Bulk Edit Ticket Requester
已于 2016年3月29日 发布
Requesters/End-Users leave organizations all the time. If someone has many tickets open, it's time consuming to go through each one and change each one manually.
The standard Bulk-Edit dialog should be updated to include requester in the list of fields.
It's been quoted as a "security issue" before, so perhaps it should be Admin only if that's such a concern.
The API is not an easy solution for Agents who are responsible for managing their Organization's tickets.
47 条评论
Harold Roberts
Please. Even if it is only for admins. We really need this. especially during Covid, when we are terming whole departments, or several departments at once.
And now that we are rehiring we need this as well, to return users in Bulk, and send their managers their credentials.
Svend Koustrup
We also need this. When requesters quit their job in their organizations, i'd like to move his/her tickets ("requester" on those tickets) to another person in that organization. I could merge the user thus moving all tickets, but that also moves one user's details into another, which is not what I want. I also actually don't want to delete the end user, as old archived tickets should stay on that old user, so we can see who managed that old ticket.
Just add requester field to the Bulk edit ticket view, thanks :-)
Lena Borisenko
This feature is definitely needed. But, Bulk ticket edit feature already exists, so it's not clear why Requester field is not included in the bulk ticket edit feature. I wouldn't even call it a new feature, it's completing an existing feature.
Jennifer Lee
Would be helpful for hundreds of tickets that need the requester reassigned if/when there's turnover with our client (happens several times a year).
Jason Lomax
Amisha Sharma
Hey everyone, Thank you all so much for taking the time to share your feedback with us in regards to bulk editing the ticket requester. Our team would like to investigate this feature request in the future and find the best way to address this product limitation. Currently, we are focusing on composer stability so we won't be able to prioritize this to our roadmap for at least the next 6 months. In the meantime, please keep sharing your use-cases with us as this will help us to prioritize this functionality in our future roadmap planning.
Richard Hartley
Just to add yet another voice to this debate....we desperately need this too...
Elizabeth Edison
Still an issue +1 for this feature. The only workaround I have is to leave internal notes to tell the techs to update the requester as they work them instead of me updating one by one manually. 2016 is when this was first raised with several comments throughout the years. Could this be pushed up in priority?
Emily Hopewell
It would be great if we could add the email of requesters automatically too rather than having to view on their individual profiles to view/access their email addresses. I would like to be able to export the csv files of a particular "view" and for the email addresses of these ticket requesters to appear within the file. Unfortunately, I have been playing with the different columns that you can have visible in a view which can then be exported and it doesn't include the email addresses of requesters, but instead just their name as "requester" or "ID" on zendesk.
Zac Garcia
Hi all - I'm dropping in to share that we're aware of the ask here, and while we have some exciting plans to continue enabling agents to be productive in the near future, we don't have an update about this request just yet. We'll continue to evaluate if and when any plans for bulk actions take shape.
Emily Hopewell - I wanted to let you know that, while your use case isn't possible at this time in Views, you can create such a list using Explore using the Requester Email attribute. Here's a previous feedback with the same request, and an answer from one of our Community Moderators that provides a bit more detail: Make views including email addresses
Dropping by to add that we would also like bulk edit requester functionality (and have change requester available as automation and trigger options).
Use case - context: Zendesk is used to support stores
It is very tedious to manually change the requested on each ticket
Jamie Noell
At times, we find that there is an incorrect email address in the system - someone may have cc'd an "agent" but misspelled the email, which has created a new account in our system. We want to remove that incorrect email, but we then have to go to each ticket where the incorrect email had been used, such as on proactive tickets created afterwards, and change the requester one-by-one. It would be really helpful to be able to have requester on the bulk edit feature so that we only have to do so once.
The Original DKNY
Another fine example of a clearly defined need that most ticketing systems support, but Zendesk after 6+ years still has not implemented or identified a work around. Support Product gets no real love based on our feed back since Sell IMHO.
Paul Kell
Any update on this? It is crazy this isn't part of the product for admins. WHY???
Hostmost Engineering (S) Pte Ltd
Hi, an agent leave and have a hundreds of tickets he leave as a requester. We have no way to switch it over to the group or to any other agent in bulk. It is so annoying because we cannot cancel the agent license because of the requester tickets. Would Zendesk work on this task since it is something that people are asking since 5 yrs back! Really, the ROI is negative!
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
Hi all,
I see this is a pretty hotly requested feature in Zendesk for many years already. I understand the request here, but I thought I might be able to help out with a workaround. By leveraging Zendesk business rules and webhooks, it can be possible to make a workflow that allows for bulk updating ticket requester or to do so via automation. Please feel free to take a look at the Walkthroughs that are published on our Help Centre. We hope they can be helpful for some folks, and are open to any feedback you may have.
Change Ticket Requester via Automation - here
Bulk Edit Ticket Requester - here
Cheers ~
Darren Bell
I have just landed on this page, after trying to find a way to change the Requester on a client's account becasue their main contact is returning. They have 30 tickets… so I have to go in to EACH ONE and manually amend the requester…. best top up my coffee mug. Great use of my time.
You'd think we have something by now considering this was requested 9 years ago.