[Closed for comments] Customization of the dashboard


已于 2012年12月10日 发布

In the new Zendesk Interface, the dashboard by default displays a "Tickets Requiring Your Attention" view. (I realize this is not a "view" in the Zendesk-defined sense)  This way of looking at tickets is not customizable - the fields displayed cannot be altered, the column widths cannot be changed, and there's no way to "anchor" alternate views on the left side where the existing icons (for dashboard, reporting, settings, etc) reside.  Those are features we consider vital in order for us to use the Lotus interface.  The most glaring omission on the default dashboard is the absence of the ticket number.  It would be great if Zendesk started by making that change, and then making the dashboard customizable so that it has real value to those users who need a different dataset than Zendesk has provided by default.



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It would be awesome to have the SLA functions beside the NKI stats.


This would be a really valuable feature for my company!


I agree that the Agent Dashboard needs to be customizable!  As I evaluated other products recently, even the cheapest most basic solutions allow for this.  Specifically, I just need some space to post a "Banner" to alert about news of the day (like we are taking email off line today from 1pm to 2pm for maintenance...) and also the ability to add a couple of custom links.  Very basic.


Wow another long ask hey.

I agree with the person who originally suggested a customisable home page... back in Dec 2012.

Zendesk - "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"

Me - "Still not on the Home Screen lol"

Looking forward to seeing it customisable.




Hey Zendesk,

Are there updates on this?

We never, ever, ever use the Dashboard. And we don't want agents to use it as they have very specific Views set up for them.



Even turning off the Dashboard would a step forward!!

I've been on this thread for two years now, still the customer base is being ignored by ZenDesk.....


Totally agree with Jason. Waiting for such simple thing for more than 2,5 years already. I understand that Zendesk is a giant company, but come on...


Though I do sympathize all comments above, I don't think it is fair to judge the complete Zendesk company by just this (or some) issues. A software company has a giant ecosystem to take care of. This means sometimes you have to bring disappointments. I try to convince myself that probably this requested change is not as easy as it seems for us. In the end, I am not able to see (or even understand :D) the code that is responsible for the dashboard so who am I to judge about the feasibility? I am trying to see everything in perspective here, as long as I am able to run my core business. On the other hand, I feel your pain and also encourage evolution of the dashboard.


Remco, that is very nice and sympathetic and I am sure includes some reality. But people have also asked for the ability to simply disable it from the interface if it can't do anything whatsoever that we want it to and thus only serves to confuse new users. Nobody here who develops software honestly believes doing only that would be a multiyear challenge.


Remco - Very sympathetic, parts maybe true but I doubt they'd struggle to complete this change.

Make no mistake, Zendesk isn't run from a loft by three guys anymore, Zendesk have come a long way since then and are the leading in their field. Also as they're based on Customer Service, you'd think requests could be treated with a bit more than a black hole forum (which is what every request I've commented on seems like).

I may have missed a comment along the way somewhere (as there are so many to read), but I don't think the request has been addressed by someone at Zendesk, or has it? It would just be nice to know what they think is what I'm saying.

It really isn't that hard to do and would please a lot of people and improve the product overall.

Perhaps they're developing it into the pro package or premium package ;)

Overall it's great product, but everything can always get better if it listens and changes.

Fingers crossed...


Well.. Guess you guys are also right.. :)


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi all - 

Product is very highly aware of this request, and is interested in exploring some things around the dashboards further when they have the bandwidth to do so. There are many different requests throughout this thread, and more problem-centric conversation is warranted, with some specific questions coming from the Product team. 

I'm meeting with them on Monday to discuss several things, but this conversation is one we will be broaching with them at that time. I can't guarantee I'll have any specifics to share following that meeting, but I will be back with an update sometime next week. 


I'm pretty sure anything I can say about the lack of functionality of the Dashboard has already been said, but the main point I keep coming back to is: this is the first screen a user sees, yet it seems to serve no purpose.

My example is that I have administrator access and am assigned to the same groups as another administrator account - yet their dashboard shows something (standard "updates to your tickets" with a giant list of tickets), and my dashboard shows pretty much nothing (standard "updates to your tickets" yet no tickets listed (unless I click "groups")) - and I can't even make a modification so that I'm seeing the same thing as the other admin. Everything regarding settings of both admin accounts is exactly the same - yet one dashboard is different to another, and nothing can be done to change this. Frustrating is an understatement.

A dashboard should function as a dashboard, be customisable to fit the use of each user. Yet for Zendesk it functions as a lame version of what can be/is accomplished by views.

Really looking forward to @Nicole's update, hopefully coming next week.


Quite disappointed to see Zendesk is neither looking into Suggestions provided by users nor is working towards providing better customization of their entire tool.

