

A better way to manage attributes and metrics


已于 2020年11月30日 发布

In Insights (GoodData) we had a "Manage" section and we could see listed all the attributes and metrics (default and customised). This was a very important area, where we could keep track and manage all of our customisations in one place.

In Explore, there doesn't seem to be a very good way to manage calculated attributes and metrics. You have to open up a query, then click Add (under Metrics), then click Calculated metrics/attributes, then click the Edit pencil on each one. This is very long drawn out, untidy process for managing these.
It's also odd that these don't appear in the Calculations section of the query.

Do you have plans to introduce a like-for-like feature in Explore so we can manage these metrics/attributes in one place rather than having to follow the steps above?



7 条评论


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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Mark Powell,
thank you for your feedback regarding the management of attributes and metrics.
We understand the importance of managing these customizations, and we appreciate your suggestions for improvements in Explore.

We are currently reviewing how we can enhance the management of calculated attributes and metrics as part of the new report builder.

While this item won't be part of our 2024 roadmap, it is something we will review in the future.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.



I would appreciate this functionality as well.  It's easier for a colleague to review a created metric in a list rather than in a query. Being able to categorize them so they're easier to find is helpful.

I'd also add in that I'd like a notes section.  I like to include any help article links for metrics I've created in case I need to refer back to them later.

Metrics and attributes should be able to be shared across datasets so there's one place to maintain them rather than having to edit them for each dataset if something changes.



Yes, please. It's one big mess now. We need them in one place with an indication where a metric/attribute (especially custom) is used.


+1 It is definitely a pain to have to open up a query to view our calculated metrics/attributes. A separate page/section to manage them outside of queries would be amazing.


+1, it is a mess and hard to manage.


Any updates on this one? It's impossible to properly manage custom data and attributes, let alone it' so time consuming trying to understand what you have created since there is no way to organize them (can they at least auto sort in alpha order?!). This was a big miss with the move from Insights (GoodData) to Explore. I honestly wish Insights would come back as it was so much easier to use and such a great tool!


Was getting ready to create my own post about this. I'd love a way to view unused metrics and attributes and delete in bulk. I create lots of tests, or re-think how certain metrics/attributes are created and replace them all the time. If I were able to get rid of the junk, stuff like Decompose and Drill would be so much more useful to my team.



