

Agent Talk status for reporting purposes


已于 2017年3月08日 发布

It would be helpful to be able to utilize Zendesk to confirm Agent payroll hour submission. I'm looking for the ability to report(s) to track my individuals daily/weekly/monthly talk activity.  I would like to see what time the agent logged in, changed their talk status (online/offline) and logged out each day.  I would much rather count on the data given by Zendesk rather than  utilizing an additional payroll/timekeeping system. 



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Karen Hynes

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi everyone, 

Karen Hynes here, I'm a Product Manager who recently joined Zendesk and will be working on Agent Activity reporting. 

I have commented on the thread Zendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availability asking for further feedback from you all on this experience as we are currently in the discovery stage. If you have any further suggestions to add there, that would be fantastic.

All the comments, use cases and requirements posted here are extremely useful whilst we are thinking through how to create these reports so if you have some time, please head over there to continue the conversation - that's where I'll be posting updates and collecting feedback going forward. Thanks!




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Jenny Gillett

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Dionne, 

Thank you for your feedback, This is an interesting use case, I can understand why you would prefer to rely on the data coming directly from Zendesk into you your payroll system, unfortunately it is not the direction we are taking the product at this time.  However we are discussing as an enhancement which might help you bridge the gap in the meantime is to have more granular reporting and flexibility around agent status. Meaning agents will have more status options  i.e.  break, lunch, training, meeting etc. rather than just online or offline. I don't have a time frame for this enhancement yet but we will be sure to communicate it when it lands on the roadmap. 

Hope this helps you. 





I agree with this. It'd be great to be able to see exactly what time agents log in every day so we can ensure obligations are being met. 


I'm also after stock standard contact centre "adherence to schedule" type reporting.  Furthermore, reasons for being offline should also be available, so you know what's causing time  to be taken off phones.  These should all be available for current day and historical time periods


A historical state report would not only be helpful in supporting payroll issues, but it solve a lot of other operational needs as well. Being able to see when and why statuses were changed would be helpful in controlling your contact center and knowing what opportunities for improving your team members are, especially when the planning/operational management team is not able to see for themselves what is happening in a 24hr environment.

A simple example of a report would be 


Agent: Steve Ross

Report: 1/1/18-1/2/18

Date - Time                      Status                                         Duration               Changed By

1/1/18 - 08:59:45             Logged-In/Unavailable                 00:45                    SRoss

1/1/18 - 08:00:30             Available                                       03:10                    SRoss

1/1/18 - 08:03:40             OnCall (609-###-####)                 08:12                    System

1/1/18 - 08:11:52             Unavailable                                   10:00                    SRoss

1/1/18 - 08:21:52             Available                                       00:04                    JSmith

1/1/18 - 08:21:56             OnCall....................



Hello, is there any further development on the timeline this type of feature might be implemented?  





Yes! This is an enhancement that is much needed. It would be great if statuses could be customized and reporting was detailed for schedule adherence purposes. 

The example that Steve gave was wonderful.


This is an essential stat that needs to be added. I have a small team and it has come to my attention that one of my agents may not have been in the available status during the time she is supposed to be. I need to know how many hours each day she has been available to take calls. We haven't had talk long and  I did not know this would not be a stat I could report on so I have not recorded her available time at the end of each day via the API. 

I agree with Steve. This is a stat that needs to be added for schedule adherence. If the data exists in the API at any point it should be able to be reported on per day. 

Please and Thank You.



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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks, Kellie. 


Hello @ Nicole,

Is the enhancement @Jenny previously referred to still on the road-map? Do we know exactly what features it will bring and when it may be released?


It is absurd that a customer service app does not have any way of determining a customer service agent's time in the system. This is desperately needed for proper management of a call center. 


+1 for determining availability as well as the much needed "unavailable reasons" (meeting, lunch, break, special project, etc).


Do we have any new info on this feature being available @productmanagers???


We have a similar use case - if someone has set themselves as Unavailable we want to know why - i.e. are they on a meeting, having lunch, on a mobile phone call, etc?


+1 I'd like to be able to trace why calls went to voicemail during business hours, report on % of day that agents were available


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks, Mike and Andrew. 


I would like a report that shows Total Agent Online Time. This is shown under talk but I would like a report that I can view by date. My KPI's are customer satisfaction driven. I require my agents to maintain a specific set online time so that customer calls are answered in a timely matter. If I am not able to capture that data daily then I am not able to go backward and report on it. 


Zendesk do not seem interested in supplying proper agent management information. For some reason they do not think that people running a customer service group are interested in Workforce Management. They keep telling me to buy the Tymeshift add-on instead of properly embedding these functions within the base software. 


Is there any update on this request? This is an essential feature for the proper management of a service desk.


I second Scot Sunnergren 's comment, it does not make any sense to not be able to report on an agent's Online vs Away time as that is essentially what determine an agent's performance , this is a very basic requirement.

Any progress on the above ? I see this has been raised over 1 year ago


Also going to comment on this again. It has been one year since I last commented and we still do not have the ability to report on agent stats per day. I do not understand how the data is there in the live view area at the end of every day, but if I want to save that data, I have to manually enter it into my own report. If I forget a day, there is no way to go back. If I go to reporting >talk>agent activity and hover over the "more" I can see everything I need Total online time, Time available,Calls accepted etc.... the data exists!! Why is this information not downloadable yet? 


This is definitely an area we'd like as well. I can't understand why the data available on the day simply disappears. Wouldn't take much to retain it like all the other data points that are available for historical reporting purposes.


While I agree this should be available historically - we've gotten around this by creating a powershell script that runs on schedule nightly.  We make a call to the agent activity api (https://developer.zendesk.com/rest_api/docs/voice-api/stats#agents-activity) and store those values in an Oracle database.

Though there has been times when the job has failed to run which results in us losing out on data for that day and unable to retrieve it - which is a bummer.


Thanks! Same problem here!


Agree with @... and @.... It has been 2 years since this issue was raised. Determining the Agent Availability status is a key component of CC reporting.


Hi Zendesk, I understand you are working with Tymeshift to monitor agent activity but it is another paid product and we are already paying for the Enterprise plan. It does not make sense that this enhancement has no update yet after 2 years. Are there plans of putting it in the roadmap anytime soon? 


Wanted to echo the thoughts here.  If there's not another way of digging into the information, it is difficult to communicate with an agent that they are consistently not meeting performance unless you tally every day, and keep a record outside of Zendesk, of their available time aggregated across status.  Is there another way of getting this information?  Seems silly that I have to do the math on my own.


Is there any update on above requests when it will be a available?


Any update on this?  Measuring schedule adherence and/or compliance are standard measurements in contact centers. Without it, KPI's can become misleading leaving the organization and the agents at a disadvantage.


@..., I don't think that this is their priority at all even though its been asked for more than 3 years now. 

I hope that they really look into this seriously. Its such an important feature for contact centres like you said 




