Set filters on Scheduled Dashboards
已于 2019年11月19日 发布
I created a post here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360037531293-Scheduled-Dashboard-showes-different-values?input_string=Set%20filters%20on%20Scheduled%20Dashboards that talked about having filters applied to a scheduled dashboard. I would like to see if there is going to be a possibility of using the same queries and having them filtered on the scheduled delivery. When I open the dashboard, it shows me the data filtered how I expect it without me having to set a filter. On the emailed PDF version, it does not keep the filter. If this is too similar to setting default filters on dashboards I will go ahead and remove my post.
25 条评论
Walter Bellante
Hello @Zachary Spears,
Thank you for your invaluable feedback and for detailing your use cases. We fully recognize the importance of being able to apply filters to scheduled dashboards and understand how this feature would enhance your workflows and overall experience with Explore.
I'm pleased to share that the ability to apply filters to scheduled dashboards is something we are actively working on in our new dashboard builder. This feature will allow you to customize your schedules and tailor them to a specific audience without the necessity of creating multiple dashboards.
The feature is planned to be released in H2 this year, we will keep you updated on any developments and when this feature becomes available.
In the meantime, you can learn more about the upcoming features in the new dashboard builder through this link: Comparing features available in the dashboard builder
Thank you for your patience and continued support.
Christopher Rome
Yes, this is a feature we need. On insights, with one dashboard, we are able to schedule a delivery for the current set of filters which include agent groups, different time frames, and different organizations. Our use case is that each organization needs the same dashboard, but they should only be getting their information. What makes it easy for our managers for scheduled pre-filtered dashboards is that the image/pdf is already generated and in their email to download and attach to a report. It also serves as a reminder for them to attach the dashboard to their report.
We also need this feature - as we have some fields that we filter that are specific to certain teams that we'd like to set those filters and schedule it to send to that team without them having to make changes to the dashboard. It is currently functioning in insights that I'd like to see in Explore.
Also, another use case is some of our clients actually request reports every month/week - so we have these scheduled to send and forward along to them! So we need that functionality.
This one should be obvious!
I concur with all of the above. I just had a discussion in a support ticket with Zendesk about this.
Use cases same as above: customers get SLA reports every month / quarter. A report (dashboard) has 4 tabs. Filters across tabs work fine in the UI (when you get all the finicky stuff in place: copy filters one-by-one, bookmark on first tab), but the scheduled PDF only applies the filter to the first.
I was advised to use bookmarks on every tab, but that means 4 times #customers of arranging hidden bookmarks :(
This was already a workaround for my first idea. In our portal every customer has their own Help center (Guide) section in which we publish their monthly / quarterly reports. Those used to be Insights PDF's (easy, multitab, filters were applied to schedule and not the dashboard). With Explore I wanted to abandon old fashion PDF and share an Explore link in Guide; That does mean one dashboard for each customer, but the advantage is that customers at any time can see their SLA status.
However, there's another bug they're still working on: the link does not work in Guide within a host mapped help center article :(
I guess for now it's gonna be just a lot of manual labor.
CJ Johnson
This would be really fantastic. Currently, if you say, want to send a Dashboard of Unsolved tickets and exclude pending, but also want to let people filter it in and out, you have to build 2 separate dashboards and 2 separate queries. With the lack of any kind of categorization or tagging, this increases the query bloat problem as well.
Pat Harland-Lee
Would really love an update on this!
Deb Kaseman
Scheduling daily reports used to be so easy in Insights. With Explore, I now have to generate each daily report, every single day. Takes up a lot of my time setting up and emailing. Would love to see this feature added to Explore.
Chris Cox
I agree with Deb. With all the positives with Explore, the lack of the ability to schedule dashboards with specific filters is a major step back from Insights. Can we have an update please Zendesk on if you plan to address this much needed missing feature?
Kelsi - Customer Care Manager
I hope this issue is addressed ASAP. It really does stunt Explore in a major way. For me, this makes the "Schedule" feature entirely non-functional.
Anastasia Kachanova
This should be a must in Explore.
We need to have a possibility to filter data. At least to have data filters + time filters for exact period of time /time range. We need to share our KPIs with stakeholders daily. And currently when we schedule dashboard sharing -> we have all data exported for this instance (for lifetime) - this should be changed.
Is there any possibility this ability will be coming in the near future? This is costing us time and money each week because we have to manually pull reports for each of our clients because we can't schedule filtered dashboards showing just their data. Sure we could create duplicate queries for each client with filters pre-applied, but that is messy and unmaintainable for us.
Applicable for us too. For me, it's a date filter. I get a last-14-days PDF each morning, but I'd also like to get a last-90-days filter weekly.
Is the best current solution to this to clone whichever dashboard you want to have the separate range, update the date range bookmark, and then set up a schedule for that one?
As it turns out, that's currently the only workaround for this kind of use case.
we want and need this also
so you can send agents their metrics each week/day etc via the schedule, but they only see theirs, not the whole team
how do you clone the dashboard so only one agent is on the scheduled delivery?
e.g. you have dashboard with reports:
(assignee name) solved tickets, requester wait time, first reply time, one touch, two touch
how can I clone that so it has only one agent in the assignee name part, rather than having that as a drop down where it is all filtered
Also noticed this thread has comments from 2021 about schedule delivery with filters, so can be emailed out etc. to invidual.
its clearly something that people need and want, whats the hold up with delivering it?
Edwin Schukking
+1 on this feature!
Atanas Tomov
John DiGregorio
@bctsupport did you ever get publishing the reports to the community to work? I have been wanting to do this but can't find a quick or easy way to do it
HAC_RD Admin
Definitely a needed function. I have to apply date filters to multiple pages and export each tab otherwise. If this is not possible, there should be a way to export all tabs at once after having applied a date filter across all tabs.
Chris Cox
I assume given the length of time since "Insights/GoodData" was replaced with "Explore" by Zendesk, on what we were led to believe would be similar functionality, that this regression in capability is not going to be addressed by Zendesk.
As is pointed out by other comments, the lack of being able to schedule reports with filter options applied limits the functionality of the scheduling feature and you end up with many variations of similar reports just to be able to generate different filter options on a schedule - really not a great experience.
Boyan Spasov
Rob Becker
Walter Bellante Is there any sort of update on this? Still on track for Q3 or Q4?
Petra Szasz
I'd also love to have an update on this and when they will be going live.
Would save me creating bulk amounts of reports with a simple change of just the group being different.