Being an influencer I would not recommend this product, if the product roadmap is not very clear.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Gaurav - 

We are actively looking into both suggestions from our users as well as many, many ways to customize our tools. 

The update is that the product team is interested in exploring dashboard customization, and have this on the backlog list for later in the year. Other things have been prioritized for development in Q2, but they're looking for an opportunity to open this topic up for exploration.


Hi Nicole,

Thanks for the update - but as the issue is on the backlog for later in the year I have to ask: What are the chances of it getting seen to soon, rather than being pushed back again?

This issue is approaching 5.5 years since it was first opened, and to hear that it's not exactly a priority doesn't give too much hope that it will be seen to any time soon.

What does the Dev team need from the community in order to make this something that will be actioned?


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Ashley - 

Later in the year is the earliest that anything would be able to happen. Our product development teams work in roughly quarterly sprints; right now they're working on the things that were slated for Q2, and the planning process for Q3 just wrapped up. So the earliest work would begin would be Q4. 

With dashboards specifically, one of the issues is that there are a multitude of different requests regarding the kind of customization and flexibility different users want, so a deeper exploration process of determining what would create the most value for the greatest number of different users is necessary. The Voice of the Customer team is currently in the process of determining what that exploration would look like and how to best go about collecting those use cases so that they can sort out what would make the most sense to create. 


So, at the moment, the product teams have what they need from the community. They know that dashboard customizations are desired by a lot of users and have examples of many use cases. When they're ready to begin a deeper exploration of this problem, we'll create a conversation thread with specific questions, and your input will be helpful in answering those questions at that point in time. 

The Voice of the Customer team is highly aware of this thread and pushing to move an exploration forward. We'll continue to keep this thread posted. 


Thanks Nicole.

Looking forward to see the issue progress.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

You're welcome, Ashley. 


Did dashboard customisation get into a sprint for Q3 or Q4?

Its crazy that you cannot add organisation to the dashboard and can only see end users!!


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Andrew - 

The product teams are considering several aspects of the different kinds of customizations that users would like, the problems behind why those customizations are necessary, and which ones would potentially have the greatest use for the greatest number of use-cases. But it is still very much in the exploration phases and therefore not slated for development at this point in time. 


Well it's not like we've been waiting 6 YEARS for the development team to 'explore' the idea.


It's simple things like that that directly stop my company from migrating away from other platforms to Zendesk. We're already an enterprise customer and Zendesk consistently fail to deliver it seems - hence our reluctance to give you more money for the same old rope.


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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

I'd love to be able to post messages for all agents or specific groups here that must be read on sign in. (ex, sign in redirected to the dashboard, UI is locked and the message is displayed for X seconds to cause agents to stop and read it, then UI unlocks and agents go about their day)


If agents/admins could either promote a 'Top View' or perhaps get metrics for their tickets (ex: # solved in this month) (perhaps embedded from Explore/Insights dashboards/reports) that'd be icing on the cake!


The first post is 6 years ago. Why isn't there an update? The Dashboard is not so useful without alle the fiels you can add in a view like Organisation.

Thank you


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi UB - 

I provided an update about six weeks ago. This issue is one that the product team is very aware of and wants to do something to solve this problem. At the moment they are in the early phases of exploring the best way to do so. 

We'll provide updates as we have news, but I wouldn't expect anything beyond exploration for several months. 


This might be the one reason we move to Solar Winds Help center, Datto or Autotask

Zendesk came with a software purchase but we are looking for something that we can use for the other 2 arms of the business. This fixed dashboard is a real issue


Nicole, it's nice to see that someone at your level has gotten involved, but it's disappointing that it won't even be addressed this year, and who knows when/if it will get into a sprint next year.

Even if we can't customize the Dashboard (yet), it would be fantastic just to be able to direct users to a specific View upon login (a quick addition to organization-wide Settings along with the related redirect code).  Sure, the Dashboard remains useless but at least we can skip those first few clicks to get to a useful View.  Even better, allow users to chose their own "first page" upon login - either the Dashboard or a View.


Great idea John. We have different teams that use different views. The ability to choose the view in the "first page" would be a great outcome. For us here we have no need to have a customised "first page" if "selectable view first page" was available.


Hi John and Andrew, 

You can already easily set the first view to be your own ticket view or similar. 

Simply login, navigate to the page you want to be your first view, then save it as your toolbar bookmark. 

When you click that bookmark, it will open on the specific view you wanted. 

I just have it set to open automatically when I open my browser. 




That's a good suggestion Daragh, but only works if you're logging in from your own computer.  I realize that seems like a copout, but I should be able to login and have the site recognize what I want to see as a first page no matter whether I'm using my own or a public browser.  Also, if you're someone who doesn't use bookmarks (I don't), this workaround won't do you any good.



