Formatting Descriptions on Ticket Forms
已于 2019年4月03日 发布
Hello! I would like the ability to either
- Add formatting to the "Description shown to end users" part on a ticket form
- Add a hyperlink or PDF to a ticket form
We have various "Service Request Types" that we want users to select from when they submit a ticket, and we want a way to define those for clients. This will help them decide which service request type is most applicable for their particular request.
Right now, if I have various individual lines in the description with their corresponding definitions, the system lumps everything together into one paragraph on the end-user side. It would be good to be able to separate the lines, make some of the text bold, etc.
The second idea would be to link a URL or PDF document to the form so people could review it for more information about the types. It could say something like, "Click here to view definitions of the Service Request Types".
42 条评论
Brett Bowser
Hey everyone,
I chatted with our Product Management team in charge of this functionality and it doesn't look like we have any updates to share at this time. Resources are currently dedicated to other high priority projects like "custom ticket statuses". They will likely take a look at this request some time in 2023.
Thanks for taking the time to share this feedback with us and rest assured we will update this post once we have more information to share.
Ludvig Warrer
Totally agree with Melissa on the following part;
"Right now, if I have various individual lines in the description with their corresponding definitions, the system lumps everything together into one paragraph on the end-user side. It would be good to be able to separate the lines, make some of the text bold, etc."
I am also interested in the functionality of having help texts associated to each form question. Typically presented to the user as a "?" mark next to the actual question, which they can hover their mouse over to read more.
The detailed description you offer now, is too clumpsy and makes the overall form look verbose.
Jamie Noell
Mike Schepker
This definitely needs to be a thing. We have a priority dropdown and we explain the SLA of the priority levels in the description. It would be great if this allowed HTML or some other way to provide this information on the form itself.
Louis Evangelista
Matt Owens
Hey Zendesk Team,
Wanted to check on this, I found a similar conversation from 5 years ago in the About Ticket Fields thread with the following comment.
There were two links included, both are dead now.
Feature Request: HTML in Ticket Field Descriptions as well as Customizing Ticket Field Descriptions With HTML.
Any insight on if the feature was closed as "Won't Do" or if there is a way to get around the HTML scrubbers, of we could get that article published again as "use at own risk"?
Nicole Saunders
Hey Matt,
The feature request asked to make a link in an image clickable, and the product manager responded that the functionality was enabled ~4 years ago. The title didn't really accurately reflect what the request was for, and my guess is that request didn't cover what you're seeking.
The article was archived as the content contained several workarounds that are now out of date and no longer functional.
Matt Owens
Thank you @... for the additional context!
Also adding in a vote for this, we have some confirmation checkboxes that would greatly benefit from allowing line breaks and bolding. Looks like URLs auto-format to href links, so maybe opening the scope of the HTML used would be super helpful on our end.
Nicole Saunders
You're welcome, Matt. Thanks for sharing your feedback!
Paul French
+1 here, currently the formatting is plain and ruins the look of the ticket form
Ronny Röe
+1 here as well, just the possibility to add a line feed, like \n would be great, everything else a bonus to make it look professional.
Anggie Ramirez
+1 . I am enabling a Business Impact dropdown, but need to add descriptions and right now is all one big paragraph.
Eski Admin Hesabı
We would like to add GDPR Checkbox and share a link for endusers in order to create tickets by forms. So using "html" would be a great option on description of ticket field.
David Milward
This would be great to help make this part of forms more useful.
We would aim to do it for our fields asking for licence keys etc to allow us to point the customer to a guide on finding the key if they haven't got it.
For those that are stuck, you can get around this limitation by adding something similar to the below to your script.js in the help centre theme.
The field names come from the API page here
The code has to be added within the $(document).ready(function() { of the script.js file
Permanently deleted user
+1 to this feature request.
@... Thanks for pointing out the workaround. I'll check that out.
But we're running a multibrand scenario and it will be quite cumbersome to have this kind of tailoring in each help center theme.
Definitely looking for a built-in solution.
Also, I found this article describing my exact use case for the Web Widget.
Looking at the last screenshot it 's nicely styled, so not sure why the Web Widget can do this but a normal request form in the help center can't.
Paul Curson
@... - Thanks for adding this really useful workaround. Can descriptions also be added for custom fields using the same method? Any examples you can give you would be great. Thank-you!
David Milward
@... - I agree the solution is not great for multibrand (we are in the same boat) but thankfully our secondary brands haven't required the customization yet so are happy with the current setup.
@... - You can do it with custom fields, we have it set up on one of our forms (linked here) with the Subscription ID and Licence Key fields displaying different descriptions.
Paul Curson
@... - Thank-you! Exactly what I was looking for. Appreciate you responding so quickly.
+1 this would be a great feature to have!
Kuldeep Patidar
Hi @... @..., Could you please show us how did you input that code?
FYI: I tried updating your code in "Copenhagen Theme version 2.9.0", but it did not work! Any information that you could share would be greatly appreciated.
Paul Curson
Hi @... - Can you tell me what you are trying to add to your theme so I can help?
Kuldeep Patidar
Thanks, @...!
Yes, I'm trying to impose certain conditions on a ticket form and I'm looking forward if you could help me find a way to setup the following:
1. I want to include a blocker where the user cannot submit the form if the value of a #number custom field is under 500. The "Submit" button should not appear if the user opts for a number between 0 and 499. Can the Submit button be turned off/disabled when the value is below the required number?
2. I need to attach an thumbnail image on the form, as a reference that shows the user "how to navigate within the options". Fundamentally, the picture would be a screenshot of the instructions that would be opened in a new window after a click, so that users can pass through the instruction points.
3. I used a workaround to get a hyperlink on the ticket form by adding the code David had mentioned earlier on the article but it didn't work for me.
Has this feature request been added or is there a plan for this currently being worked on -
Feature Request: HTML in Ticket Field Descriptions as well as Customizing Ticket Field Descriptions With HTML.
Any update would be much appreciated! Thank you!
Dave Smith
David Milward - How did you get the sliding effect in your ticket form (in the Product field)?
David Milward
Dave Smith - I believe you mean the subsections (correct me if wrong). In a dropdown, you can add :: between parts to create a subsection in the dropdown. For us this was
Exclaimer Cloud:: Signatures for G Suite
Exclaimer Cloud:: Signature for Office 365
It leaves you with Exclaimer Cloud visible first, then selecting those slides to create a new list of Signatures for Office 365 and Signatures for G Suite for selection.
Dave Smith
Thank you David Milward
サポートセンター tokuda
Chance Taylor
Is it possible to get fields in a ticket set up to have a brief description either when you have over the field name or to have an information symbol next to the field name? There is one field that has this function and it would be nice if the description added for a field in the admin portal would be available in a pop-up for end-users to see.
Dave Dyson
If you enter a description in the "Description shown to end users" field when you're setting up or editing a ticket field that appears on the end-user ticket submission form, the description will be shown there under the field. This is a text-only field, however:
Joey Liew
Need the ability to line break the description. Now the 4 levels description are all lump together. Can Zendesk development team include this feature? The first post is dated 3 years ago.