


已于 2021年9月29日 发布

 Please create a feature to disable the archiving of tickets or increase the ticket archiving period.



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Gaurav Parbat

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for starting this thread. Can you please elaborate a bit more on how the current archiving schedule is impacting your ticketing workflow? What are the problems that you face because of the current archiving schedule? Do you need to updated tickets? See tickets in Search & Views longer? Can you share examples for each scenario? We are looking at optimizing the archiving schedule right now and your feedback will be very helpful.



I would like to add from my end as well. I have experienced that the tickets are auto archives after some period of days and it disappears from Views. When I checked i found that zendesk by default archive the tickets by 120 days. can we disable these feature?

Please assist.



For archived tickets, our client wants to see the full ticket history in the view. Also, most of all, it seems to be the most inconvenient that the history of 120 days does not appear in the customer activity history. If an archived ticket does not appear in the customer's history while working within the ticket, it is inconvenient to have to check the customer's profile again. To facilitate ticket processing, we would like to see the archived tickets in the customer activity history as well.

I hope this comment was helpful. thank you.


Hello.  I know this is an old thread but does anyone have any more information on this or is there a way of increasing the number of days until archive?  I'd like to change this to at least 240 days but if possible 365 days.


Rolf Hayes - any resolution to this? I'm also just trying to find any settings within Zendesk related to archiving…..for example, can you turn it on and off? 


Chris Green No I haven't heard any more on this or found any workaround.  


The closest work round is the search window, however, this is still poor as we still can't Customize search results columns.  Movement forward on this seems very slow but will make some improvements on this once the planned dev is finally completed.  


Thinking about this further it would be nice as a simple step towards this to enable the option for views to show archived tickets.

Gaurav Parbat any further thoughts or proposed action on this, please.



