of ordering (as trigger categories) could be used in Views too.
We, of course, could use the third-party app but currently, it lags, has quite many glitches and not everything gets along with Zendesk (has not enough consistency).
Let's see how many of us need it, give a vote if you feel a lack of it.
Thank you!
106 条评论
Jan Urban
Hi all,
we were a new customer, but we left because of this issue. 3rd party apps cannot replace what should be included within the core system. We could not properly handle 6 different customer support languages and several departments with Zendesk. Sad to see this being ignored and not implemented.
Support team
hi Jan Urban! What ticketing system you are using now for support?
Jan Urban
To be honest. We sticked with the aging Kayako... It has a wonderful tree structure. It works for us. You need to do some workarounds and stuff, but its ok. The downside: Its far away from beeing a modern ticketsystem. It lacks in terms of: reports, macros, flexibility and other channels like Facebook, Whatsapp etc.
An other option is "intercom" we looked into this, but it lacks some features we need. So maybe in 2023 we switch to "intercom".
Ashley M
+1 This should be a basic function within the tool.
Usman Saeed
Yes, we need this!
When we can expect this feature in production?
Jeong Hyeon Woo
Hi! Zendesk team.
Is there any progress on this work?
I think it is a very, very necessary function, and I hope it will be applied soon.
I look forward to your feedback on the progress.
Nathan Purcell
Salvador Vazquez can we have an update please?
Haroon Rashid
Waiting for an update on this?
Support team
When will this be available?
Jordan Moore
Is this ever going to show up on the roadmap? We're paying for a third party app for a feature that SHOULD have been native in ZD from day one. We have 100+ views that are all necessary (especially when you have multiple assignee groups). This has been one of the most frustrating limitations in ZD. People have been asking for this for YEARS. Put it on the road map already.
Daniel Heard
There isn't an update to this specifically but the views limitation thread has an update:
It's been 3 years now - still no improvements to the limited views?
Jordan Moore
EJ they are neverrrr going to implement this enhancement. We've been begging for it. So long as Zendesk has become comfortable with subsidizing development to their third party marketplace, they have basically quit implementing any requests. They recently said they're expanding their views to a measly 30. We have 100+ views that need to be nested to manage our assigned group ticket traffic. We're beginning to shop for another ticketing system.
Mark Pinfold
EJ, Jordan Moore
See below link. I recently engaged with this.
Works a treat for my needs, may work for you.
Jordan Moore
Mark Pinfold appreciate the suggestion. We're already using Lovely works, But we we're just fed up with having to constantly buy some third party app to accomplish what honestly should just be native to Zendesk. We're spending about $20k extra for functionalities that supposedly Zendesk claimed were in their enterprise product. Not true at all. We're about to shuck out another $4,000 for trying to get NPS and CSATs implemented...which requires customer lists...a feature that once was free in the enterprise option. But now ZD charges for the feature....and then you have to turn around and buy a subscription to a survey product on top of that.
Jordan Moore
FYI, Zendesk...138 people voted on this. What was the point of asking people to vote on this if there was no intent on implementation? Turn on categories and nesting.
Salvador Vazquez
Hello all,
Thank you again for sharing these great use cases and continuing to share the needs. We are working on this and will be rolling out incremental changes to get you the native side panel experience you all need.
I have an update on this comment as well. But in short we are increasing the limit from 12 shared and 8 personal to 30 shared and 10 personal in Q3 of 2023 and in 2024 will have more rollouts in the side panel experience that will continue to enhance the experience natively. I look forward to the continued collaboration so we can create a great experience together.
Jordan Moore
Salvador Vazquez 30 is nowhere near enough. Just one of our assignee groups, has 17 workqueue for different business processes. We have more than 10 assignee groups, each with their own set of queues they need access to view. Why is there such a hessantancy for ZD to broaden this enhancement. There are 3 other vendors in the marketplace that have no trouble what so ever in providing an application that allows for much more than a 100+ views, NESTED. If the majority of the people in this forum are complaining about the nesting and volume of views, odd are, expanding from 12 to 30, is still going to result in customers having to use 3rd party apps. Come on guys, step it up.
Gareth McNulty
Salvador Vazquez, Jordon is correct. The views experience is easily the Achillies heel of Zendesk. It was the hardest thing to walk my team through when adopting Zendesk. It was a major step backward in functionality and usefulness. Freshdesk, your competitors and even 3rd party marketplace apps kick you guys around in this area. You can and should go much further in making the views experience align with what your customers need, deserve and expect. Happy to hop on a call and discuss further.
Amie Brennan
hey Jordan Moore
I'd like to challenge you on the number of views you have to begin with. As a Zendesk solutions consultant, I can confidently tell you that... the number of views you've described is way too many for any agent to try and be managing across a business and is not scalable, let alone an admin try a manage in the account.
