Revamp of Stay on Ticket vs. Close Tab Flow
已于 2020年2月03日 发布
A while back I had an idea for a revamping of the "Submit As" button to consolidate it with the stay on ticket vs. close tab behavior, reducing the number of clicks when needing to switch between the two on a regular basis. I have created a very quick mock up on how I envisioned this:
6 条评论
Nicole Saunders
Thank you for putting this together, Robert. If other users are interested in a similar workflow, please up vote Robert's original comment and share any additional feedback that you have.
This would be a major workflow change to the core of the product, but it's worth sharing with the PM nonetheless if it's something a lot of folks would desire.
Jonathan March
FWIW We always stay on ticket so would not want the noise and potential error of these added choices, but I can see that it could be a useful option for some.
Karen D Snyder
I have no problem with the Submit being separate from Close tab/Stay on ticket. I find the longer combined menu above more complicated and difficult to read. I usually set the option to either Close tab or Stay on ticket, depending on what I'm working on, for at least a few hours, or up to a few days, before I need to change it.
Eckhard Doll
I agree that it looks a bit cluttered this way but at the same time, an improvement would be nice. Most of the times, I work with "close tab" but for the times I need to stay on a ticket, either the suggestion above or simply a new keyboard shortcut would be very welcome.
Maja Zivkovic
In 90% of cases our agents need to 'close tab', but when escalating to 2nd line they do need to 'stay on ticket'. What would be great for us is if i could set this (close tab or stay on ticket) when creating macros. Our use case:
Agent writes to user in public comment informing of escalation (using inform of escalation macro), sends reply and stays on ticket
Agent escalates to 2nd line in private comment using escalation to 2nd line macro, sends reply and closes tab
The alternative solution to this would be to allow writing in public and private comments separately and simultaneously, but i think just being able to have "stay on ticket/close tab" set by the macro would be easier to build and just as efficient.
Nikki Goodson
I also have this problem, and we frequently switch from one to the other. The reason for ours is that if a ticket comes in with a foreign language, we get a translation and then post it as an internal note. We of course then need to stay on the ticket in order to send the public reply. In the case where the ticket comes in with English, then it's no problem to simply leave it as Next ticket in view. But more than half of our tickets need translation, so it is frequent switching back and forth.