Enable Callers to Press Key to Leave a Voicemail in Queue
已于 2021年7月12日 发布
Current Functionality: Once a caller hits the queue, there are three possible outcomes: 1) caller hangs up, 2) caller continues to wait in queue until agent answers, 3) caller hits Max Wait Time in Queue and is routed to voicemail.
Desired Functionality: Add a 4th option where callers in the queue can press a key (ex: presses 9) to be routed to voicemail (vs. have to wait until an agent answers or until they hit the Max Wait Time)
*Note: we currently have our IVR setup to press 1 for agent (routes to queue) or to press 2 to route to directly voicemail. The above request is to enable a caller to reroute to voicemail after pressing 1 for an agent.
1 条评论
Rohan Gupta
Hi Natalie,
Thanks for reaching out.
You should be able to configure the above usecase with existing functionality.
When voicemail is enabled, Callers can dial 1 at any time (even when in the queue) to go straight to voicemail.
And wait greeting can be customised to inform the caller about the keypress to voicemail.
Links to some documentation:
1) Configuring voicemail options
2) Configuring general settings
If you still need help in configuring the same, you can reach out to our support team at support@zendesk.com .