Explore full dashboard export
已于 2018年11月14日 发布
As an end user I would like to have an option to download the entire dashboard with all tabs.
已于 2018年11月14日 发布
As an end user I would like to have an option to download the entire dashboard with all tabs.
28 条评论
Walter Bellante
Hi everyone,
apologies for the late reply.
The ability to export the entire dashboard (e.g. with all tabs) is something we plan to include in the new dashboard builder.
While we don't have a firm date on Exports yet, the new dashboard builder will be rolled out to Professional customers between the end of Q2 and the beginning of Q3.
I will keep you posted once I have a firm date.
Follow this post to stay up to date with the features released.
Ankit Bhatnagar
This remains an issue. You can not export the dashboard with all the tabs.
Please fix this.
Andy Killingsworth
Hi, Ankit.
Thanks for creating this feedback post. I've confirmed that the current expected behavior is for dashboard exports to only include the tab you're on when manually exporting. At this time, we don't have the ability to export all tabs at once, apologies for the inconvenience. Other users have made similar requests, so I'll mark the ticket from this thread as feedback for our Explore team.
Sorry that we can't do anything sooner! In the meantime, please manually export each of those tabs.
Eckhard Doll
I am irritated by the lack of this too. I mean, the function is called "Export dashboard" and not "Export tab" after all...
Also, it would be great if the PDF export would at least recognize the dimensions of a dashboard. "Custom" sets it to a width of 1180 per default. If one has a different dimension, this has to be entered manually first.
I'd also like to enter a name for the file to be exported. A file name like "b7735dcb-a73a-4a9b-8bd6-8bb327951e91.pdf" isn't exactly helpful.
And images placed in tabs do not show up in the export.
I need to have a proper export feature for management without everyone being forced to become a Zendesk user first.
Tobias Hermanns
Same for us +1
Brian Mortensen
Same here... These issues are MUST fix...
Sam Dearing
Exports are not recognizing the dimensions of the dashboard which is a problem. When I export a larger dashboard it either scrunches all the charts together to fit the fixed 1180 width when I fit to screen, or it cuts it off if I have manual dimensions. Frustrating.
Jean Johnson
Also, when you export to PDF, A4 Portait and A4 Landscape are options but not Letter (8.5x11).
The tool is great for people who can live in it but it makes management reporting difficult.
Others - FWIW, I separated the tabs of my dashboard into separate dashboards for export purposes. :(
Tobias Hermanns
I´ve the same issue, very annoying...
Efrat Barak
I would like to export the Explore Dashboard (or part of it) into Datadog which will combine other performance dashboards of the company product performance
Vladimir P
Critically important for us too! Big +1
Harriet Klymchuk
+1 as well; as mentioned by Jean, the dashboards are great when you are in them, but when you require to capture reports on certain days and times and keep them as they are for record purposes, having to export multiple tabs individually, or create separate dashboards for each tab, is time-consuming.
This is particularly inefficient when you have detailed reports and dashboards going into 10 tabs or more.
John Tieu
+1 - This would be a huge win for our clients to give them the ability to export their own dashboards.
Adrian Bishop
This is really important for us, it seems ridiculous you cannot click a button and get the same result as the scheduled delivery, you have to know the height and width of each tab to get a good export too, but the scheduled delivery does it perfectly???
Eugene Orman
Hi everyone,

Thank you for the feedback. We are aware of this issue and will be working on allowing full dashboard exports.
@... Regarding the resolution selection in the Export modal, it is not obvious but the values that appear in the modal correspond to the default size of the dashboard tabs. So, if you will export a dashboard without modifying the width and height fields your export will have exactly the same size as the original. We also will review design of this modal:
Eckhard Doll
@..., yes, please review that. Having to set the width over and over again to my own default for each tab on export is really annoying. And +1 on the general topic.
Eugene Orman
@... Just to clarify, when you open the Exports modal the size is shown by default reflects the current (original) size of the dashboard. So, until we update the exports modal UI the best approach is not to modify the width and height fields if you want to export the dashboard in its original size.
Demo: https://share.getcloudapp.com/Jru110j6
Adrian Bishop
Comment understood, but please consider changing this, the default tab size is too small for our reports, and we would expect the default to at least adjust to the current size of the tab. Ability to export as per the scheduled delivery format is much needed too.
This is highly criticised at the moment by our management team. We purchased Explore Pro on a 6-month initial basis, to assist further justification for subscription, we hope this is in the roadmap for improvement.
+1 for this; For a long time I've been trying to recreate the workflow we got from Insights/Gooddata, but it's really annoying that Explore has so many quirks that need workarounds.
Reporting to our customers is so labor intensive now (creating a seperate dashboard for every customer and exporting every tab seperately, then merging the PDFs) compared to Insights where one report was enough combined with one export schedule per customer.
We need a way to export a Dashboard PDF that includes multiple tabs as well.
This is yet another major pain in the ass I've discovered with Zendesk as of late. Nearly every annoying quirk gets complaints dating back years in the support forums, yet few of them get addressed.
Tobias Hermanns
We also waiting since Explore release for that....
Nicole Saunders
@... - we're aware of the less than stellar communication around feature requests, and are taking some active steps to ensure that threads no longer linger on for years without updates. We'll be announcing those during our Community Feedback event tomorrow, (7/13) and will be sharing in several announcement posts.
Just signed up for the event. Thanks, Nicole.
Permanently deleted user
Are there any news about this?
Funny enough the schedule function can generate a PDF including all tabs.
So from the outside it looks like the functionality needed to generate a export including tabs is already there but simply can't be triggered using the export button.
CJ Johnson
@... Nobody from Zendesk has touched this thread in year+ since you posted that you were working on not letting feature requests sit for years without updates. Could we get an update on this request?
HAC_RD Admin
@... Any updates on potential fixes? We really need this function to work! It makes a huge difference to our productivity.
Nicole Saunders
Hey HAC_RD Admin,
I'm not the product manager, so I'm not qualified to answer your question. But I have asked the PM to join the conversation, so hopefully we'll be hearing from them in the next few days.
HAC_RD Admin
Will be looking forward to it :)