If you're struggling to manage this within Zendesk as it is currently. It sounds like you may need a Zendesk Health Check and/or Optimisation in order to improve your current workflows, reduce the number of working views required, and improve agent efficiency over time as a result. If you're interested in this, let me know we can work something out. I'm a Zendesk partner and we can help you with this.
Yes, Zendesk does need to change its views and offer more, but I think you may also need to see a larger picture here that you're existing workflows are potentially overbaked and can be done in a more concise way.
Jordan Moore
We're perfectly fine with our views. We're not struggling at all to manage the views. Our struggle is with the cap on the number. We'll likely be adding another 50 views this year to begin building out the continual improvement process under ITIL to monitor metrics.
I am the admin. I hear the same rhetoric when I get invited to the Zendesk customer forums. What we have built out in our instance is miles beyond what others are implementing. We do not need a health check. No consultant yet has been able to come close to the optimization I run in-house. And Zendesk has been looking at our site as a business case for future enhancements. My job for 15 years is a solution architect that goes in an cleans up the absolute mess organization make our of their service management models. I rewrote the SOPs for service management for Dell and United Healthcare.
There is no issue with agents juggling 100+ views because visibility of the views are restricted by assignee group. So agents only see their applicable views. They are also structured in the admin console with appropriate naming convention and tags so they are easily manageable by an admin. We have more than a dozen assignee groups that all have two sets of nested views.
The first is a standardized set that each assignee group gets. It shows views for unassigned/uncategorized, open, pending, on hold, closed, and reopened.
The second set of views is assignee group/department specific. One department has 17 unique business workflows, that require dynamic forms for ticket creation.
Other departments have task-driven queues, so that our hardware team during a new customer onboarding, kicks off site setups. The first view are inbound orders from our Salesforce API that need validated. Once validated, they move to view 2 (communications and tracking), then view 3 (scheduling installations), where the ticket moves data from our Zendesk instance to our scheduling system that sends field techs schedules to their phone, then view 4 is completed installations requiring validation of site signoff and billing.
Before building anything, I standardized all our processes so Zendesk could be scaled 10x what we have now and still be manageable by 1 singular admin.
We're running over a 100+ triggers that have been organized same as computer code, with class secregation and containers. We have a library of flags and objects, that are part of our triggers standard operating procedure that is used to build new triggers.
I'm a certified ServiceNow administration and architect, ITIL v3&4 certified, and worked for the #1 IT service management company in the world. We're good here. We just need the cap on views lifted. LovelyViews has no problem staging the functionality. There's unfortunately a changing of guard needed at Zendesk to appropriately align their product dev to cater to enterprise level customers.
Nathan Purcell
I'm 100% with Jordan Moore here.
My organisation comprises dozens of brands with hundreds of agents in teams around the world. Our agents are cross-trained so the number of queues is a multiple of the different brands AND services therein.
Zendesk shouldn't try to dictate how we use the system; they should be listening to feedback and adapting. If we choose to do so in a "non-optimal" way then that's for us to decide.
Administration Account
Finally some improvement is coming on September 29, 2023 by doubling the amount that is automatically displayed
Adam Gomez
I would like to suggest that there be more than 12 views at one time. Our 16:9 monitors have plenty of zendesk white space that can be filled by text
Yvonne P.
Happy that the 30 views now are possible and all rolled out. We do however urgently need the option to nest the views, as possible in lovely views app. So my vote here for that to go on your roadmap asap :)
Kind regards from Munich,
Yvonne P.
Adding another comment here to upvote on this going on the roadmap asap again
We urgently need to be able to nest views like we can in Lovely Views (see below) - I see a ton of community content on this, and people asking for it for over 3 years now - really hope to soon hear that we can expect this to be implemented in the near future.
Jordan Moore 2024, can we FINALLY get views expanded to a much larger number. 30 ain't cutting it. And 100+ people have begged for this since 2021. Call LovelyViews and ask them how they did it.
Salvador Vazquez
Hello everyone, thank you for your continued engagement on this thread and expressing your interest in this feature request. We understand the frustration that comes with not having the features you want prioritized in the time frame desired; and thank you for your patience as we worked to get this the attention it deserved.
With that being said I am excited to share that we will be working on categorization this year to address this issue. We're on a path to provide a more flexible views experience for you all and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to develop this feature. We will continue to update this thread as we have more information to share. Our teams will continue to monitor any further feedback as well. Thank you again!
Johannes Garske
Will the limit to 30 vies then be deprecated? Because when we can group them i have an overview independent from how many views i have.
Would be also a huge benefit!
Agnieszka Pyzik
Hello everyone, listening to your feedback we are currently working on the categorization feature for Views. To be able to deliver the best experience for all of you we would love to talk about your needs in more detail.
If you would like to participate in a meeting with us, please provide some details here so we can contact you directly.
I am grateful for your interest and engagement in conversation with us.