CSS branding not applied to sign in page (Help Center)
已于 2013年9月12日 发布
We brand our Help Center with CSS. This works fine for the home page and the "submit a request" page.
The branding isn't applied to the "Sign in" page:
Zendesk Support told us (ticket #498068) that this feature is currently missing. I do believe it's very important for a consistent, professional experience towards our customers.
149 条评论
Deepa Daniels
Hi @Jason and @Sonia,
The beta was closed when we released the new login modal.
Thanks @Deepa. When I click on your link above, I get this:
Is this because I need a higher plan for it?
Colin Piper
@Jason, no it's not a plan thing, the actually thread has disappeared. I have the emails from when it was originally posted but it is not public to anyone now.
@Deepa, can you fix this?
Jennifer Rowe
Got it. I removed the "join the beta" link. Sorry for the confusion guys.
Scott A Woodworth
+1 WOW this dates way back to 2013? So I would assume this is not going to happen any time soon.
Hawi Jacobs
+1 , Why hasn't this been worked on in 2+ years?
Manoj Tammali
+1 for the request.
Rupert Hawkes
Hey guys, would love this feature! Is there any news? Thanks!
Steve Wiseman
+1 from us. We have a client asking for this feature. Important to them for the complete customer experience regarding the Zendesk Help Center.
Ashutosh Singh
+1 for the request.
Roger Duthie
We are looking to customise this sign-in page with our logo. We've recently switched to the Help Centre and, in testing, our marketing department pointed out that users are landed on a blank log in page when connecting to our support site URL.
Having a modal sign-in dialogue might be pretty good, but just being able to add a background image, etc., to the sign-in page, as it stands, would be fantastic.
Perhaps this would be added to the pages you can customise in the Help Centre Theme?
Derek Sozou
Hi I've noticed that this thread is over 2 years old and still looks to be an issue. Our company has recently moved over to the 'Help Center' (Which was fairly painless), but I can see no way to customize the login screen! (Generally the first thing our users see!)
Please can we have CSS access, to improve the look of this screen! Currently styled with inline styles, that I do not have access to.
The Help center has been around for quite a while, I was hoping that all issues with styling would have been fixed by now.
+1 for the request.
Rupert Hawkes
Guys any news? this is crucial for the decision to use zendesk or not :)
Christian Colding
Hi all,
For security reasons we unfortunately can't open up the login dialogue for full CSS/HTML/JS customization. I really wish we could open it up fully, but we need to take security very seriously which unfortunately limits us in the amount of customizations you can do. Instead we have to rely on a limited amount of settings that you would be able to choose.
So first we need to build out our capabilities of doing these kinds of settings, but we would also have to think about whether these settings would truly solve the problem. While there are definitely use cases around simple style changes like colors or fonts, there are also customers requesting more advanced options in designing the login dialogue.
We have begun work on supporting more settings in our theme, which we also need for other things and once we have that out we can reevaluate what we can build and support when it comes to the login dialogue.
@Chistian thanks for clarification, but the thing is: If I choose to not active the helpcenter I don't have the option for the customer to have a form for "Anonymous request" Am I right? This feature was avalaible in previously Zendesk wecenter but now is linked to have helpcenter. And to customize helpcenter to have the same look and feel of the brand is more expensive on effort side then simply to have a login page simple
Am I missing something? Is there any solution to have the "old version of webcenter" ? Or is there any way to have a form to collect the anonymous request avalaible without have helpcenter?
Christian Colding
Hi Donato,
You are right that it's currently not possible to have a form for submitting anonymous requests without Help Center enabled. At least not without using the APIs. How this ties into the ability to customize the login page, I am not so sure of. Can you elaborate a bit on that?
Steve Wiseman
Hi Donato,
You can modify the HC so only the submit ticket form is available to customers. Remove the links to the home page and the user won't be able to navigate at all. All you would need to do is use the same Headers and Footers as your existing corporate site. Also maybe change the font style in the New Request page, and you are good to go.
Let me know if you need help with that.
Hey Steven, that's is very interesting workaround. Can I ask you what do you mean with "remove the links to the home page"?
And also, I'd like to keep anyway the way to login in the zendesk by SSO way. Do you think that I can keep this?
Thanks a lot
Steve Wiseman
I mean the thumbnails. Take the Zendesk support page for example. If you removed all the links from the logo and the thumbnails (shown with the red border), a user cannot navigate anywhere else. Put in the Headers and Footers whatever you want.
You can have different header options for regular and anonymous users if needed. For example, with clever coding you can also say IF user = anonymous show THIS, IF NOT, show SOMETHING ELSE.
Feel free to reach out to me if I can help via our website - www.contextengage.com. We are Zendesk partners, which means we sell licenses and also design&implement HCs. We'd like to help you if we can.
Mark Adkins
Did the modal version of the help desk login never go live for all customers? I don't see the ability to set this anywhere, and still have the same old un-stylable for security reasons login screen. Can't even resize the logo which I doubt is truly a "security risk".
Derek Sozou
Being able to resize the logo would be nice.
How complicated can it be?
Ryan McGrew
@Mark Adkins
The modal version of the sign in has rolled out to customers: https://cl.ly/1l2l2A3a130Z
There are still some certain instances where a customer may be redirected to the full page authentication form however.
Mark Adkins
@Ryan McGrew - When I log out of my Help Center, I am taken to a full page login screen. I've never even seen the modal. Is there some system setting i need to change?
Ryan McGrew
@Mark - I took a look at your account and now realize it's due to the fact that you have a restricted Help Center. In this case, we use the full screen sign in to prevent users from seeing any part of your Help Center.
Does that make sense?
Allen Hancock
I'm also interested in the ability to edit out login page.
Specifically, I'd like a new SSO option, one which allows authentication to our own app, but still provides the built in login.
The problem this solves is that users who are subscribers to our product can leverage the SAML/SSO we support. The current SSO method required users to log in via our app, however, we don't want to limit support to people who are already subscribers.
Peter Rush
Hi Ryan,
Are there plans to allow some basic customization of the login screen (beyond just logo and name of the help center?)
Our instance of ZenDesk is private and we need the ability to post a simple message on how to request a login. Basic stuff.
Ryan McGrew
Hi Peter,
It's something we're looking at and requires some coordination between the Guide team and the team that manages the Authentication work flow for all of Zendesk. We've had a few brainstorming sessions on how we'd like this to work but we don't yet have a timeline for this.
The biggest issue we have here is with protecting the security of authentication. If someone were to execute untrusted JavaScript on this page it could harvest usernames and passwords. This is obviously not ideal and therefore we have to keep this page tightly controlled. Unfortunately, for our customers this means there isn't much of an ability to customize this at the moment. I can update this thread once we have more in the works.
Peter Rush
Thanks Ryan - appreciate the response. I understand the challenge of permitting customization while managing security. I would suggest a phased approach - can you start by enabling a simple messaging area with basic html text/hyperlinks? While some of your clients running secure help center are looking to make login page their "homepage", there is a simpler use case to solve around providing direction to new users on how to obtain their login credentials. A customizable message area below the login would allow clients to direct customers to their account rep, or to a support desk email address, or to a URL where a request form lives... you get the idea. Thanks!
Shaun Benting
Is it at all possible to remove the "sign in with google" block from the login page as we will never use this feature?