Is it possible to send satisfaction surveys to the ticket submitter - not the requester?
已于 2021年1月06日 发布
Is it possible to send satisfaction surveys to the ticket submitter (not the requester) when the ticket does NOT have public comments? We have agents and light agents that submit internal tickets for work that needs to be done by other internal departments for client organizations. These tickets will never have public comments, and we do not want the requester to know the ticket is created. We input one of the users from the organization as the requester so the ticket will be associated with the correct organization.
We would like to send satisfaction surveys to the submitter so we can have metrics on our internal departments. I do not see "submitter" as an option in either triggers or automation.
Any ideas?
1 条评论
Andrew J
Agents cannot rate tickets, so in this case there is no point sending CSAT to the submitter. If this is a must could use an external CSAT provider, or non-agent emails perhaps. In a small scale situation it might be possible to develop a workaround, but it wouldn't be practical at scale.