Enable custom ticket field columns to be added to the request table in Help Center my activities page
已于 2014年5月31日 发布
Hi, I've seen a few people asking for and commenting on the inability to add columns to the request table in the my activities page in the new help center, this would be a great feature as we need to be able to display some of the custom end user visible fields to the users in the request table (since its a summary table). We've had quite a few queries from end users wanting to use this feature. An example of this is that we have a custom field which tracks the product the user is logging a ticket about, it would help the end user to be able to filter by this field. Currently we are now having to alter the subject line of the tickets to include the product name applicable to the ticket which understandably is a real pain.
Please, please??? :)
Thanks, Stash
159 条评论
Klang, Lena
I add another deal breaker which is that our end user think that their Zendesk api not give them what they need.
They no longer have a nice overview of the issues.
In former api they were able to sort by ID (on my tickets today they are able to sort on created -but not in the organisation view where they see all tickets - where it is most important for end user manager to have control over what the organisation doing) it's embarrassing to tell them that this is supposed to be better for them as they now are able to have a knowledgebase - but that doesn't help them to independent be able to keep track of the tickets.
So we should be able to filter all existing fields without at least that it doesn't matter how good the agent api is getting. This was doable before why did you remove that possibility?
Please fix so the users at least can sort in the way they want. (Because now when you view all tickets by the button - solved tickes take a lot of space and are of no interest
But you do want to see all waiting for my answer and open!
Manuele Bastianelli - Easy Market
I really hope you improve the helpcenter customization.
We need to add customfields in the request list page.
Viorica Pop
This feature is so needed.
Please !!!!
Cindy Glackin
This request has been open for 3 years. Any updates? We just started using the My Activities page for our users. Within the first day I could see the ability to add additional fields was badly needed.
Regan Perry
Was able to customise the request List Page by editing the page in the theme editor.
We wanted to show the 'Priority' field, and also allow the user to sort by that column.
Took a bit of looking around to find the exact right names (and some guesses based on fields displayed on other pages) but eventually got it.
First needed to add the Heading and make it a link that would change sort order:
and then the rows get displayed underneath as per:
The result:
Regan Perry
oh, you know what - that only helps for existing Zendesk fields, not custom fields, as per the OPs requirement.
Sorry. I'll leave that there though - perhaps it may be the beginning of a solution..?
Petri Oksanen
We also need to add custom ticket fields to the help center.
Since the custom ticket fields already have unique ordinals that they can be referred by (the "custom field ID"), it doesn't seem too complicated to make them available as well, the same way as the standard fields already are.
Andrea Sorcinelli
We are trying Zendesk during our trial, and being able to add custom ticket fields to the help center is crucial for us, too. Things like this will probably affect our final decision about becoming customers or not.
Mike Hamann
Don't hold your breath they will ever do this. I asked in February 2015, it is still not even on the roadmap. I also don't believe Zendesk even reads these posts, because if they did they would have done the enhancement already.
Cindy Glackin
Was anyone able to get Regan's solution to work with a custom field? I tried but was unsuccessful.
Martijn Snels • pluscloud.nl - Zendesk Premier Partner
Hi Cindy, Regan's solution only works for existing Zendesk system fields and doesn't work with custom fields at the moment.
Swati Chopra
+1 we need custom fields on zendesk my activities page. Please prioritize.
James Guillemot
+20 (customers and agents asking me for it)
Ady Harold
@Regan Perry, that's pretty cool and works for us mostly, thanks!
Trouble is that the sort on the custom column doesn't work. It just sorts by last updated date instead. It looks like it's doing something when the "priority" column heading is clicked, but doesn't actually order based on this.
Has anyone else encountered or managed to fix this? I've got complaining clients!
James Guillemot
@Ady Harold yes - this is happening to me too the sort isn't quite there. Urgent should be at the top when descending, then I have a mixed bunch of high normal lows all over
Ady Harold
Hi @James, I had a bit more of a play with it today, and it feels like a bug in the API. The sort_by value of priority does exist in the API documentation, but within the context of search, rather than this.
Jake Donovan
+ 100 on this one
Looking forward having this feature.
I would really need to add some custom fields to the grid.
Voting for it !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nicole Saunders
Hi all - Thank you for the feedback. I've got a list of things to ask product for updates on and will hopefully be able to let you know whether they're working on a solution for this issue soon.
Cory Archer
The lack of capability like this led to finding another platform. Hope this gets added for those who move forward with Zendesk as it should have been an initial consideration.
Three years on, and still this isn't implemented?
Our customers can SEE the custom field (in our case, 'Customer Account ID' in a ticket in 'My Activities', but cannot see (therefore nor add) their customer account ID when actually creating the ticket through 'Submit a Request'
Madness really :/
Frank / Jonas
+1 this feature is really needed !
Pascal Turmel
+ 1 - Taken the lack of other "Status" to differentiate say a defect from a normal incident, I thought a solution via displaying a custom field indicating the type of issue faced would help, but the inability to do so is very restrictive indeed
M. A.
I am seeing that for the past 3+ years customers have been begging for the most simple basic feature (that should be expected in V1) and that is adding the "priority" column to the requests search. Why has that request been so ignored by Zendesk for so many years? It is a very simple addition, it should be expected.
If an End-User manager goes to "Organization requests" to get a report and review open tickets from his/her org, they get a very basic report (reminds me of MS. Access), you cannot do much with it, you cannot filter or sort by anything except for "Last Activity", a very important piece is missing and that is "Priority", the report is almost useless!!! This is a very simple fix (yes, fix not an enhancement) that should have been done years ago. How did Zendesk think that this useless report is OK? Customers are frustrated.
Not to mention that we should be able to use tags, etc... in the search itself. But if you cannot search by priority, good luck seeing tags.
Nicole Saunders
Hi all -
I checked in with our Product teams, and they said that this isn't in the near-term plans, but they do recognize the value of this request and are continuing to consider it for prioritization sometime down the road.
We receive far more feature requests than we can accommodate, and even a small or "easy" request is still one of hundreds that come in every month. We would love to be able to fulfill every single request, and it's tough to know our users are experiencing any kind of problem with our products. But our resources are finite, and we have to make difficult choices.
You're welcome to continue to vote on the original post or add detailed use-cases, but we will not likely have an update on this particular functionality for a while.
M. A.
When a customer ticket is waiting for an internal fix, it goes to an "On-Hold" status. When customers view their open tickets, this ticket shows as "Open", even if they click on the ticket, it still shows as open. When do we get the requests view customization? I would like to be able to show the status to customers and allow them to query by it.
Also, is there a list of recent features that came out or features that are in the pipeline?
Nicole Saunders
Hi M.A. -
You can see recent releases in the Product Announcements section of the Knowledge Base.
We do not have a publicly available list of features in the pipeline.
bmin bmin
I used ajax to add custom field column in request list table.
First, you add column header of custom field in the requests_page template.
You need to change custom_field_key to your custom field id you want to add.
Jake Donovan
I keep getting an error that ID doesn't exist with the exact code.... Any thoughts?
bmin bmin
Did you add my code correctly. Maybe you forget <div id={{id}}></div>.
If it not work, Please show me your code.